View Full Version : Large amount of MD-80 items available on E-Bay

10-21-2010, 09:42 AM
There has recently been a massive influx of MD-80 parts, and all for pretty reasonable prices. Additionally, there have been a number of MD-80/DC-9 projects popping up that I've seen, so I'm posting this information in the hopes that it will inspire a new project into a growing area of the flight sim community.


Main Instrument Panel and part of framework

Throttle Pedestal

Forward Overhead Panel

Overhead Circuit Breaker Panel

Above are just the "important" parts. There are control wheels (minus the columns), seats (both pilot and both pilot/first officer), and a number of other things. There is also a complete MD-80 overhead panel set that has both the CB and FWD OH panel, but the problem is that it is missing some lightplates, so I've not mentioned it. Both of these guys/gals run MD-80 teardown facilities that deal to simulator enthusiasts, so they will be willing to help answer questions as needed.

Joe Cygan
10-21-2010, 10:20 AM
Great post Chaser!

Just my two cents on the auctions. The glare shield and that upper part of the MD-80 main instrument panel are extremely difficult parts to find. This would be a great time to snatch those items up if your building an MD-80. Great find!