View Full Version : IFly 737

08-14-2010, 05:02 PM
IFly 737 for FS2004 manual is now available for download from today- 500 pages!
I wonder how this will be for interfacing?

Matt Olieman
08-14-2010, 06:14 PM
Thought I would mention, there are several B737 and other aircraft manuals available for download in our downloads area.

08-15-2010, 03:52 AM
Thought I would mention, there are several B737 and other aircraft manuals available for download in our downloads area.

Yes indeed Matt but just in case you misunderstood, the IFly737 will be a new release for FS9 and FSX . Since PMDG are not releasing their new 737NGX for FS9 users the IFly 737 has been causing great excitement within the FS9 community. The release of the manual would possible indicate the imminent release of the 737 package. It will indeed be interesting to 737 builders to discover whether or not it can be easily interfaced with our add on hardware.
Now to do some serious reading!!!

Michael S
08-27-2010, 06:08 AM
The IFLY 737 NG is now available.


Jordan Farmer
08-27-2010, 06:17 AM
well, i guess its worth a try, but i dunno, i think many are happy with the PMDG, but we will see if this is better :/

08-27-2010, 07:31 AM
It will be interesting to find out if this interfaces with various hardware e.g. CP Flight MCP and EFIS, Go Flight modules etc. I suspect it will but I would like this confirmed before purchase. The big complaint with the PMDG by cockpit builders was the lack of an SDK plus the decision not to release the PMDG NGX for FS2004.

08-27-2010, 03:59 PM
I purchased it this morning and am still battling to get it all working properly.
It looks good..... but that's about it. I must say that all at Flight one are helping to get the problem solved.

See here: http://www.simforums.com/forums/serious-problems_topic36088.html

08-29-2010, 03:06 AM
Good morning gentle(wo)men:-)

does the iFly 737 has an SDK to make it possible to read out the systems via FSUIPC?


08-29-2010, 04:18 AM
Not sure what is meant by an SDK but the IFLY 737 has "hundreds of programmeable key assignments". However although the PFD, ND and EFIS "pop up" they can not yet be dragged or resized. The developers tell me they are keen to meet the requirements of cockpit builders and expect to include this in a service patch. Have a look at the IFLY support which can be found over at "SimForums" - sorry haven't got a direct link just at the moment.

08-29-2010, 06:29 AM
Hello Bill, thx for that fast reply:-) I hope they'll do meet the requirements of cockpit building. Of course, there might be a lot of key assignments - but the most import question is: is it possible to read out led states and all that stuff via fsuipc or a real sdk and, also "of course", the instruments (ft. cdu) must be resizable and draggable. when these requirements will be met, i'm sure this aircraft might be a good alternative to PMDG's 737; maybe a better one if they offer an easy way to read out led states...

Regards, Michael

Note: the sdk (software development kit) offers library functions that allow third party software (e.g. drivers for some hardware) to access the aircraft systems data...

Steve Masson
08-29-2010, 01:08 PM
Hi Everyone,

I am a sim buider but not of 737NG but an Airbus A300. I have been helping flight1 support the release of this product, kind of ironic.

I just to keep you all updated. The developers are creating an interface that canread/write nearly all of button/switch/selector. As the product has only been released 3 day the main focus is to get the minnor issue addressed first then accomidate user requests.

The interface still needs some time to be tested fully before release. It is hoped to have a SDK available for the aircraft in the future.

The only display window sizable atm is the cdu but that should also be address in the near future as well.

Oh and no I won't be buiding a 737 and scrapping my A300 :0)



08-29-2010, 02:02 PM
Hi Everyone,

I am a sim buider but not of 737NG but an Airbus A300. I have been helping flight1 support the release of this product, kind of ironic.

I just to keep you all updated. The developers are creating an interface that canread/write nearly all of button/switch/selector. As the product has only been released 3 day the main focus is to get the minnor issue addressed first then accomidate user requests.

The interface still needs some time to be tested fully before release. It is hoped to have a SDK available for the aircraft in the future.

The only display window sizable atm is the cdu but that should also be address in the near future as well.

Oh and no I won't be buiding a 737 and scrapping my A300 :0)



Ahh c'mon Steve you just know that the 737 is waay superior to the scarebus!!!

Steve Masson
08-29-2010, 02:12 PM
Ahh c'mon Steve you just know that the 737 is waay superior to the scarebus!!!

The best your going to get Bill is that flying the 737NG did make me smile and only because it almost flew as well as my Airbus.



08-29-2010, 04:27 PM
LOL Steve - I do confess to flying my 737's with a joystick!!!
Take care

09-06-2010, 04:09 AM
IFLY 737 would be interested for us (cockpit building) ONLY if it has SDK outputs and is at the same time tested with all additional hardware we use (Opencockpits, Cockpitsonic, Flyengrvity, CPflight. etc, etc....)

It is useless to buy an addon package and realise that your CDU or yoke, or MIP card is not operating.....

My personal opinion is that I prefer waiting than experimenting :roll:

09-06-2010, 08:04 AM
I believe the IFLY team will be very keen to implement builder's needs as soon as they have the "release bugs" sorted. Their support forum is very active and if you read there you will find they are sympathetic to sim builders. Like you I also am waiting to see how this develops before purchasing.

