View Full Version : 737 Over Head connections.

11-10-2010, 04:02 PM
Hello every one ..
For the complete electronic kit for OVH now i need to decide witch supplier i must chose depending on green available and the targeting quality. so I've open cockpit and fly engravity and still I've time to decide and ofcorse your recommendation will be highly appreciated and considers.

But the question is is this is really easy to do .. so i don't have any kind of knowledge about electronics but some one told me before that i'm capable of doing it
so is there is any kine of tutorials about where is the wires goes and the wielding points for the on of switches and rotary switches i mean like a guide for noobs ..
i know maybe this question was asked before but really i searched over and over but i didn't find any so where can i find that kind of step by step in over head connections from welding till IO cards connections to the PC ..

i know it's not hard question and remember that one day one of you was in my place and have a dream like me to set in his own simulator and fly high but he don't have that much knowledge and he was seeking it :))

thanks for letting me to be one of this cute and big family :))
Love you all

11-11-2010, 01:37 PM
24h and no answer ,, it's not that hard question .. ???

Sean Nixon
11-11-2010, 01:52 PM
I'm guessing there isn't a tutorial otherwise you'd have been pointed in that direction...

The difficulty in answering your question regards wiring the switches and knobs is that it is too vague at the moment. The replies would be varied and numerous and long.

Once you decide who's kit you are going to use, ask more specific questions in smaller chunks, for example...

"How do I wire up the landing light switch to this interface panel"?

I'm sure you'll get help if you ask smaller, more specific questions.



No Longer Active
11-11-2010, 02:25 PM
Well firstly I guess it depends on just how much of your overhead you want to actually interface, do you want just the basics, or do you want advanced control over the whole function of the overhead. Secondly, what software are you using. You may be using software that limits the overhead functionality. Cheaper softwares tend to rule out functions and capabilities allowing the end user to control overhead functions.

At the end of the day, overhead kits are just 'hardware', hardware that will fill up your panels and allow you to connect them to I/O cards.

If you had/have a great understanding of the functions of the actual overhead, then you would know what each function does, how it is controlled and how to connect it to your I/O card, because you can convert the operation of each function into either a input pulse or data signal, by this you can slowly build up the functionality of the working overhead until a large proportion of the overhead is fully interfaced.

Personally, I dont think you will ever find a step by step tutorial on how to wire up an overhead. I think that the hardware you put in an overhead speaks for its self, you interface the hardware because you know what you need the overhead to do, and this is your answer!

Hope this helps!


11-12-2010, 09:52 AM
Dear Sean and Alex ,
This is great answer cause it's opens my mind on other questions .. like what i want my OVH to do and the answer is i need my over head is full function and simulate every single switch in the PMDG and don't forget that PMDG will release the new 737NG soon so i think it'll have more functions all over the system of the OVH.. so what company i need to go Open cockpits or Fly engravity but i like fly engravity cause the kit include.

All TS series of sub miniature switches
all TSL switches
Red and black safety caps
45 and 30 degree rotary switches
Aluminium toggle cap holders
Aluminium aircraft fastneres
small and large toggle caps
painted boeing style knobs

and the software till now i didn't see except SOIC from open cocpits or that one called click 2 mouse .. i know that it's more hard than i think but i want to give it a shot so if you can guide me throw all the process i'll be great full even we can meet on Skype from time to time and see what's the best, what's in my mind, so we can react together .. we r friends and one big family :))
My Skype is (o.razzaz)

11-12-2010, 10:38 AM
how about project magenta for the OVH but i heard it's expensive some how .. but if i got project magenta can i connect I/O cards from open cockpits or they have there own systems?

11-16-2010, 04:01 AM
so again my question this time is if this combination will gonna work and i need an answer..
1 electronic kit from fly engravity..
2 I/O cards from open cockpits
3 project magenta or SIOC

so please i need an answer :))

11-16-2010, 08:34 AM
so again my question this time is if this combination will gonna work and i need an answer..
1 electronic kit from fly engravity..
2 I/O cards from open cockpits

If you have an engravity Overhead you can connect the electronics to any kind of IO hardware that you wish, . so yes, you can connect it to OC.

3 project magenta or SIOC

I am afraid this is not a possible choice as these are two totally different things. PM is a Glass cockpit suite, and logic software to simulate the systems found in/on a 737. SIOC is the software that the Open cockpits hardware uses to communicate with FSUIPC. So if you are using I/O cards from Open cockpits you have to use SIOC. That leaves you free to choose the glasscockpit/suite software of your choice.

