View Full Version : Enhanced Hardware Interface Driver (EHID)
09-23-2010, 10:57 AM
The Enhanced Hardware Interface Driver (EHID) is a program that provides an interface between simulator hardware and flight simulation software.
This is a very handy software/driver for all cockpitsonic hardware.
Check out the new release @: (
Finally my Cockpitsonic DualSeatTrainer talks directly to FlightDeckSoftware (
09-24-2010, 12:42 PM
Hi Nax,
This is great info. Could you expand more on how you got it working. I installed and ran the driver but all I get is a black window that disappears after a few seconds and nothing happens. I also have the CS DST and don't see any of the lights come to life. Thanks!!!
09-26-2010, 10:00 AM
Well the exe starts a process witch is the driver. You can find it if you go: START/run:services. It's called EHID_737, and you are not supposed to do anithing else with it regarding configurating.
I run FlightDeckSoftware and in CORE i hook the Cockpitsonic tab and leaves the default port number but types in my IP for the PC running EHID_737. The cockpitsonic hardware must be attached to the PC running the driver.
Then it workes :D nothing more about it:D
The functions have to be programed into CORE and I have only got a few functions by now, but now as we know it works more functions will come every week.
09-26-2010, 12:40 PM
Thanks Nax,
I had no idea about the ip address. I will do some testing this afternoon. Good day and once again thanks!!!