View Full Version : Testing Opencockpits DCMotors Card & Weird problem

Boeing 747 Flyer
03-12-2011, 10:51 AM
Hi everyone,

I have recently purchased an Opencockpits DCMotors Card.

The card has installed fine; no problems, and has been connected with a 12V power supply. It is recognised both by Windows and the SIOC software.

However, I am lacking any form of testing software (apart from SIOC itself). Is there any small application (like there usually is with most OC Cards) I can use just to test everything is okay.

The weird problem is that the J" Power connector pin is actually GIVING OUT a voltage. You see, my power supply has a small LED that tells me when it is turned on, however even when I turn it off, the LED still lights when plugged into the card. This proves that the power INPUT is infact giving OUT power (how is this happening)? Also, sometimes when I turn the power on/off, the card temporarily is unrecognsied; then it is re-recognised.

So yes; two things. I need the testing software, and I need to know why the J2 Pin is giving out power.



03-12-2011, 11:29 AM

I am not aware of any "test" programme for this card. However, the manual has a sample programme for driving throttle levers - why not adapt that and play around with the settings?

Not certain if your led lighting is an issue or not - perhaps some of the circuitry is drawing a minimal current from power being applied at J2, irrespective of whether the USB is plugged in or not. Others better qualified than me will doubtless be able to advise



Boeing 747 Flyer
03-12-2011, 11:49 AM
Hi David,

The LED ONLY illuminates when the card is plugged in; it is distinguished when unplugged unless I turn my power supply on.

In other words; the LED should only illuminate of the power supply turns on... It does, but it also illuminates when it's turned off due to the weird USBDCMotors Card.


Boeing 747 Flyer
03-13-2011, 06:39 AM
Hi everyone,

I found, in the SIOC folder, a file called "USBDCmotor_test.ssi"; and ran that in SIOC. I can now confirm that the motors do indeed work!

Unfortunately, the LED still illuminates when I don't want it to. Not sure why I'm getting this voltage feedback.


03-13-2011, 07:00 AM

Many thanks for that

