View Full Version : A10C cockpit dimensions

11-26-2010, 08:35 AM
Does anybody happen to have a plan drawing with dimensions for the panels for an A10C, I have started with the cad drawings but these were imperial and I have had to convert them to metric, but the picture producer has said the accuracy is in question.

Any help would be great


01-17-2011, 02:44 PM
I too am looking for rough to semi accurate dimensions for an A0A10 cockpit. Having been an A-10 crew chief in the US Air Force, I am preparing to build an accurate cockpit for use with various simulators. This said, I am contacting an old buddy of mine who is now an avionics instructor for the A-10 and U-2, so if he manages to get back to me, I will post back here. I can approximate dimensions, but if you want 1:1, thats another story!

08-01-2011, 04:42 PM
I thought I replied to this topic over the weekend but I guess my post didn't come through.

Attached and pictured is a front panel dimensions layout for the A-10C. It's only the outside dimensions and in a few places you have to use your imagination but its pretty good. Quite a few members at the www.digitalcombatsimulator.com forums are building A10C pits in various ways and there are many useful threads for info there. One member is even creating a layout for the side consoles and framework for skinning it (check out Dimebugs threads). In any case here's what I have and what I built so far using it. I did all of it over the weekend and came across this topic via google searches. Enjoy!



08-03-2011, 04:50 PM
To add you can follow my progress on my recent A10C build over here: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=77961