View Full Version : Open Cockpits FMC......HELP PLEASE !!!!!!

11-17-2010, 07:15 PM
As I am on a fixed budget I decided to purchase the less expensive Open Cockpits FMC. I knew ahead of time I would have to purchase another power supply as the one that comes with the unit is for European power standards ...210 volts converted to 7.5 dc volts. I purchased a 7.5 volt dc power supply and hooked everything up. NO picture on the screen. The instructiions said do not worry if the screen does not light up right away, continue with loading the SIOC program which I did, I even purchased the video converter recommended by OC because of possible video signal incompatabilities...still no video....the FMC works on the PM default FMC so I know it's working...I checked the video converter on another monitor...it's working fine, just no video on the FMC. I've tried contacting (2x) OC but no return answer. Does anyone have an OC FMC and can you tell me what I might be doing wrong? Any help or advice will be MUCH appreciated. Thanks Dave

11-17-2010, 11:01 PM
Is the converter set to PAL? I Belive the monitor the fmc comes with is pal. Also can you tell if the monitor is on?

11-18-2010, 12:49 PM
Thanks for the response. We tried the converter in both PAL and NTSC video formats, also I am assuming the monitor is on...power supply is connected and as I mentioned the keys ARE working per the default image from PM. Dave ps: still have not received any reply from Open Cockpits

11-18-2010, 01:49 PM

When you turn on the screen do you get any picture at all? Not even a windows deskop? How is the FMC screen configured in Windows ie secondary or extended desktop?


11-18-2010, 02:02 PM
You should be able to notice a difference when the monitor is on even without video it slightly changes color. Do you notice this? If not the problem migth be your power supply.

11-18-2010, 02:04 PM
OK I'm not sure what you mean by turning on the screen, as far as I know there are no on-off switches for the FMC (at least not in the instruction manual). I did basically what the manual said to do...they even mentioned that "you might NOT get the screen to light up at first" but they said don't be concerned. I went into (I'm using Windows 7) the video image side and it shows now 2 screens listed as screen 1 and screen 2. On screen 2 I assigned a reselution of 800x600 as suggested by OC. I get NO picture not even "lighting up" that is a blank screen with no image. I am not a computer guru....therefore I'm not sure what is meant by configured...all I did was follow the instruction manual to the letter as posted with the ad for the FMC from OC with the download for the product section. Thanks for your response...I'm hoping it's something simpla, and able to be fixed. Regards Dave

11-18-2010, 02:10 PM
I notice NO difference in monitor screen, however am I missing something...is there a switch or button that I'm not seeing to actually turn the unit on? The power supply is brand new, I metered it and it's working providing 7.5 dc volts as required to operate the FMC. Regards Dave

11-18-2010, 02:22 PM

I do not have windows 7, however, I have the fmc screen defined as TVout NOT a second monitor. Also I have the windows second screen configuration set to extended worktop and not mirrored. Try this. There is no on/off switch for the screen



11-18-2010, 07:19 PM
What's the amps on your power supply? My power supply is 8.5v 5.6 amps.

11-18-2010, 07:30 PM
The power supply that was sent was 7.5 dc volts and 300 milliamps, I purchased a 7.5 dc volt 1300 milliamp power supply only because I couldn't find a 300 milliamp one. Regards Dave

11-18-2010, 07:38 PM
With Windows 7 you can't confg as TV out, however you can set to extended. I'm thinking it might be in the converter or rca plug. They (OC) suggested this converter but they also showed a special plug with one end to recieve the RCA plug, the other a SVS (same type on DVD out) plug to converter. The converter also had an RCA out plug only which is what I am using. The converter is set for PAL format. I'm to the point of pulling what little hair I have out. Regatds Dave

11-18-2010, 10:02 PM
I would really recommend trying at least 2.5 amps (2500 miliamps). I had a 7" monitor that wouldn't work with less than 2.5amps. Its worth a try, It won't hurt the screen. My power supply is from a playstation one.

11-19-2010, 06:57 AM

I am not convinced that it is an ampage issue as OC supply a power unit of 300ma capacity - they surely would not do that if it was likely to be inadequate, in any event yours is 1300ma.

I would be inclined to ignore the video converter and try a more direct route. Do you have a secondary s-video output on your pc. If so, then all you need is a s-video to rca converter - a simple inline and cheap passive unit. If all is well then your pc will recognise your screen as a TV not a monitor. Then using whatever graphic card config utility you have set up the fmc screen as a TV with 800x600 resolution, s-video connection, you may have to experiment with the different PAL settings (I use UK PAL). The preceding is based on my working setup using an Nvidea card, and s-video to RCA converter.

