View Full Version : What do your non-simmer friends say about you ???

07-09-2010, 07:51 AM
What do your non-simmer friends say about you when they see your project ?


07-09-2010, 08:03 AM
Unfortunately most of the words expressed by my friends would be blanked out by this forum's anti-profanity policy but the expression is usually in the positive. I find it most interesting those that come into the room (its in my study) for other purposes and don't say anything. It's not like it's your usual addition to a room! Lol.


Matt Olieman
07-09-2010, 11:20 AM
Nicely said Ken :) :) :)

It's not what they say, it's what they don't say, and the look on their face...... :)

Matt Olieman

09-06-2010, 02:14 AM
To be honest every Monday evening a very good friend, and real A319 pilot, comes in my place and we usualy order pizza and beers and fly online. Together most of the times two other friends come too which makes actualy a Monday night IN for all of us. It is like a guys meeting every Monday and we have alot of fun. BUT those are my best friends since school and we are together almost 30 years.... As a side note, none knows about my cockpit building passion, except my family and my 3 buddies from school.

Few weeks ago, I had few friends (parents of my daughter's collegues). One of them is pretty closed to us, so I decided to show him my cockpit. When we entered the room, his eyes got bigger, no words came out of his mouth for a few minutes, and I realised that eventhough he liked the idea, without saying anything, he could not understand the point of building such a construction in a home. It was very uncomfortable for me, and I decided that this was the first and last visitor in my cockpit that is not a simmer.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but most non simmers tend to see the cockpit as a game and not as a serious trainer...

Tony Hill
09-06-2010, 02:35 AM
Interestingly, the F-16 and Spitfire are in different rooms. The most common comments on the F-16 are "gee, that looks complicated", "did you solder all those wires?" , "is that a plane?".

The most common comment on the Spitfire is "WOW, CAN I HAVE A GO???"

Funny, in that pound for pound the Spitty was about 1/10 the effort to build of the F-16 and the Falcon has much more in the way of flashing lights, switches and displays.

09-06-2010, 03:24 AM
Please correct me if I am wrong, but most non simmers tend to see the cockpit as a game and not as a serious trainer...

Correct, then they dont understand how we can spend so much money to just a "GAME".
I have say that it takes couple years or it will not be complite ever and thousends of euros go to it, so they think am out of my mind.
I havent let anybody to my sim yet, coz still much to do.
Many have ask to see it, well later on.
They also asking all to time, is it ready now, so they also dont understand, how much work and time it takes to build up something like this.


09-06-2010, 03:29 AM
First of all the oohs the wows and then I fire it up, after the first turn after take off my favorite comment is definately - "I feel sick, I need to get out", who needs a motion base haha? Second favorite comments - "Will you make one? What will it cost and when will it be ready?

Cheers Gwyn,

09-06-2010, 03:30 AM
My next door neighbor and friend thinks it's cool. The rest of the neighborhood must think I'm nuts. All they see is me in my garage, coming and going from Lowe's, tools flying, saws screaming, me cussing, then some huge contraption appears.... disappears, and I just keep carrying stuff into the basement... I'm sure they think I've lost my mind.

Neil Hewitt
09-06-2010, 01:58 PM
It's a source of some amusement at work. All in good fun, generally. The reactions range from 'wow, cool!' to 'erm, that's very nice, glad you have a hobby, can we get back to talking about something normal now'. As I'm the boss they don't dare take it too far :-)

Among my wider friends, most are very curious about the whole thing. The most common reply is 'when do I get to have a go?' followed by some disappointment when I reveal that it'll be several months yet. Probably helps that I work in the software business and most of my close friends are ex-work colleagues, so we're all fairly technically minded and geeky. Even the non-geeks are impressed that I'm willing to go to such lengths for what they see as a hobby. Most are following my blog posts - I recently mentioned I was going to turn off Wordpress auto-updates to Facebook and Twitter and got a stream of comments back saying 'don't do that, I'm enjoying watching your build' from all sorts of folks including random acquaintances.

I've yet to encounter anyone who reacted in a less-than-positive way. I think some don't quite see the point, but if they know me at all then they'd know it's precisely the sort of thing I'd do. Certainly I don't feel the need to be 'in the closet' about the whole thing.

09-06-2010, 04:28 PM
Yesterday I had my sisters kid over. He stepped in to the cockpit and stated: "This is a bit more accesories to a videogame then Guitar Hero".

09-06-2010, 05:47 PM
For me I havent shown my in progress sim to many people. My wife thinks im nuts because of the money aspect. Ive told her I spend way less on my hobby than some other people I know. I dont show it off or talk about it much since most of my circle of friends dont understand and I dont feel the need or want to take the time to explain or justify it. Right now my sim is my way to break off and de-stress.

Tony Hill
09-07-2010, 02:47 AM
First of all the oohs the wows and then I fire it up, after the first turn after take off my favorite comment is definately - "I feel sick, I need to get out", who needs a motion base haha? Second favorite comments - "Will you make one? What will it cost and when will it be ready?

Cheers Gwyn,

Gwyn likes to pretend it is the sim that makes them sick.....:p:p:p

Actually Gwyn's sim is so well set up and enclosed that you actually do FEEL motion. I find myself countering the sway whenever I barrell roll it anyway..... :)