View Full Version : CNC made Boeing style clock

01-01-2011, 04:05 PM
Hi fellow builders,

A happy and healty new year to you all :p:p

Here 2 pictures of my cnc milled Boeing style clock.
On the to do list is making knobs and writing the software to manage the clock.

Best regards

Jan Geurtsen

01-01-2011, 05:35 PM
Very nice!wish i could make my own panels to:)

The company that im working for is investing in new 5 axl cnc`s so ill be
learning to handle machines like that soon...its going to be awsome!

Again really nice stuff!Will follow your work in progress.

Happy new year!/lenne

01-02-2011, 11:28 PM
Hi fellow builders,

A happy and healty new year to you all :p:p

Here 2 pictures of my cnc milled Boeing style clock.
On the to do list is making knobs and writing the software to manage the clock.

Best regards

Jan Geurtsen

Fantastic job! Those look excellent.



01-03-2011, 06:19 PM
Nice work, well done.

01-03-2011, 11:15 PM
looks really good! any tips on how you did the engraving?

01-06-2011, 04:58 PM
Nice work! Looks very well made.


Joe Lavery
01-06-2011, 06:24 PM
Hi Jan,

A Happy New Year to you and the rest of the crew also :grin:

Nice job on the clocks, just bought a CNC myself, so I think I'll have a go at a pair of these. Did you design the LED driving electronics yourself? Or is it a commercial product?

Best regards


01-08-2011, 02:06 PM
Hi Jan,

A Happy New Year to you and the rest of the crew also :grin:

Nice job on the clocks, just bought a CNC myself, so I think I'll have a go at a pair of these. Did you design the LED driving electronics yourself? Or is it a commercial product?

Best regards


Hi Joe,

Just made the Led drive my self.
Connected to 5 Volt

Here some pictures in detail.
Have to made a dimmer to dim the led at night.

Best regards

Jan Geurtsen
