View Full Version : Pedestal bay, NAV, COMM, ADF and the rest...

07-18-2010, 01:58 PM

My project needs a pedestal.

I am between CP Flight, Open Cockpits and CockpitSonic pedestal products. I have decided to go to a PnP solution and not build my own. I want to go to a COMM1/2, NAV1/2 plus one ADF one transponder, and a dummy backlighted fire suppression panel solution.

CP takes the lead because of my CPF MCP737EL and double EFIS I alreay have and I am very happy with. The COMM1/2, NAV1/2, ADF and transponder will be connected to the MCP without any external power as the CP manual says ( Radio modules do not require an external power supply adapter since they are directly supplied by the MCP). I am guesting that I have to get a pedestal bay from fly engravity right ? Or can I purchase a OC or better a cockpitsonic pedestal bay ? Has anyone any experience with CP radios and pedestal bay from another supplier ?

On the other hand OC has half the price than CP as far as the radios and and the pedestal bay is concerned, so that gives me the possibility to go for a used TQ with the rest of the cash left.

Last CockpitSonic offers a good solution on pedestal and radio products which are in between CP and OC in price. I really do not know the quality of those but I am very happy with my CockpitSonic MIP, so I am guesting the same would happen with the radios.

What is your opinion on those three radio and pedestal products ?

Any ideas ?



07-18-2010, 03:28 PM
Hi Nick,

I am in the process (amongst other things) putting together my pedestal. I already have OC radio - Comm 1/2 and Nav 1/2 running without the pedestal and they work just fine. The software is downloaded from the OC site and works a treat. You do not need a power supply - but if you want back lighting then I would suggest you also order the power leads that go with them. They are compatable although separate from the OC MCP and FMC that I have. They will work just fine with your CP MCP.
They are true scale and I have no regrets in buying them. I cannot how ever make any comparisons as they are all I have but I am sure others will say the same.


07-29-2010, 03:52 AM
Thanks Gary for your answer :)

Actualy I am leaning towards CP flight hardware.... you know how it goes... Since the MCP is CP, something tells me to continue with CP for the radios too.

I am searching for a dummy fire panel (prefferably backlighted)... any ideas ?

07-29-2010, 05:32 AM
Hi Nick
I have the same solution as what you explain here.
I have a pedestal from cockpitsonic with all radios from CPFlight. firepanel and other panels in the pedestal is cockpitsonic and maybe OC. Bought it used, so i'm not sure about the OC bit.
Radios fit perfect.

You'll soon start think about the MIP, and I got the DualTrainer complete from Cockpitsonic... just if you wonder about something.
Another thing to take into consideration is what cockpitsoftware you will use. Do not jump to conclusions about software. Take your time to try all demos and ask around.

Pedestall pics:


07-29-2010, 10:10 AM
Hi nax,

Thanks for the reply. Actualy I also have the DST from cockpitsonic, and I am trying to expand to the pedestal too. Can you please tell me about the fire panel and the rest of the panels except the radios ? Are they dummy ? Are the backlighted ? What do you think about the quality ?



07-29-2010, 10:22 AM
All the panels are ready to interact, meaning buttons are buttons and dials are potmeters. Annunciators can be functional with adiode + apropriate interface and logic.
Panels are not backlighted as they come, but I'll do that in the same operation as everything else that need backlighting (mip & oh).

The firepanel is kinda cheap qualityvice, but looks ok enough. In real the 3 red handles need to be pulled before they can be turned, mine is free to turn without pulling.
They are switches just like the DU switches and only glued to the panelplate. Very easy solution... too easy in my eyes. One of them is loose. I hope to find a better way to fasten them all instead of simly gly the loose one back.

All in all they do the work for me.

07-29-2010, 06:12 PM
I've got the full suite of CPFlight radios (2x COMM, 2x NAV, 2x ADF, 1x xpndr, 1x rudder/aileron trim) and couldn't be happier. I also heard from Paolo at CPFlight about a month ago that they have more pedestal products (cargo fire panel, audio panels, engine/apu fire, etc.) in the pipeline and should have news soon, which would be outstanding!

09-01-2010, 07:44 AM
Thanks Chris :D

To be honest I was on holidays and did not make any decisions yet.

I have quotes from CP & OC and OC are half price !!!!

My question is are CP worth the extra money comparing with the OC ones ?

@Gary -> Just a note OC in their message told me that all PnP pedestal radios ARE backlighted and do require only one USB cable. Maybe they have changed that for the PnP modules ?

09-01-2010, 01:56 PM
Hi Nick.
Hope you had a good holiday or more than one as you said it was plural !!!

Just to clarify, the OC pedestal radios are indeed back lit via the USB cable but they also have a 5v DC input available which would be beneficial if you are running loads of PnP devices into a hub as most of us do. It serves to minimise any voltage drop over the USB cables.

Just as an aside, the OC MCP does require the 5v input but is not back lit.

My pedestal will have 'dummy' devices where they are duplicated so I will be installing my own back lighting in any case.

