View Full Version : Wideview and secondary view

10-17-2010, 05:02 PM
I'm testing the demo of wideview and it works great (in FS2004) but i have troubles in making the secondary view work (on client side). It says in the manual that you can run two windows showing for example left and right view on the same pc. The way wideview does it is by using the virtual cockpit view for the second view. But when i test it both the virtual cockpit and the main cockpit view shows in the same direction. And i have configured the secondary view to show the other direction.

Is it a thing i have to actiavete on the server part to make it work or?

10-31-2010, 08:07 AM
Im trying to picture your setup. So you have 2 PCs networked running wideview, and the client is running 2 screen, left and right view?

10-31-2010, 08:36 PM
Try left clicking on the incorrect view and then hitting Shift and the left or right arrow key to switch the view to the opposite side.Sometimes you might have to hold the arrow key down, then release the shift key and finally release the arrow key to get the view to stick. I'm planning to do the exact same thing with two PC's so I'll be very interested in finding out if you get this to work or not.
