View Full Version : Sol7 or NTHUSIM

Jan Pemöller
10-31-2010, 03:49 PM

what is the difference?
Do you any plus or minus points for me?


Matt Olieman
10-31-2010, 04:43 PM
Same company same product. NTHUSIM is primarily designed for the FlightSim Builders.

Hope that helps. :)

Matt Olieman

10-31-2010, 05:26 PM
There is another solution to, but I haven't any references on how it work. It should do the same thing, but at a cheaper price. Check out: http://fly.elise-ng.net/index.php/immersivedisplaylite

03-05-2011, 11:44 AM
Fly Elise-ng Immersive Display Lite 2 supports all the features supported by much more expensive NTHUSIM. The most important feature which distinguishes Immersive Display Lite 2 is the support for soft edge blending for ultimate projector alignment and image overlap. Check the announcement:



03-05-2011, 11:51 AM
....or check out what Ivar has now with Warpalizer http://www.ivarhestnes.com/ includes edge blending

03-05-2011, 11:56 AM
Immersive Displaly Lite2 - 39 Euro
NTHUSIM Plus Edition - $489
Warpalizer - 540 euro

Immersive Displaly Lite2 - From enthusiasts to enthusiast


03-05-2011, 12:27 PM
There's a lower price on Warpalizer, though you need to check with Ivar for it.....

You might want to add that some of those products you listed only work with Flight Sim, others will work with any game, movie, etc.... :)

03-05-2011, 03:30 PM
I can only second Nikola,
Immersive display Lite 2 is a very user-friendly, cheap and fully functional software alternative, if you want to warp your sim outside visuals. I am completely satisfied with this product.


03-06-2011, 03:55 AM
Regarding the difference between Sol7 and Nthusim, Sol7 is the commercial big brother of Nthusim and as Matt pointed out Nthusim was desgined to attract the home builder. There is of course a 4 fold price difference between the two but Sol7 brings edge blending with it. I have used Sol7 and wouldn't pay the higher price just for the edge blending. Ivar's Warpalizer is a good alternative as it adds warping, edge blending and colour correction all for a lower price. And just to clarify all these warping software will work with any OpenGL or DirectX application.



Magic Man
03-07-2011, 11:22 AM
And just to clarify all these warping software will work with any OpenGL or DirectX application.

Isn't Warpalizer Direct X or Open GL, i.e. a separate product and purchase for each rather than doing the both in one product?

03-07-2011, 12:12 PM
They have now agreed to give you both Opengl and Direct X version for the price of one


Magic Man
03-08-2011, 07:01 AM
Ah right, didn't know that, good move.

07-02-2011, 02:13 AM
NTHUSIM has had edge blending in since April with the latest version 3.0. And has the most complete DirectX and OpenGL compatibility of all the consumer level options out there right now. No need to get Sol7 unless you're building a commercial simpit.

07-08-2011, 11:41 AM
I can only second Nikola,
Immersive display Lite 2 is a very user-friendly, cheap and fully functional software alternative, if you want to warp your sim outside visuals. I am completely satisfied with this product.


i completely agree with you! I tried it out yesterday, 6 hrs setting up and i am now absolutely satisfied with product and result. So i didn´t even need the 30 days of trial. Compared to 10 mins trialfunction in other software, it is a real deal. That´s a good way to do business!
Absolutely fair pricing and quick reply from Nikola - cockpitbuilder what do you want more? ;-)

07-08-2011, 03:29 PM
Immersive Displaly Lite2 - 39 Euro
NTHUSIM Plus Edition - $489
Warpalizer - 540 euro

Immersive Displaly Lite2 - From enthusiasts to enthusiast


I use Immersive Display Lite2 in my mutlti projector wrap around screen full size 737 sim and all i can say is this, sorry if it offends. You would have to be pretty stupid to spend 490 Euro + when the 39 Euro software does ALL the SAME functions and adjustments as the high end software. Sorry, had to say it. :)

07-08-2011, 03:45 PM
I'm using Immersive Display Lite2.



05-06-2012, 08:30 AM
And now there is the most advanced and feature rich solution: Immersive Display PRO (Immersive Display for Professionals).



I'm using Immersive Display Lite2.



06-15-2012, 02:41 AM
I use Immersive Display Lite2 in my mutlti projector wrap around screen full size 737 sim and all i can say is this, sorry if it offends. You would have to be pretty stupid to spend 490 Euro + when the 39 Euro software does ALL the SAME functions and adjustments as the high end software. Sorry, had to say it. :)

None of those options would exist in the consumer market if that $489 version didn't initially exist. Immersive Display's programmers were given a license of Sol7 and bit the hand that fed it. Instead of working to give input and improve Sol7/NTHUSIM, they ripped it off on the cheap. Likewise with Ivar and Warpalizer. He was an early adopter of Sol7 that went off to pimp Warpalizer and get his referral code income. It makes me sad when I see people like 737NUT trash those who took the initial risk to give home builders a chance to use what was only till then for commercial and military simulators.

