View Full Version : pmdg 737/fs9/saitek throttle idle possition issue!

02-01-2011, 09:37 AM
heyall,if anyone can help or has the same problem.I plan to convert my saitek 3x lever tq into a 737 tq as a first step on the long and steep path to building a full sized enclosed cockpit, making as much use of the potentiometers and buttons as possible.so the problem is that in order to preform a full auto land including auto spoiler deployment the throttle position must be set at idle or at least closed prior to touch down which is what i do with the saitek throttle lever, but it only reduces to 21% n1 which is not idle so if i press the fs9 key assignment(shift+f4,throttle cut) only then does the n1 reduce to 20.3% which is true throttle idle/closed.at the moment i have assigned one of the controller buttons to cut the the throttle which really should be achived by simply closing the throttle lever . firstly it's unrealistic and second it's a wast of a precious button.personaly i think it's a fs9 issue as it has a two seperate key assignments, one for reducing the throttle and another for cutting the throttle and not a problem with the saitek levers range of motion or potentiometer,i've tried calibration,sensitivities you name it but to no avail.Does anyone know how to solve this issue ,any help would be greatly appriciated,john

02-01-2011, 04:52 PM
Which plane is this with? Are you calibrating through FSUIPC? I had a Saitek 3 Lever Throttle and had no problem getting the PMDG737 to go to idle.

02-02-2011, 09:46 AM
hey bill,i'm using pmdg 737/800ng and as I have of yet to register my copy of fsuipc,i have been using the saitek/windows calibration tool up till now ,why? does fsuipc do a better job of calibration t han the standard way,please excuse my ignorance but i'm quite new to this, the building/programming side of flying so please bear with me,thanks for your post,john.

02-02-2011, 10:01 AM
Hi "johncor",

You say you have tried sensitivities and so on. The problem you have is very common and I know it has been solved in several cases by going to Settings -> Sensitivities in FS9. Select the Throttle in "Joystick type" and set the sensitivity sliders all way to the right.


02-02-2011, 11:57 AM
And yes FSUIPC (registered) calibrates joysticks much better plus lots more. Well worth it and absolutely essential if you are considering building.

02-02-2011, 01:58 PM
thanks lads,henri like i said i've tried that and i tried it again now just to be double sure again to no avail.i guess i'll do as bill recommends and go ahead and register fsuipc.your right ,the more i read into this whole cockpit building thing the more i'm begining to realize what an important tool fsuipc is and to think only two weeks ago i had no idea what it's capabilities were .the mousetrapping thing sounds fantastic!

01-23-2012, 02:15 PM
go into settings and look at the null zone on your throttle that might help i had that problem and it fixed it best of luck