View Full Version : Hello from Portsmouth UK

03-03-2011, 03:56 PM
Hi everyone,

Just kicking off with my build of 737NG, in fact it's so new I have only just cleared a space in the garden for my 'Sim Shack'! Thought I would say hello and ask couple of inane questions!

I have been reading up for the past few months trying to get a handle on the best way to start the build and most importantly keep spending to the minimum possible, it's going to be tough!

I think I have decided my approach for the early part of the build and to this end Geremy at GLB, Chris at Cockpitsonic UK have been very helpful as has Manolo at Hispapanels.

One thing I cannot fathom though is whether or not I [U]need[U] to use PCBs with the panels that I plan to buy from Hispapanels and the overhead from Geremy. I have a desktop setup a the moment using a Leo Bodnar card, switches and rotaries and do not use a PCB. Do I need to use PCBs, they add quite a bit to the cost? I plan to build the panels (add knobs, switches, lights etc.) to keep costs down but will have to learn electronics, so pardon me if this is a silly question. If I do not use PCBs, any tips on back lighting the panels?

Anyway, quite enough for my first post I think!



03-03-2011, 04:10 PM
Welcome to the insane, Gatwickman. Hope you'll find the answers here (well I'm sure of it actually). There are no silly questions. Backlighting? Well, I'm experimenting with self adhesive LED strips. Maybe a thought?



03-03-2011, 05:13 PM
Thanks for the welcome JWS.


03-03-2011, 06:50 PM
Hi Dave,


Generally it's - LED's or LED strips for lighting.
LED's will need to have a resistor wired in whereas the LED strips can be connected directly to a 12v power source (this obviously depend on what's used!)
As far as PCB's... don't see why you have to, they obviously save space and most purchased solutions use them but there are many home built cockpits that don't.


03-04-2011, 03:23 AM
Hi Mike,

Thanks for the reply and guidance.


Geremy Britton
03-04-2011, 12:58 PM
One thing I cannot fathom though is whether or not I [U]need[U] to use PCBs with the panels that I plan to buy from Hispapanels and the overhead from Geremy.

Hi Dave, Welcome to the forum. Glad you are considering our products in your flight simulator.
No PCB's are required with our panels, and if they decide you want one (although if you count the Leo bodnar card that is technically a PCB) they can be mounted away from the overhead thus not hindering the backlighting.

If you shoot me a message i can sort out for you backlighting with any panel you buy.

Hope that helps.

Once again welcome to MyCockpit.org. Great to have you here Dave.

03-04-2011, 01:08 PM
Hi Geremy,

Thanks for the welcome, appreciated.

I'll be in touch.



03-12-2011, 07:08 PM
I'm a couple of hours away in Somerset and also part way through my 737NG build. I'm using a Poldragnet MIP, Open Cockpit MCP and plug and play pedestal modules and just working out the cheapest way for an overhead. I like the GLB idea but can't wait the 3 months they quote for getting stuff out, so may well go for an Engravity overhead. As for backlighting, I'm just using the 12v adhesive LED strips you can buy from Maplins - they are pretty cheap, great quality, and you can cut the lengths you need really easily.
Good luck and let me know if I can help - as I said I'm just aroumd the corner!

03-13-2011, 09:34 AM
I'm using a Poldragnet MIP, Open Cockpit MCP and plug and play pedestal modules and just working out the cheapest way for an overhead. I like the GLB idea but can't wait the 3 months they quote for getting stuff out, so may well go for an Engravity overhead.

Have you looked at getting the Poldragonet overhead? I have one and would thoroughly recommend it - and best of all, its cheap! I bought the kit version and wired it up myself.

I'm in Southampton, so let me know if either of you want any help or advice!

Cheers, Dan

Geremy Britton
03-13-2011, 01:55 PM
Current waiting times for the full overhead are around 8 weeks if that helps. 3 months is at peak period - we can usually improve on this.

Joe Lavery
03-13-2011, 10:51 PM
Hi Dave, and welcome.

From your post I gather you're referring to the interfacing of switches and annunciators in you panels. If you are then yes you will need a pcb to bring the whole thing to life. You already know about Leo's boards but currently they only support inputs, not outputs; which is what you'll need to get the annunciators to light up at the appropriate time.

Your choices then are to use a Phidget 64 board, an FDS InterfaceIT board or the suite of cards from Open Cockpits. Alternatively you could of course design your own mechanical interface which esentially is hard wired. For the last option you'll find a great source of inspiration on our friend Ian sissons site. He's a master at this type of inovation and very helpful if you get stuck.



03-14-2011, 03:19 AM
Thanks Joe, Stan and Dan,

Much to think about! Thanks for your help, please expect further questions!

I have a digger coming this weekend to create foundations for my shack, then all I have to do is build it. It will be a space 3M x 3M dedicated to the sim and a 3Mx3M space for keeping garden equipment etc., not sure why we need that bit!!

Actually in my case Geremy's lead time is not a problem, I would just like to find someone that has used the overhead. I have bought a few bits from Geremy and asked a lot of questions, I have to say service has been spot on.

Thanks again.


04-18-2011, 05:36 AM
I took your advice and went for the Poldragonet overhead, which I'm told by Jacub was shipped yesterday. I'll let you know how I get on! I've just completely finished my MIP, so things are progressing well, although a bit tight finding a monitor which would fit snugly in the centre panel to enable the standby instruments and centre EICAS monitor!
Hope your shack is coming along!

04-18-2011, 04:19 PM
Hi Stan,

Good luck with the overhead.

I ordered mine from Geremy @ GLB.

My shack is now a skeletal structure. The Easter weekend should see it completed except for the decking around it. My wife feels I should complete that before starting the shell of the sim:shock:

I'd be interested to know what you think of the Poldragonet product. I am thinking of buying the fire panel and pedestal from them.

All the best