I have also found that if you sometimes lose the screen display, then changing the resolution seems to reboot things and the screen returns !


11-19-2010, 01:48 PM
Just to be sure to measure the voltage under load with the FMCs connected and powered

11-19-2010, 03:15 PM
Dave , i would try to connect your oc monitor to
some analog device , like dvd video analog output or similar for test.

I guess that 1.3A 7.5v power vould be enoght
be careful with the polarity however


11-20-2010, 11:38 PM
Did and monitor works fine. Rechecked plug and power plug had somehow been slighty pulled out and the monitor was not getting any power. Now it's how to configure this thing as I have Windows 7. Regards Dave

11-20-2010, 11:45 PM
Hi Dave: Dumb old me..I finally got up enough courage to try to tackle this problem after getting an email from OC telling me to connect an analog input cable to the monitor screen from a portable DVD player so I started to pull the FMC out from it's mounting and walla...the screen lit up and my desktop picture appeared. I checked and the power plug was not in firm and after snapping it in place screen stayed on. Now the problem of figuring out how to get the image I need on the FMC. Windows 7 does not recognize it as tv out so I really need some help in a step by step form as to how to configure this thing so it will work, but at least I know there is nothing wrong with the screen. Regards Dave

I am not convinced that it is an ampage issue as OC supply a power unit of 300ma capacity - they surely would not do that if it was likely to be inadequate, in any event yours is 1300ma.

I would be inclined to ignore the video converter and try a more direct route. Do you have a secondary s-video output on your pc. If so, then all you need is a s-video to rca converter - a simple inline and cheap passive unit. If all is well then your pc will recognise your screen as a TV not a monitor. Then using whatever graphic card config utility you have set up the fmc screen as a TV with 800x600 resolution, s-video connection, you may have to experiment with the different PAL settings (I use UK PAL). The preceding is based on my working setup using an Nvidea card, and s-video to RCA converter.

I have also found that if you sometimes lose the screen display, then changing the resolution seems to reboot things and the screen returns !


11-21-2010, 04:57 AM
I got my Open Cockpits FMC (purchased at the FSWeekend) to work on Friday after adding a Trust Televiewer. The televiewer enables me to adjust the picture size and positioning, ... finally I am am chuffed. Like you I had first tried the screen plugged directly into the analogue out of my video camera and the image was perfect. I gave up on using a composite output on the video card and now have it running from RGB via the vga converter to composite.

11-21-2010, 05:02 AM
a pic of mine taken last night.


The screen is slightly blurred, that's because I took the pic with the flash off and a long exposure time.

11-21-2010, 06:02 AM
Now the problem of figuring out how to get the image I need on the FMC. Windows 7 does not recognize it as tv out so I really need some help in a step by step form as to how to configure this thing so it will work, but at least I know there is nothing wrong with the screen. Regards Dave


Good news and progress. I do not have Window 7, so am unable to give you a step by step guide - though there must be others on this forum who can. Firstly, you should advise your current configuration and setup ie

What video card are you using
What output are you using on the video card
Are you using the video converter, if so what input and output connections are you using.



11-21-2010, 10:15 AM
David: Thanks for the quick reply.. At present (will change in 2 weeks) I am running an Nvidia Ge-Force GTS 260 card with 1 gb ram. I am using the s-video out as there are no RCA out on it to the converter that's set for PAL. The output from the video converter is an RCA going directly into the FMC. Regards Dave

11-21-2010, 11:11 AM

You may need someone with Windows 7, but from your setup you should configure as a TV for your secondary display. This should be done within the NVidea Control Panel, probably acessible by right clicking on the desktop. Keep trying!



11-23-2010, 10:49 AM
I spent the better part of yesterday morning working on this thing.....FINALLY SUCCESS!!!!!! and all by accident. I had taken a screenshot regarding another problem to send to Marty at Prosim and when I looked at it it showed a double image of my desktop even though I don't see that on my projected image. The cursor was used and I just pulled the image off the screen and there it was on my monitor(FMC). Windows 7 is sure different, now to the confg for an OC FMC but it is working. I use Prosim 737. Dave

11-23-2010, 11:37 AM
I also use Prosim737 (the only way to go in my opinion!) I could send you my OC config but you'd have to wait a few hours as I am still at work.

