View Full Version : Multiple Monitor Setup

10-07-2010, 08:43 AM
Hi guys and girls, This may sound really Stupid! but I would like to setup my panels across 5 monitors. 2 monitors, one for the Captains side and one for the Co-Pilots side. Showing things like Altimeter, Vertical Horizon, Map, etc. I would like to know how to setup the same thing showing on both sides at the same time. Then on a different screen, on my touchscreen the FMC. Then the front view for outside view, and overhead touchscreen monitor showing the overhead panel. I very sorry for taking up your time to explain this to me, but I am really lost in doing this. Thank you.

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10-07-2010, 08:49 AM
A VGA splitter will enable the gauges to display on both screens. Wire both screen to the splitter and then the splitter will go into one of your video card outputs. Then connect your touchscreen to one of your other vga outputs, or even better if you have a usb screen then you are free-ing up one of your video card outputs. Connect your outside visuals to a TH2GO so that you can have a wider visual through one video card output. Then connect a monitor to a second video card to hookup your overhead. This is one heck of a load though for one pc, so I suggest you network up a few pc's and connect one or two monitors to each pc. Use WideFS and FSUIPC to establish this.

10-07-2010, 09:30 AM
Thank you so much, I understand.

Question, I have my main pc running FSX which has Vista 32. The other computer has XP Pro on it. Should I have to put Vista on that computer also? and load FSX on that computer also. Also do I have to put FSUIPC Wide on both computers. I am very sorry, but this is all new to me.

10-07-2010, 10:57 AM
Actualy I know that one PC, even a dual quore one, can handle 6 screens, as long as you have a dual DVI very powered graphic card and two TH2GO.

I did it with two TH2GO digital devices. 3 screens for the external view, one for the captain (+ one splited for the first officer), one for the EICAS and finally one for the lower EICAS, which can be touch screen to host the CDU and the rest of the needed windows. That makes 7 (!!!) screens in one PC, but it is actually 6+1 splitted with a VGA splitter. I do not have any problem with a medium to low range PC, running all these screens together with many addons, 6 USB radio modules, 1 MCP + 2 EFIS ++++++

I did it, so everyone can do it...

Just my 2c

Here is my setup, all with one medium range PC:








10-07-2010, 11:54 AM
Thank you so much, I understand.

Question, I have my main pc running FSX which has Vista 32. The other computer has XP Pro on it. Should I have to put Vista on that computer also? and load FSX on that computer also. Also do I have to put FSUIPC Wide on both computers. I am very sorry, but this is all new to me.

There is no problem networking XP and Vista computers so no need to change operating systems. There are a number of good resources on the internet to learn how to set up a network, google is great... You only need FSUIPC, FSX and WideFS running on your main computer, on the others you would run WideClient and your gauges, applications etc. I actually just got the Flightdecksoftware 6 pack running last night on a networked computer, very cool to be flying on one computer and watching a set of guages work on another.

10-07-2010, 11:58 AM
I understand, but you are using 2004 not FSX right?

10-07-2010, 12:00 PM
I understand, but you are using 2004 not FSX right?

I'm using FSX but as far as networking and multiple monitors goes, it essentially works the same for both FSX and FS9.