I've been around since the beginning of the consumer pre-warping market. It grew directly out of this forum from member feedback. It was originally a community effort and I strive to keep it going with that same community mindset the last few years on places such as WSGF. You won't find me doing selfish things like others have. It makes me sad when I think about those that have the knowledge to grow adoption of this kind of tech are all in competition with each other and have no interest in collaboration. It most certainly didn't start out that way.

People like 737NUT totally miss the point. You wouldn't have Immersive Display Lite if not for Immersaview taking a leap of faith in 2008 with Sol7 Home Sim Edition/NTHUSIM thanks to the firm conviction of a few users on MyCockpit that there was a market for it. You cheaped out then trash talk those that you should be thanking. NTHUSIM is a direct product of the MyCockpit community and you chose not to support it.

I'm a realist when it comes to all this nonsense. I own licenses for most of these products. I'm definitely not happy at all about the divisive nature of how things have fractured though. This isn't a case of competition being healthy. The market is simply too small for that.

06-15-2012, 05:25 AM
I stand by my statements. Where were you in 2008 around here? You made a concerted decision to compete with Immersaview and not assist them after Immersive Display Designer was introduced. Immersive Display line of products were produced to feed off of Sol7/NTHUSIM user base from the start. That is divisive and definitely not community building ethics. If you aren't a parasite, explain your ad practices on WSGF? At least you aren't as despicable as Warpalizer. They were posting referral codes on my YouTube video comments.

You'll need to do a bit of FAQ checking on your revisionist history. NTHUSIM was originally called Sol7 Home Sim Edition. It was first released to this very community in 2008. NTHUSIM website and first version was released in February of 2010 after rebranding from Sol7 Home Sim Edition. Go over to the website and look at the time stamps for messages in the forums and some of the setups pages if you don't believe me. That is long before your X-Plane claims. NTHUSIM shares a common codebase with SimVisuals and Sol7. Sol7 Professional has had edge blending in it as long as I've used it (2009) and SimVisuals got desktop pre-warping capability in September of 2010 (v2.1-b148 9/17/2010). Consumers that required the need were given them for years now and significantly before your feature releases. If a NTHUSIM user needed edge blending before 2011 Immersaview gave out Sol7 Pro to non-commercial users based on needs. If they needed desktop pre-warp they also did the same from 2010 on with SimVisuals. You know exactly who is copying who for features where Sol7, SimVisuals, Immersive Display and Warpalizer are concerned.

For a bit of fun history, here is a Mycockpit article from 2008: http://www.mycockpit.org/forums/showthread.php/11109-PRESS-RELEASE-ImmersaView-Sol7?highlight=sol7
Here is the thread that started it all: http://www.mycockpit.org/forums/showthread.php/11040-One-VERY-exciting-software-program?highlight=sol7
Read that thread front to back and get back with me about context. Pay particular attention to post #48. Are you still going to call me a crying loser after reading that post?

I own both your products and Immersaview's. I've been around here since the beginning. Spin it however you like, but your products would not exist right now without Immersaview's initial entry into the market in 2004 and a few people on Mycockpit who convinced them to make a new product line for consumers in late 2007.

Frankly, you calling me a loser is confusing. Seriously? I own your products. I own Immersaview's products. I'm an end user of both. You'll even find your pre-warping software is being used on screens I built and installed at Aviation Xtreme in Denver, Co. If anyone has a right to comment on products I have the background to.

ivar hestnes
06-15-2012, 07:12 AM

I cant see that you have the right to speak for me and my intentions. I dont really care if you are jealous on me and Nikita either. And I really avoid commenting your statements which is all around the internet where you are flaming Warpalizer and Elite. But it only strikes back at you. I can tell you that a very big percentage of our customers is pre-sol7/nthusim customers. So maybe we and Nikita can offer our customers something you cant? I discarded nthusim as it could not give me what I wanted. Whats the point with a visual system if you cant blend it? Well... of course you had to when your competition offered it. But I guess you still offer blending where you must align your projectors to the blend, and not the correct way. Why dont you instead treat your customers well and give them what they need, instead of insulting me and Nikita for giving the customers what they need. If you cant handle competition, then go build Lego or something.

I can see that you also indicates that I am a traitor. I can tell you this: I was a customer with your software, and I was not happy as you were holding back features. I got an opportunity to sell a professional product, and I jumped on to it. I dont care what you think of that. Very funny that as soon as we were on the market, then you also came with some kind of toy-blending. So all your statements why you could not offer blending suddenly vanished, lol. Talk about pissing in the pool...


06-15-2012, 07:27 AM
My software? I'm not on Immersaview's payroll. You guys have a monetary stake in your replies though. I'm an end user that donates my time for free to assist users on WSGF and the NTHUSIM forums. It's what people do when it's a hobby for them and they want to help others. You guys are in it purely for the money. You don't see me making a single dime off of any Immersaview software. You don't see me making a dime off of kickbacks and referral codes either. Get your facts straight. I'm disappointed in both of you.

