View Full Version : HELP! SIM-HAWK 2000?

08-28-2010, 03:19 AM
I'll start out by saying that I'm definitely new to any type of flying. I own Flight Simulator X and a AV8R-01 Joystick but this morning I happened upon a Sim-Hawk Panel Unit and Rudder control. I believe it to be a Sim-hawk 2000 model because it only has 3 knobs on the bottom; Throttle, Mixture and Carb Heat. The Unit did not come with any cords or cables and its definitely outdated compared to my PC but I snatched it up for $5! I was just taking a chance that someone out there could help me out and let me know if there is anyway I can convert those old 15 pin joystick cables and keyboard plugs into a modern USB plug, and if so were can I get these supplies and possibly an power cord for it? Thanks for all your help in advance!

P.S. I looked it all over and it does not specifically say what model it is, just Sim-Hawk Panel Unit.
It has a 9-pin plug that is supposed to run from the rudders to the back of the unit.
On the back it says "++12VDC 300ma", I'm 100% sure that the power cord I need but it also says in the top corner
"Sim-Hawk Panel Unit"
If someone could tell me what this means I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks again everyone!

08-28-2010, 09:33 AM
You can buy USB to game port adapters at most places that sell computer stuff. Here is an example I found on Amazon.

It sounds like you got a bargain, let us know if you get it working. And pictures of course. :)

08-28-2010, 12:31 PM

Number 2 on the list, but the link to the company that mde the unit now goes to the people who make the Anywheremap GPS units.