View Full Version : Some initial questions - Could you offer some answers please experts!

02-22-2011, 09:35 AM

A couple of initial points:

1. This website is a fantastic resource and everyone has been very helpful so far. I have been able to find some answers myself, but the ones below I am struggling with

2. I am currently planning out a 737NG cockpit project build for me and my Dad, in terms of both finance, and the project management of it. To this end, I am developing a spreadsheet with all the things I [I]think[I] I will need to buy. Would it be useful to make this available on download for people to add to/comment on?

Anyway, here are my initial questions. Thanks all!

1. GMB Forward and Aft panels look a great price at £434.99 for both but don't come with a frame. Where would I buy a frame to fit them? Would a frame be easy to build, and if so, are there any drawings (I have the MIP CAD files)? What should it be made of? Would a company be able to machine it and etch on the words?
2. Geremy at GMB mentions that they don’t sell backlighting, yet they sell all of the LED’s for the panel. Am I missing something? Is there a difference between backlighting and LED’s?
3. Is it possible to get an uninterrupted, curved view out of the cockpit, or do you have to accept gaps between screens and occasionally see the cat walking past at FL350 :D
4. I can’t ascertain any difference between the CPFlight MCP Pro and EL versions, other than the price (1,000 euros versus 500). What is the difference? Looks like Ian at www737ng.co.uk used the EL version but just wondered what the difference is….
5. In terms of PC specs, I understand that you would want your main PC running MSFS to be as good as possible (thinking of Alpine Systems). For the PC’s running EICAS, Active sky, Radar contact or other displays, can the spec be a bit lower or will the performance of the sim default to the lowest common denominator PC?

02-22-2011, 12:09 PM
Hi Darren

welcome to the club!
A list of goodies would possibly be a good start for everyone considering to build a cockpit. However, it would function as a sheet of hints without being complete to all.
Concerning your questions:
Panels have LED for the specific function, e.g. the Anti-ice-panel will have green LEDs indicating that Anti-ice-switches are "on". But the inscriptions on the panels may be lit up during night for better reading using dimmer switches, and this is backlighting.
A frame would be possible to build, using wood or various metal materials, esp. if you have the correct measures. However, I a frame may also be bought thru various sellers, e.g. Flyengravity, cockpitsonic, FDS and so on. It depends on your skills...
It is possible to get an uninterrupted curved view out of the cockpit, look up the outside visualisation threads in this subforum: http://www.mycockpit.org/forums/forumdisplay.php/248-Video-Interfacing-and-Hardware
If you use several networked PCs the lower rated PCs will not minimize the FS PC performance (at least, that´s my experience).


02-22-2011, 02:14 PM
Thank Chris, great help. Will upload the spreadsheet as a start for the community to add to

02-22-2011, 03:46 PM
4. I can’t ascertain any difference between the CPFlight MCP Pro and EL versions, other than the price (1,000 euros versus 500). What is the difference? Looks like Ian at www737ng.co.uk used the EL version but just wondered what the difference is….

One is a honeywell replica, the other a collins replica.

The pro has a solenoid switch for the autothrottle, the EL has not.

The PRO has a dual concentric for the heading/bank angle selector, the EL has a single knob with a push function

The PRO efis has 2 dual concentric selectors where again the EL has single rotary knobs with a push function.

The PRO has black bezels around the displays the EL has not.

The PRO has nicely copied knobs identical to the real ones, the EL uses stock knobs

In general the PRO looks more like the real thing when it comes to details like the bezels around the display frames, the dual concentric knobs, the solenoid autothrottle disconnect, etc.

Both are excellent units.



02-22-2011, 04:57 PM
Upper is the collins, lower is the honeywell (Sperry)

Switchover to Collins on the 737 line was ~2003