Steve Masson
09-08-2010, 07:37 AM
I just wanted to update everyone on the progress with making the iFly 737 Sim builder friendly. We are just about to release an interim patch for users that had CTD's and covers some of the reported bugs, we will then move on to finishing the service pack. We are talking to CPflight and hopefully opencockpits in the coming days along with some other companies, the support we have had so far has been excellent and should make adding drivers support pain free for the developers.

As we get closer to incorporating the support I will post details here and we might need a couple of testers to make sure we get it right 1st time.

Take care


09-08-2010, 07:44 AM
IFLY 737 would be interested for us (cockpit building) ONLY if it has SDK outputs and is at the same time tested with all additional hardware we use (Opencockpits, Cockpitsonic, Flyengrvity, CPflight. etc, etc....)

It is useless to buy an addon package and realise that your CDU or yoke, or MIP card is not operating.....

Not only that, it would be nice to be able to run gauges etc. on different (networked) pc's. Not everyone has a flightsim PC with multiple graphic cards to put away PFD, ND, Stby instruments and FMC screen.

But that's my 2 cents.


09-08-2010, 07:57 AM
I just wanted to update everyone on the progress with making the iFly 737 Sim builder friendly. We are just about to release an interim patch for users that had CTD's and covers some of the reported bugs, we will then move on to finishing the service pack. We are talking to CPflight and hopefully opencockpits in the coming days along with some other companies, the support we have had so far has been excellent and should make adding drivers support pain free for the developers.

As we get closer to incorporating the support I will post details here and we might need a couple of testers to make sure we get it right 1st time.

Take care

I just wanted to update everyone on the progress with making the iFly 737 Sim builder friendly. We are just about to release an interim patch for users that had CTD's and covers some of the reported bugs, we will then move on to finishing the service pack. We are talking to CPflight and hopefully opencockpits in the coming days along with some other companies, the support we have had so far has been excellent and should make adding drivers support pain free for the developers.

As we get closer to incorporating the support I will post details here and we might need a couple of testers to make sure we get it right 1st time.

Take care


Thanks Steve,

Looking forward for updates :D

09-08-2010, 08:20 AM
Thanks Steve. Outstanding support.
Best wishes,

09-08-2010, 12:34 PM
Nice to see you here too Steve :)


Steve Masson
09-08-2010, 04:08 PM
Nice to see you here too Steve :)


We need to stop meeting like this.


09-18-2010, 12:44 PM
Hi Everyone,

I am a sim buider but not of 737NG but an Airbus A300. I have been helping flight1 support the release of this product, kind of ironic.

I just to keep you all updated. The developers are creating an interface that canread/write nearly all of button/switch/selector. As the product has only been released 3 day the main focus is to get the minnor issue addressed first then accomidate user requests.

The interface still needs some time to be tested fully before release. It is hoped to have a SDK available for the aircraft in the future.

The only display window sizable atm is the cdu but that should also be address in the near future as well.

Oh and no I won't be buiding a 737 and scrapping my A300 :0)



Steve can I please beg you to do a repaint of the iFly 737 800 in Caribbean Airlines colours and BWIA colours. Thank you so much..in advance:)



10-11-2010, 02:16 PM
Any updates ?

10-11-2010, 02:35 PM
There have been two patches released.

10-11-2010, 03:51 PM
There have been two patches released.
two patches ?

What does this mean for us, cockpit builders I mean ?

Steve Masson
10-11-2010, 04:28 PM
Hi Everyone,

We have released Interim Patch Version 2. The purpose of this release was to address some ctd issues some users experienced. The patch has over 60 fixes and enhancements for the aircraft. We are currently working on the Service Pack and have started looking at adding hardware compatibility.

We will be adding a hardware cockpit builders section to our registered users forum so we can keep our owners informed and they can share advice and tips . If you ever want more information just PM me here or at the iFly forum.

Take care

Steve Masson

11-12-2010, 06:51 PM
Hello folks ...
How do you get to operate the pax, service and cargo doors separately ?
I also cannot get to open door 2R ...
Thanks for helping !

11-13-2010, 06:46 AM
Hello folks ...
How do you get to operate the pax, service and cargo doors separately ?

It is not possible to open the doors separately. They are either all open or all closed. This functionality has been requested for a future update but at the moment the team are working hard at ironing out all the creases in the flight model and initial release. I am not sure whether the individual doors will ever be realized but up until now this add-on has seen excellent customer support and developer response to customer input, .. so lets hold thumbs.

Hope that helps.

11-15-2010, 07:23 PM
Thanks !

They are either all open or all closed.

Does "ALL" mean ... 3 out of 4 ?

Otherwise why doesn't 2R open along with the other three ... ?


11-15-2010, 07:58 PM
ALL = all the opening doors. IE the doors that open when you press SHIFT+E

11-16-2010, 03:47 AM
Aside from the fact that in my modified setup F1 took the place of shift+E, when I hit it, I can see
- pax doors 1L, 2L
- service door 1R
- cargo doors
all opening at the same time.
Service door 2R (the right aft door) remains closed, so it looks like it can't be considered an "opening door" according to your definition.
I wanted to make sure that I wasn't missing something !