View Full Version : Gauge Synchronization??

10-31-2010, 02:49 PM
And yet again, we hit a wall.

We are are currently building a Boeing 727-100 simulator and have FSX networked over two computers using WideView. One computer supplies visuals and the other computer supplies the gauges. We have simply positioned the gauges behind the original bezels on LCD monitors like you can see on many setups in the community. However, note that we are simply running FSX with wideview, due to the lack of "vintage" gauge support from programs such as project majenta, etc.The gauges function fine in the sense of responding to throttle changes, altitude changes, airspeed changes, and attitude changes.

Here is the problem. Our autopilot unit is connected to our main visuals computer, in this case the server, or "master" computer. When we change the course heading on the autopilot, it does not change the course heading on the gauges. Another example would be when we tune in a NAV frequency on the radio panel (which is also connected to the main computer) it does not also tune nav on the client computer. Obviously, this is a problem with WideView, as WideView does not exactly have total support with gauges.

Maybe I am asking if there is a better networking program on the market for what we are doing..... Anyone solved this problem?

And finally a pic of the sim..

Geremy Britton
10-31-2010, 04:19 PM
Hello, welcome to MyCockpit.org. Although you've made 12 posts to date, your flightdeck must have slipped my net... looks really good! Congratulations, i've always loved the 727 from its look to its cockpit.

Regarding the networking issue, most people use the wideview for visuals and not avionics which is something to bare in mind. Networking computers there are a variety of general softwares to do this. There are far more qualified people than me to explain in detail in this area just wanted to welcome you and thank you for the picture.

Best Regards :)

10-31-2010, 08:21 PM
Thank you for the very kind words.

I guess my question would be what is the best software for networking avionics?