11-23-2010, 11:48 AM
Would appreciate that...when you get the time. My Best Dave

11-23-2010, 07:52 PM
My email is douglasc41@yahoo.com. Thanks dave

12-03-2010, 07:58 PM
Hi guys!
Can you send me the OC config to me to? Would been great!

Thanks in advance,
Anders <archen@me.com>

12-04-2010, 03:43 AM
THis is my config:

// * FileName : sioc prosim.txt

Var 0001, name iocp_teclas

Var 0002, name teclado, Link USB_KEYS
IF &teclado = 71 // menu
&k = 629
IF &teclado = 79 // perf init
&k = 624
IF &teclado = 78 // rte
&k = 625
IF &teclado = 75 // des
&k = 628
IF &teclado = 70 // legs
&k = 630
IF &teclado = 67 // prog
&k = 633
IF &teclado = 63 // n1 altn
&k = 634
IF &teclado = 62 // fix
&k = 635
IF &teclado = 77 // clb
&k = 626
IF &teclado = 76 // crz
&k = 627
IF &teclado = 69 // dep
&k = 631
IF &teclado = 68 // hold
&k = 632
IF &teclado = 66 // ENTER
&k = 13
IF &teclado = 55 // Prev Pg
&k = 33
IF &teclado = 54 // Next Pg
&k = 34
IF &teclado = 7 // 0
&k = 48
IF &teclado = 32 // 1
&k = 49
IF &teclado = 31 // 2
&k = 50
IF &teclado = 30 // 3
&k = 51
IF &teclado = 24 // 4
&k = 52
IF &teclado = 23 // 5
&k = 53
IF &teclado = 22 // 6
&k = 54
IF &teclado = 16 // 7
&k = 55
IF &teclado = 15 // 8
&k = 56
IF &teclado = 14 // 9
&k = 57
IF &teclado = 8 // .
&k = 190
IF &teclado = 2 // barra
&k = 191
IF &teclado = 6 // +
&k = 107
IF &teclado = 3 // Delete
&k = 46
IF &teclado = 1 // Clr
&k = 8
IF &teclado = 4 // Clr
&k = 32
IF &teclado = 61 // A
&k = 65
IF &teclado = 60 // B
&k = 66
IF &teclado = 59 // C
&k = 67
IF &teclado = 58 // D
&k = 68
IF &teclado = 57 // E
&k = 69
IF &teclado = 53 // F
&k = 70
IF &teclado = 52 // G
&k = 71
IF &teclado = 51 // H
&k = 72
IF &teclado = 50 // I
&k = 73
IF &teclado = 49 // J
&k = 74
IF &teclado = 29 // K
&k = 75
IF &teclado = 28 // L
&k = 76
IF &teclado = 27 // M
&k = 77
IF &teclado = 26 // N
&k = 78
IF &teclado = 25 // O
&k = 79
IF &teclado = 21 // P
&k = 80
IF &teclado = 20 // Q
&k = 81
IF &teclado = 19 // R
&k = 82
IF &teclado = 18 // S
&k = 83
IF &teclado = 17 // T
&k = 84
IF &teclado = 13 // U
&k = 85
IF &teclado = 12 // V
&k = 86
IF &teclado = 11 // W
&k = 87
IF &teclado = 10 // X
&k = 88
IF &teclado = 9 // Y
&k = 89
IF &teclado = 5 // Z
&k = 90
IF &teclado = 56 // Linea 1L
&k = 112
IF &teclado = 64 // Linea 2L
&k = 113
IF &teclado = 72 // Linea 3L
&k = 114
IF &teclado = 80 // Linea 4L
&k = 115
IF &teclado = 88 // Linea 5L
&k = 116
IF &teclado = 87 // Linea 6L
&k = 117
IF &teclado = 86 // Linea 1R
&k = 118
IF &teclado = 85 // Linea 2R
&k = 119
IF &teclado = 84 // Linea 3R
&k = 120
IF &teclado = 83 // Linea 4R
&k = 121
IF &teclado = 82 // Linea 5R
&k = 122
IF &teclado = 74 // Linea 6R
&k = 123

Var 0005, name k, Link SUBRUTINE
IF &k <> 0
IF &k = &tempk
&offsetk = &k + &shift
IF &shift = 0
&shift = 2048
&shift = 0
&offsetk = &k
&tempk = &k
&k = 0

Var 0006, name tempk

Var 0008, name shift

Var 3000, name offsetk, Link FSUIPC_INOUT, Offset $5428, Length 2 // CDU Functions

