Boeing 747 Flyer
12-19-2010, 11:02 AM
Hello everyone,
I am looking for a hardware unit that will give me the following control:
The part highlighted in green is what I'm really after. The Red part is sort've a "would be nice to have" part, although I'm not really interested. More the green part.
I know Opencockpits sell a 747 EFIS Unit which is sort of what I'm after but upon closer inspection it is actually quite different to the 767 HSI controls.
So yes, is there a unit out there on the market that represents a Boeing 767 HSI?
I am looking for a hardware unit that will give me the following control:
The part highlighted in green is what I'm really after. The Red part is sort've a "would be nice to have" part, although I'm not really interested. More the green part.
I know Opencockpits sell a 747 EFIS Unit which is sort of what I'm after but upon closer inspection it is actually quite different to the 767 HSI controls.
So yes, is there a unit out there on the market that represents a Boeing 767 HSI?