Sorry if I caused any confusion.


09-01-2010, 04:13 PM

as you know I use the cockpitsonic parts. The pedestal is functioning very well. What is not functioning is the audio panels and the trim panel. For the last one, I would recommend to use the CP trim panel, which looks to me very good.
I dunno any company providing a functioning audio transmission panel, does somebody here? That would be something very nice for online flying, unless you have a yoke with in-built press-to-talk button. Although I had my cockpitsonic dual linked yokes manufactured with an additional button for this function, I have not yet connected it to a USB board. I am using a small USB keypad for the time being.
What is also not functioning in the cockpitsonic pedestal is the ATC 1/2 switch in the transponder unit, which of course would be very helpful in online flying when you want your F/O to monitor another frequency (e.g. to capture ATIS at destination). Is someone here aware, if these functions are realised by the units of other companies, esp. FDS???


09-02-2010, 12:07 PM
I was stuck with the same crises as you are .... well if we can call it a crises that is.
I too have the MCPLE and 2 EFIS. I have decided on the CPflight ATC panel simply because the duel concentric roatry works. The OC radio has two encoders, one for the whole number and one for the decimal number. As far as the rest of the radios are concerned, I will be going the OC route. I have seen the OC radios up close and find them to be of excellent quality. This leaves me with some extra cash for other stuff... like saving for a TQ. I have the ATC panel vrom CPflight and will be getting the first two radio panels next week.

09-06-2010, 01:52 AM

I am really stuck here. Maybe it is because it is Monday morning and my morning cofee was not strong enough ????

I am somwhere between Opencockpits and Cockpitsonic with CPflight radios....

The Opencockpits solution offers full PnP radio modules at a lower price range than CPflight, but the ATC module, as many have said, does not have dual concentric rotary switch. Also all other panels need work to operate and are more expensive including knobs, switches and potentiometers. So Opencockpits offers a fair PnP solution for the radios, an ATC module without a dual concentric rotary switch, and a more expensive compairing to cockpitsonic pedestal panels solution. Nevertheless as a total cost Opencocpits full pedestal with radios and panels with knobs, switches and potentiometers cost 800 euro less than the following solution.

On the other hand, Cockpitsonic panels (with buttons and switches) and pedestal bay together with CPflight radios as said above cost 800 euros more, BUT one has to take under consideration that we are talking about CPflight radio modules (more expensive) and also we are talking about the rest of the panels with already the potentiometers, knobs and switches installed, just screw and ready to go! Also the bay is full metal and predrilled oposed to the OC bay which is wooden and needs screwing the panels in the right place. 800 euro of course can be a used TQ or the deposit for a new one, which is actually my next step :roll:

On the above, one has to take under consideration that OC has as far as I know excelent service and quick delivery, comparing to Cockpitsonic which from my personal experience is slow on delivery issues.

Ehhh what the heck....... I am already at work, I am ordering a Greek cofee now, who knows ???? Maybe cafeine will help me decide :?:

09-06-2010, 03:13 AM

Take a look at what interfaces you will be using for the overhead and such. If you plan to use OC's IO solutions, then I'd lean towards the OC products. It will give you the opportunity to learn how to use SIOC.

On the other hand... and forgive me if I don't remember correctly, but you have CPFlight MCP and EFIS's in your DST, correct? That would keep the interface consistent.

I've been installing OC cards and while the learning curve (mostly due to poor english documentation) is steep, there are a lot of resources to learn it.

I guess really, it boils down to paying the extra money to have the drop in, plug-n-play solution. Looking forward to seeing what you decide.

"Δεν το έχω ξεχάσει. Πρέπει ακόμη να πετάξουμε online μαζί. Σχεδόν έτοιμος ... σύντομα."

09-06-2010, 03:51 AM
Hope the coffe is strong enough now. Mine tastes well.
I have CPf, OC and CS products. If you can afford it, buy CPFlight. OK, they are a bit more expensive, but in a moth the money spent won't bother you and you sit with the best products. You will love them... and they will love you back ;)

Another cup of Java now.

Have a nice day!

09-06-2010, 03:52 AM

Take a look at what interfaces you will be using for the overhead and such. If you plan to use OC's IO solutions, then I'd lean towards the OC products. It will give you the opportunity to learn how to use SIOC.

On the other hand... and forgive me if I don't remember correctly, but you have CPFlight MCP and EFIS's in your DST, correct? That would keep the interface consistent.

I've been installing OC cards and while the learning curve (mostly due to poor english documentation) is steep, there are a lot of resources to learn it.

I guess really, it boils down to paying the extra money to have the drop in, plug-n-play solution. Looking forward to seeing what you decide.

"Δεν το έχω ξεχάσει. Πρέπει ακόμη να πετάξουμε online μαζί. Σχεδόν έτοιμος ... σύντομα."Hi Warren,

To be honest I do not have a clue about the OH, if I go with an OH at all !!!!

