View Full Version : Best Match to RAL 7011 (Boeing grey) in spray paints ... help.

Geremy Britton
08-30-2010, 08:12 AM
Hi all,

Do apologise for my lack of contribution in the forums over the last 2 months or so. Despite enjoying the summer weather i have recently done work on the sim (at last!) I've got the MIP and frame all marked out and cut. And its temporarilly tacked together and it looks great.

However before i let you lot loose on looking at the progress id like to get some colour on the bare MDF. I'll be MDF sealing it over the next few days but if anyone could tell me their best match to boeing gray RAL 7011 that's fairly easy to get hold of please let me know!

Its a shame they dont make the boeing grey in the standard rattle can, so i'm looking for close match as this will be colour i go with for the whole sim.

Any help - much appreciated.


Jordan Farmer
08-30-2010, 09:07 AM
Well, im not sure of a similar type, the only paint i can think of for boeing gray is the stuff sold by opencockpits, and at 39EUR a pot, you dont want to see any waste! Sorry i couldnt help any further, but im really looking forward to seeing the sim so far!

Geremy Britton
08-30-2010, 09:12 AM
i'm really looking for a spray paint. Its not as difficult to get a paint pot of it.
I dont want to buy a spray gun, i'd rather just grab a few cans and i'm sorted.

Jordan Farmer
08-30-2010, 09:19 AM
well, ive just taken a quick peek on the B&Q website and all i can find is plasticote spray in matt gray, and that looks quite close to the colour you are looking for, and its quite easily available

B&Q Spray Paint (http://www.diy.com/diy/jsp/bq/nav.jsp?action=detail&fh_secondid=9254129&fh_view_size=10&fh_eds=%3f&fh_location=//catalog01/en_GB/specificationsProductType%3dspray_paints&fh_search=spray+paint&fh_refview=search&ts=1283174217029&isSearch=false)


08-31-2010, 09:33 AM
Go to Halfords and check out the range of spray paint for cars.

Alternatively, I went to my local DIY shop and they mixed up RAL 7011 for me while I waited.

09-04-2010, 04:35 AM
Hi Geremy,

I have used the Plasticote grey spray paint from B&Q and it is obviously grey but the issue I have with it is that it is a little darker and has (to me) a slight green tinge to it compared to the greys used on my other panels from Phil744, Symulatory etc. Its fairly cheap so why not grab a can and see if it gives a satisfactory colour for your needs?

Just my 2p...

09-04-2010, 05:15 AM

I agree with Mike, the B&Q Plasticote Grey is slightly darker, but it is matt/satin not gloss and works well for me


09-04-2010, 05:36 AM
Hi Guys,
I too went to B&Q. I also have the plasticote grey, but as yet have not tried that. Had B&Q mix up a sample pot of RAL7011, again as yet I've not tried that to get a comparison with the Boeing version of RAL7011. They will mix up (not sample) Gloss, satin, and matt in differing sizes.
Don't forget that the RAL7011 can be different in appearance due to; sun bleaching, differences in the mix, cockpit usage, wear n tear. I have some real boeing panels, and they have a differing colour(color) despite being made for Boeing and using RAL7011, by different companies.
I personally think that a "used" looking cockpit has a different feel to it compared to a pristine just out of the paint-shop, but hey-ho that's my pennies worth.
Regards, John P aka Flymo.

Geremy Britton
09-04-2010, 06:36 PM
Cheers Guys, B&Q it is then!

No Longer Active
09-05-2010, 08:24 AM
You can buy RAL spray paint in satin (any colour for £11.99) just that I can't get hold of matt, but....sold in a 400ml can.

09-05-2010, 03:16 PM
I use the plasticote stuff and it seems to match fairly well with the symulatory throttle and overhead I have. I also did my mdf seats in it, in fact ive used so much of the stuff over the years that my wife reckons I have shares in the paint company...