View Full Version : Hello all

Trevor Hannant
08-19-2010, 09:37 AM
Hi all, just thought I'd drop by and say a quick hello before going back into lurking mode...

Found the site through helping Matt out with some software issues previously, spoke to the girlfriend and got her approval to get building - well, as soon as we have the space... :roll:

To those well down the line of building - keep up the good work and to those who are new like me, good luck!

Matt Olieman
08-19-2010, 12:27 PM
Welcome Trevor. Once you get in here, you won't be able to get out.... :) :) :) We'll get you hooked into building a Sim in no time at all. :) :) :)

Wish you all the luck, not that you need it. :)

Matt Olieman

Trevor Hannant
08-20-2010, 03:04 PM
Thanks Matt.

It honestly WILL have to wait until there's space - there simply isn't any in this little terraced house... :(