View Full Version : Looking for Supplier 0ff Complete 737NG simulator

10-28-2010, 05:23 AM
Hi Guys.

I am looking to purchase a complete 737NG simulator (Either assembled in sections or as a parts build) and so far can only find suppliers producing these for $70,000 or more, Flight Deck Solutions etc), I have a decent budget (Not quite $70K! ) but would love to hear from people who may know a supplier that fits the bill?

Any advice is greatfully recieved (I am based in the UK)


Sean Nixon
10-28-2010, 01:17 PM
Whilst there are cheaper panel manufacturers than FDS out there, I don't know of one that'll build a complete one. In fact, I would say FDS and FlyEngravity are your best options to have a complete, realistic and affordable 737 sim (a complete one). And having been building my own for about a year now, I'd say $70K (£44K or EUR50K) is cheap!

10-29-2010, 12:40 PM
Whilst there are cheaper panel manufacturers than FDS out there, I don't know of one that'll build a complete one. In fact, I would say FDS and FlyEngravity are your best options to have a complete, realistic and affordable 737 sim (a complete one). And having been building my own for about a year now, I'd say $70K (£44K or EUR50K) is cheap!

Thanks for the reply - I think i am almost sold on FDS and having spent an hour with Pete on the phone am certainly confident in there experience. I am just making sure that I am not missing a trick here and paying way oer the odds.

Is there a manufacturer that supplies all of the parts (For self assembly) not shy of time and hard work just dont want to spend 4 month finding a widget that hooks up one manufacturers bits to anothers...

Sean Nixon
10-29-2010, 12:52 PM
Rest assured you will be in good hands with the FDS crew. Best of the best!

Where abouts in the UK are you?



10-30-2010, 02:42 AM
Based in Northamptonshire, have just sold my business and currently on earn out (Finishing in 18 months). I wanted a simulator for personal use but am also looking to monetize by renting out to a few trustworthy simmers for modest hourly fee (Much less than current simulators) and then moving into commercial sim rental as a business properly when finished my earn out in 2012. This is all about a lifestyle business for me and enjoying and sharing the hobby.

I realised many simmers want to fly Vatsim fueled scheduled operations but current full size simulator costs are prohibative. My ultimate goal would be to opperate a Virtual scheduled airline on the sim, short hops, 1 - 2 hour sectors, evenings and weekends, i would not be looking to make massive profits just cover operating costs, wear and tear, replacment parts etc!

Its all a bit etheral at moment but according to FDS if I ordered soon they could have it installed and operational by Jan / Feb 2011.



Sean Nixon
10-30-2010, 04:06 AM
That sounds like a great plan Mark, be sure to keep us informed of your decisions and progress. I'd consider going the same route if I had the cash available, alas I'm funding it as I go along so my 737 is taking shape a lot slower than I'd like!

I'll be one of your first customers, I'll keep my Jan/Feb weekends free! ;)

Best of luck.


10-30-2010, 10:17 AM
I don't want to be a spoil sport, but you gentlemen have to realize that going "commercial" usually means paying a hefty bill for the software.


Sean Nixon
10-30-2010, 10:21 AM
I thought of that, but as he'd spoken at length to Peter, I'd assumed this had been discussed. What's Sim-A's policy on this?

10-30-2010, 10:27 AM
Don't know. Probably the same as with Project Magenta (although rates differ).


Matt Olieman
10-30-2010, 10:58 AM
Different rates regarding software only apply on the condition if the software is used non-professionally or on a professional basis. ("Professional" meaning if the cockpit is being used for hire).

Just on another note, that was the initial topic of this thread. There are several vendors that provide complete cockpit setups, some at different levels of product completion. I know one company that can ship out a complete cockpit within a few days others takes months. There are lots of choices, just look around.

BTW, when you discover the vendor that is right for you, and you found out about it here, PLEASE tell that vendor you found out about it here.

Matt Olieman

10-30-2010, 01:37 PM
Hi Guys

Peter did mention about Sim, A's two price policy $1500 Canadian for Enthusiast and $15000 for Commercial simmer - I have factored this into my plans.

Whilst I am having a few "New friends" around helping to cover costs he reckons i would be on the enthusiast licence but having just sold a software business and knowing how much work goes into software development I do not intend to play the system and would be happy to pay commercial rates once i go live!

I dod consider Project Magenta but Sim A's 2 PC set up is just perfect.

Peter also told me about some really cost effective ways to acheive 225 degree visual system without contacting steven spielberg!

10-30-2010, 01:41 PM
Hi Matt

Will do - Which company can ship in a few days? Whilst i am impressed by the feedback I have received about FDS i would love to talk to other suppliers of complete solutions to set my mind at rest. Also i have the funds available now and whilst I wont comprise quality, support etc I would love to get the ball rolling quicker than 4 -5 months!

11-01-2010, 12:37 PM
Try: northernflightsim.com
two thumbs up!!!!!!:D

01-19-2011, 07:47 AM
Hi Guys - Thanks for all of your help above it was very usefull. I have now not only found a supplier but they are at this moment in the middle of building my full simulator which is due for deliveru in March this year... excited is not really the word! The company I went with in the end was Simaviatick in Switzerland. It was a close run thing between FDS and them, i tried emailing Fly Engravity 6 times and never got a response, others i wont mention really didnt want my business (Odly enough - weird you cant give money away these days)! but in the end, their close proximity and the fact they had a demo I could look around, excellent remote and onsite support and the fact that upon signing on the bottom line they gave me the biggest hamper of chocolates you ever did see!

I have also finished the company website so any feedback you guys can give would be great. http://www.virtual-aerospace.com

I am presently turning the 1000 odd square feet of premises into a mockup airport checkin and lounge, which is good fun and hopefully this will all be ready for launch in April.

In the meantime I have also started to build a sim myself (Which is one **** of a learning curve but great fun) - To test my skills I bought the aft overhead from Symulatory which arrived about 3 days ago, quality of box is excellent but all of the buttons that should be backlit are solid plastic, any advice on where I can get ones I can backlight would be great.

Anyway - thanks again to everybody above.