View Full Version : New guy here from the great northwest

12-20-2010, 09:04 AM
Hey Guys, just thought i would introduce myself,before we made any posts on your site here,My name is Tom,and we live up here near Spokane,Wa in a small town called Deer park (KDEW). We have been working on a full scale LJ45 sim for about the last couple of years,and we are about half finished i would say,still many more things to do yet, the entire sim has basically been built from scratch,and myself along with several other guys have managed to design and build most of the parts for the sim,but there are still several things left to be made at this point,but it should all come together eventually.

But i have decided to also build a 737 sim,my first choice was the 757 because i really like it,however there is about zero support out there for that airplane. And this go around we have decided not to build this thing from scratch ,we have decided to buy the majority of the sim from pete over at fds,this way we will be up and flying in 6 months or so, i hope. there will probably be a few items in the cockpit that we will build ourselves,i have read through many of your threads already and i can see there is a great group of guys over here, just as there are on hanger45,infact i have seen several of the hanger 45 guys over here,whom i know quite well. Im sure i will be asking questions as i go,as you seem to have many knowledgeable guys over here, and on a sidenote, if there is any thing i may be able to do for you guys let me know, as we have a rather large omax waterjet
machine,that will cut up to a full 4X8 ft sheet of what ever you can put on it,we have cut several items for the learjet guys, like the mip,glareshield,and some other parts,feel free to ask i will see what we can do for you.

Anyway thanks again,and hope to talk with all of you at one time or another.

Take care for now,best regards,Tom