My aim is to put 8 push back lighted buttons on one of the blank pedestal panels with a bonard card to switch on and off the lights that are situated on the OH. After that I really do not know if, when and how an OH module will be needed. We'll see how it comes. I am settling loading a flight in FS with the engine already started instead of cold and dark. I am happy with that setup for now.

I will post after deciding :D

09-06-2010, 03:56 AM
Hope the coffe is strong enough now. Mine tastes well.
I have CPf, OC and CS products. If you can afford it, buy CPFlight. OK, they are a bit more expensive, but in a moth the money spent won't bother you and you sit with the best products. You will love them... and they will love you back ;)

Another cup of Java now.

Have a nice day!Cofee was strong enough, but still no decision made :p

Thanks Nax, Will post soon :D

09-09-2010, 04:10 PM
Just made the payment :D (should I be happy ? :p )

So Opencockpits was my final decision !!!

All radios (2xCOMM + 2xNAV + 1xATC + 1xADF), all pedestal panels, DZUS screws, a pedestal box, a dummy 737 CDU, one Rudder Trim indicator with panel, 3 closing pieces for pedestal and some buttons and knobs (not all of them) are my 2100 euro order including shipping to Athens and VAT :shock:

Thanks all for the advises.

I will post few pics when I receive the products and during installation.

More of course will be available in my 737NG thread http://www.mycockpit.org/forums/showthread.php/20424-Nick1150-Home-Cockpit-737NG-project-in-Athens?p=109133


09-10-2010, 02:48 AM
I must be honest. I picked up my first NAV radio this week (OC) and it has a few flaws. The backlighting is on, period, there is no way to turn it off or dim is as far as I can see. There is a little light bleed from the backlight onto the digits but a little black paint on the sides of the leds will help (I'll correct that this week and post some pics). The thing which I mostly dislike about the OC radio is the size of the concentric knobs, they are massive compared to the CPflight ones. But, that said, it is a good pruduct and I think a deal for 155 euro incl taxes (in Holland).

09-10-2010, 03:42 AM
Congrats. 2100€ setback is quite a big one in one turn.
I know you'll be like a little child when picking up the package :D Gonna be great!!

Looking forward to see your pedestal coming alive.


09-10-2010, 04:16 AM
Thanks :D

Indeed it is a BIG setback, but at least with this package I do all, dummy CDU, pedestal and overhead together, since in my order I have included 10 push buttons which together with a bonard card will play the role of the overhead lights panel on a pedestal closing panel which is left. This way full pedestal panels (without all buttons unfortunately for the time being), all radios, overhead light panel and a dummy CDU for the CDU bay will have a check in my list. Next to follow a TQ, 2 seats and the external visual, but I will need months to get the cash needed for that :razz:

09-27-2010, 10:52 AM
Just a quick question...

Has anyone from you guys who already have Opencockpits radios, have tried to install them on a different company's pedestal bay, like for instance Cockpitsonic, FlyEngravity or any other ?



09-27-2010, 01:58 PM
I have them in a handmade bay. but they are to the exact measurements of the originals, so they *should* fit in all bays!

09-27-2010, 02:13 PM
well, I have *CPFlight radios in a cockpitsonic padestal. I know thats not what you ask...

10-07-2010, 06:01 AM

A new update is ready… Pedestal is already working… It took some time to make this happen due to several reasons, most of them NOT my responsibility, but nevertheless I can fly now with less clicks than ever!!!

As a general comment:
If you are looking for a pedestal bay, just pay for an aluminum one, or do it yourself. Any other way will hurt. No more comments. Trust me on this.

The PnP OpenCockpits radio modules are in an acceptable quality level, according to my personal opinion, and are really PnP. Just run the setup file downloaded from OC. Restart and then plug in all modules to the USB ports. That’s it…. It is very easy. No programming, no settings, nothing. It was so easy for me too, but it seems that (see the pictures that follow) I plugged an USB light too for back lighting purposes, which seems that caused my USB PC port to crash and loose any communication. After few days of struggling around I found out that this was it. So be careful not to connect any other devices to the hub, and always connect the hub directly to the PC. If you follow this, you are flying in 3 minutes!!! About the ATC, which many stated about the lack of dual concentric rotary switch, my personal opinion is that, I can live without it. It took me few seconds to realize how to change the ATC code, and since then I have no problems. As a final comment, I would say that OC PnP modules are worth the money, and I would buy again one of these.

All other panels, I call them dummy, are ok. Nothing extraordinary, not bad either. I have already installed all buttons, knobs, and switches to them and I like the way they appear on the pedestal. I would buy again OC panels too. Worth the money.

The blanks you see on the bottom are a OC fault. I have already cut fiber glass panels and sorted that problem, but I do not have updated photos to show them. Will update soon.

Pictures here http://www.mycockpit.org/forums/showthread.php/20424-Nick1150-Home-Cockpit-737NG-project-in-Athens?p=110563#post110563

Hope you like it,