My comments are not "all around the internet". They are in one thread on WSGF and this thread here. I know of no other places where I have directly made comment of either Immersive Display or Warpalizer. If you find more forums where I have said anything feel free to link them for all to see. I don't appreciate you perpetuating misconceptions about what I have and haven't said on the internet. If you like I can link directly to the WSGF thread I posted to also so everyone can put things into proper perspective.

ivar hestnes
06-15-2012, 07:42 AM
If you are an unpaid groupie, I dont see why you are complaining. You are not suffering anyway then. And I dont really care about the facts you are talking about. This is a business, not some kind of I mean this or I mean that playground.

To be honest, I think you are ruining more for your company than making profit for them. Many customers dont like the way you are "dealing" on the forums. its normally the dumbest way of marketing, by trying to flame serious competitors. You are underestimating the potential customers. If your company wants to sell more, the first thing they should do is to put a piece of gaffatape in front of your mouth. You are the one ruining for them. Not the competitors.

If you dont like competition, North korea would be a good place for you. Everything is a monopoly there. If the market is too small for the providers, then at the end one will disappear. Thats life. Grow up man.

06-15-2012, 07:50 AM
Not quite sure how you think I'm jealous of either of you. I'm only disappointed in you.

Get through your head, it's not "my company". As far as how people view me? I've helped a significant amount of people for free selflessly for years now. Thousands of hours in an effort to merely get the word out that this sort of thing is even possible for hobby users to begin with. They're just other simpit builders like me, I don't consider them to be customers to exploit for money. A lot of them are your paid customers though. You mislead people by willfully saying I do any of this for anything other than it being a hobby for me. You label me as a "unpaid groupie" because I have the ethics not to be lead around by referral kickbacks. If you'd rather be fixated on my opinion of the products out there and ignore my unbias assistance of screen design help, so be it. I'll help anyone regardless of pre-warping software they use with their screen. I'll never catch you guys helping outside your product though. Your association of me as NTHUSIM is wholly incorrect. I have no formal association with the product other than me freely assisting on their forum. Both of you have willfully misconstrued to people that I'm employee of Immersaview and anything other than merely an active forum member helping other users on a few web forums.

You deliberately misconstrue my comments to have anything to do with NTHUSIM. I do not speak for NTHUSIM nor Immersaview. As I am not employed in any way by Immersaview it is not my place to speak for them. My personal opinion is purely my own. It's a dangerous move for you to willfully misinform people that my opinion represents NTHUSIM and Immersaview. I think it would not be in your best interests to mislead the public about that anymore in an attempt to smear them as a product. The history and facts are simply not on your side.

BTW, care to address Warpalizer posting referral codes in my YouTube videos all through 2010-2011 and your boss contacting me via YouTube messaging about how I should also be pimping Warpalizer too? If you want validity to that statement under the Univisual YouTube account you can read my reply sent 5/24/11. Univisual has pulled a lot of douchebag moves with me as an individual over the last few years. Seems you were more receptive to them than I was.

I let my statements stand on their own merit and back them up with reference as I let your statements stand on theirs. I'm sure people will be able to see the forest through the trees with the last several posts.

You guys are a laugh riot. You make it sound as though I've been spontaneously pissed off as if by magic out of thin air without provocation. You guys know better.

06-15-2012, 05:02 PM
So which is better? Nthusim, Immersive Display, or Warpalizer? I still don't know. What I do know is this thread is not helping anyone decide what product to try or buy. What it is doing is potentially biasing some of the newer members who have not tried all these products. Moderators... I've seen threads closed for a lot less name calling, mud slinging, and counter productive arguments. Lets not all forget that each person in this hobby has their own reasons for being in this hobby, as well as their own end they want to pursue. Monopoly... no monopoly... it doesn't matter. Everyone has opinions and most have the right to express them, and while I log in daily to read these forums and welcome opinions, I hate to see three names long associated with the hobby flaming one way or another. I would humbly request that you take it to PM or email.
:D Life is too short to waste on this stuff.


06-15-2012, 05:12 PM
So which is better? Nthusim, Immersive Display, or Warpalizer? I still don't know. What I do know is this thread is not helping anyone decide what product to try or buy. What it is doing is potentially biasing some of the newer members who have not tried all these products. Moderators... I've seen threads closed for a lot less name calling, mud slinging, and counter productive arguments. Lets not all forget that each person in this hobby has their own reasons for being in this hobby, as well as their own end they want to pursue. Monopoly... no monopoly... it doesn't matter. Everyone has opinions and most have the right to express them, and while I log in daily to read these forums and welcome opinions, I hate to see three names long associated with the hobby flaming one way or another. I would humbly request that you take it to PM or email.
:D Life is too short to waste on this stuff.


I will respect your wishes. I appreciate the forum staff for having patience in all involved. I let the exchange speak for itself and leave it at that.

04-11-2013, 09:21 AM
Thanks anyway for this thread.

I am currently looking for a warping solution and for information about the three main competitors on the home cockpit market, so I found this thread. What I possibly learned here is that you do not have to always get the most sophisticated or the least expensive solution to get happy. If you get the rare opportunity to see how some people are behaving in a discussion forum, you can also consider ethical aspects before purchasing something. So after reading all the contributions I will definitely not go with Warpalizer.

Thanks again for this help.

Best regards,