View Full Version : external yoke calibration prog

01-05-2011, 02:33 PM
I'm setting up my dualyokes and would like to test that everything works without moving my fs pc to the "workshop".
Planning to set it up in fsuipc but hope there is a program i can install on a laptop to check the calibration. Using the laptop would make it easier.
Have anyone done this and know a program to help me out?

01-05-2011, 03:14 PM
If you're using interface cards for the yokes and you hook it/them too the laptop, then windows will pick-it up and you can use the Windows game controller calibration to at least make sure things are working. Later, you can calibrate with FSUIPC once you marry the yokes and the FS PC to each other.


01-05-2011, 03:38 PM
AHH!! Of course!

01-05-2011, 04:07 PM
Just thought of another way to do this and it'll allow you to use FSUIPC. Install WideFS Client on the laptop so it can talk with the FSUIPC server side, hook you're cards and yokes to the laptop, and then let FSUIPC see them that way (check FSUIPC for this part-connecting controllers to the client). Now, download free tightVNC for PC, put it on the FS PC (with FSUIPC); the server portion of tightVNC goes on this computer. The laptop would use the viewer portion of tightVNC.

At this point you would be able to access the FS PC with FSUIPC on it from the laptop using the viewer from tightVNC, and in doing so you'll be calibrating and setting up FSUIPC before even marrying the yokes to the FS PC; thereby, saving you from doing this twice. However, there is the time to setup tightVNC, but it takes less time to install it then it does to calibrate two times.