Var 4000, name messages, Link FSUIPC_INOUT, Offset $052C, Length 2 // CDU leds
&ledexec = TESTBIT &messages ,0
&ledmsg = TESTBIT &messages ,1
&ledfail = TESTBIT &messages ,2
&ledofst = TESTBIT &messages ,3

Var 5000, name ledexec, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 10 // led EXEC

Var 5001, name ledmsg, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 11 // led MSG

Var 5002, name ledfail, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 12 // led FAIL

Var 5003, name ledofst, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 13 // led OFST

12-07-2010, 12:21 PM
Thanks for everyone's response and help. I now have a working CDU (FMC). The sioc script is already in Marty's Prosim 737 and he worked me through the confg step by step. Again MANY THANKS !!!!! Always Best Regards Dave

12-07-2010, 12:32 PM

Well done - I am pleased for you. Great perseverance shown there:D


12-07-2010, 12:52 PM
Thanks David. The script that Marty uses is in the MCP section of his Prosim and has only 2 lines. SIOC is for the well trained computer person, NOT for dunces like myself, although now knnowing how to do it I will get another OC CDU for thr FO side. I posted a short video to go with my others on you-tube to show the updates. I figure another year and I should be finished. My you-tube adress is davemckee1 if you'd like to see what we have done so far. Best Regards Dave

12-08-2010, 07:28 AM

Funny thing. I use exactly the same scriupt with my FMC from Poldragonet. I found the script on the opencockpits.com-forum. Written for their FMC to use with PM.

I have 2 questions.

1.) I think I don't need the "shift"-Var in the subroutine. How can I exclude it in the script ?
2.) Do the FMC-lights work in your FMC ? Here they don't and I don't know why. The offset and script is correct.
Maybe Martys FMC don't send an information to this Offset ?

Many greetings,

Var 0005, name k, Link SUBRUTINE
IF &k <> 0
IF &k = &tempk
&offsetk = &k + &shift
IF &shift = 0
&shift = 2048
&shift = 0
&offsetk = &k
&tempk = &k
&k = 0

Var 0006, name tempk

Var 0008, name shift

Var 3000, name offsetk, Link FSUIPC_INOUT, Offset $5428, Length 2 // CDU Functions

Var 4000, name messages, Link FSUIPC_INOUT, Offset $052C, Length 2 // CDU leds
&ledexec = TESTBIT &messages ,0
&ledmsg = TESTBIT &messages ,1
&ledfail = TESTBIT &messages ,2
&ledofst = TESTBIT &messages ,3

Var 5000, name ledexec, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 10 // led EXEC

Var 5001, name ledmsg, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 11 // led MSG

Var 5002, name ledfail, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 12 // led FAIL

Var 5003, name ledofst, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 13 // led OFST

03-29-2011, 05:36 PM
Hi I don't know if you have resolved your problem but I had same prob. with OC FMC screen dead, I tried everything but had to return it to OC in Spain.
When I eventually got it back after some weeks [ they said there was nothing wrong with it] the female PSU socket on the board itself had been changed by them to a female dongle. I wondered if it was a soldering problem,As soon as I connected it, it lit up and displayed my sim-Avionics FMC software. I Just think you only get what you pay for, but if your means are limited what else can one do!! regards Rick-EIRE

08-25-2011, 12:25 PM
here its show 2 screen but the screen is black, what to do? i heave teamviewer if its config.

08-27-2011, 04:49 PM
Must i heave a RGB to VGA kable? for get signal? i heave RGB in the motherboard and VGA in the grahipcs card

08-28-2011, 09:08 AM
Nobody know?

08-28-2011, 01:37 PM
Hi! super2277 look at there:
may be this helps you.

08-28-2011, 01:45 PM
Hi! super2277 look at there:
may be this helps you.

Its not working :( I heave try the screen on my old gamecube and its work fine but in the pc its not working. i heave NVida geforce g100 and on laptop ATI HD radeon 4570. in the computer(not laptop) its one VGA output and on the mother board is VGA to but thahts is a female

08-28-2011, 02:23 PM
This is my setup.
Graphic card:Nvidia geforce 8800GTX with 2 VGA ports output;I use one with the VASMON4 as you see in the video.
I use Win7 too.

08-28-2011, 03:26 PM
Delivery is long, one week for France, at AviationMegastore it's shorter

08-30-2011, 07:52 AM
i got my parts 3 days. I heave send it back to opencockpits for check but if its noting wrong with the converter what to do then? try S-video cable?