11-16-2010, 08:42 AM
so again my question this time is if this combination will gonna work and i need an answer..
1 electronic kit from fly engravity..
2 I/O cards from open cockpits
3 project magenta or SIOC

so please i need an answer :))

1 and 2:
yes it works

The question is not SIOC or PM. That are different things.
SIOC let's the I/O-Card work.
PM Systems calculates the logic of the inner Aircraft.
Both (SIOC and PM) communicate via FSUIPC with the FS-Engine.

I hope that's a short answer to your short question.


11-16-2010, 06:28 PM
so that's mean i need the over head electronic panel from engravity and the i/o cards from open cockpits and sioc and my over head is complete and working?
this is all what i need .. except the programing of sioc all what i need is yes or no :) ..

11-16-2010, 06:40 PM
so that's mean i need the over head electronic panel from engravity and the i/o cards from open cockpits and sioc and my over head is complete and working?
this is all what i need .. except the programing of sioc all what i need is yes or no :) ..

But just a yes or a no will not really help you. You need to Understand what you will have and what you will still need.

Engravity Overhead + Engravity Electronics + Open cockpits cards = complete solution to the physical overhead.

In this case, yes. That is all you need (except later some gauges (from Open cockpits or Flight Illusion) ) to get your overhead wired up and ready to connect to the rest of your system. After this you need to install SIOC and program the buttons and switches in tyour overhead to tal to FSUIPC

11-17-2010, 05:56 AM
so that's mean i need the over head electronic panel from engravity and the i/o cards from open cockpits and sioc and my over head is complete and working?
this is all what i need .. except the programing of sioc all what i need is yes or no :) ..

But .... .. I don't think there are gauges or an electrical display panel included in the engravity package, therefore, yes, working, but not complete.

11-17-2010, 07:24 AM
Also bear in mind that the functionality of the overhead will depend on what information is available from FSUIPC (assuming that you do not buy an avionics package with internal logic and I/O) and your ability to programme extensively in SIOC - not a task to be under estimated. For example to have full functionality, say a working fuel temp gauge, then there is no FSUIPC info. You would need to code an algorithm in SIOC to determine temp based on altitude, time and OAT. Also, unless you are able to find a well documented and logically correct SIOC file for the overhead, then coding the programme logic for the relationship between fuel switches, bleed air, busses, hydraulics etc is one **** of a challenge.

It all depends upon to what level of realism you aspire, the size of your pocket and your experience level. Before you purchase I strongly recommend more research and examination of your priorities and expectations. None of this is plug and play and it will require a lot of patience and effort to succeed.

Not trying to put you off, just trying to manage expectations and introduce some realism



Air Canada
11-20-2010, 01:50 AM
Hello every one ..
For the complete electronic kit for OVH now i need to decide witch supplier i must chose depending on green available and the targeting quality. so I've open cockpit and fly engravity and still I've time to decide and ofcorse your recommendation will be highly appreciated and considers.

But the question is is this is really easy to do .. so i don't have any kind of knowledge about electronics but some one told me before that i'm capable of doing it
so is there is any kine of tutorials about where is the wires goes and the wielding points for the on of switches and rotary switches i mean like a guide for noobs ..
i know maybe this question was asked before but really i searched over and over but i didn't find any so where can i find that kind of step by step in over head connections from welding till IO cards connections to the PC ..

i know it's not hard question and remember that one day one of you was in my place and have a dream like me to set in his own simulator and fly high but he don't have that much knowledge and he was seeking it :))

thanks for letting me to be one of this cute and big family :))
Love you all

this might be a little help
but for your O/H electonics, you can either go with OC, engravity or FDS.
Personally, if yu don't kow anything about programming stay away from OC and go with FDS (Flight deck slutions ITinterface. They pretty much have all the scripts.

I myself am using OC cards and having a blast getting the scripts. Of course I don't really know how to use SIOC but when I find the scripts I just modify them according to my cards.
As for the logics for the overhead, try using prosim737. and of course it's Fr*e. Plus prosim does generate a sioc stub for you. Again I myself am new to all this so it's the learning curve. It's challenging but it's fun.

11-23-2010, 03:37 PM
That was really helpful guys .. FDS is the best solution .. for the I/O cards and the elctronic kit i think it's not that hard to find in a local market .. and the rest from the internet .. that was so much help thanks so much ..

till i stop some where else .. while building my cockpit..
i love being here :))