View Full Version : fix variable during compiling ??

10-31-2010, 09:47 AM
Hello all,

is it possible to "tell" sioc compiler NOT to change the variable during compiling ?

Cause I NEED the variable for the Prosim737 MCP to work correctly !

I've tried to change the var.# ind the config of Prosim737 after compiling but then the displays don't work.

Many thx for help.

Greetings, Kai

10-31-2010, 10:12 AM
Problem solved by myself :)
Solution: SIOC-compiler don't change the variable if your script don't start with a zero-variable.

My script began with a zero variable and a timer..the next variable was 0100 and after compiling sioc creates a 0001.
Deleting the zero variable so the script starts with the 0100 and evrything is perfect. Lucky me :D

Greetz, Kai