View Full Version : A/T Airspeed Target Problem Using DVATX with SIM-A

12-16-2010, 01:20 PM
Having implemented the FSUIPC_IO offset entries defined by Diego in response to my previous thread posting I now have my motorized throttles working but.........I am now finding a very lazy response for A/T airspeed changes in SIM-A.

When a change in the commanded airspeed target is made airspeed will initially respond (increase/decrease) normally but will then slow very significantly within 10 knots of the target settling about 5-10 knots lower than what is targeted. Sometimes the airspeed will very slowly reach the target but then drop lower about 5 knots. All this is in equilibrium flight without wind as a factor. Rarely does it settle on the actual target.

If I remove the offset entries all goes back to normal with the A/T but of course I lose my motorized function. Very interestingly, when I removed the entries from FSUIPC_IO I closed SA but kept FS running. When I restarted SA all unexpectedly worked fine - both the motorized function and the A/T response even with stopping and restarting DVATX. However when I then closed and restarted FS/DVATX the motorized function was lost as you would expect. So there must be a way of getting it all to work.

Diego - I know you are using SIM-A so there must be something else I'm missing here. I did try to manipulate the settings in the MCP tuning utility in SA but with very little success.

Fred K

12-21-2010, 10:53 AM
I just wanted to close the loop on this. I have my A/T and motorized throttles functioning properly now. Diego informed me to use offsets 5350 for Thrust_Ref_Mode and 5352 and 5354 for Commanded_Thrust_L/R_Position.