View Full Version : Hello from Tehachapi

04-04-2011, 12:58 AM
I have been a private pilot since 1978 and up until now have mostly used FS2004 to "pre-fly" new destinations, and to keep up a bit on flying in IMC.

I started carpooling with BlackWidow (of these forums) recently (about the time my 10 yo Windows Me system died) and now have the parts for an AMD Phenom II 6-core system with 8Gb RAM and Sapphire HD6950 with 2Gb on the way. Looking forward to getting out of single digit frame rates!

Since I spend 2hrs/day talking to BlackWidow on the way back and forth to work, I'm sure there's an upgrade to FSX in my near future and maybe a cockpit project of some sort.

04-04-2011, 02:38 PM
Welcome to mycockpit lol

04-04-2011, 02:42 PM
Welcome to mycockpit lol

Shouldn't you be out welding something? I know I should be writing some thruster testing software...

04-04-2011, 02:50 PM
Lol now that lunch is over I guess I have to go back to work

Joe Cygan
04-04-2011, 05:21 PM
Welcome LongRanger!


04-11-2011, 03:22 PM
...now have the parts for an AMD Phenom II 6-core system with 8Gb RAM and Sapphire HD6950 with 2Gb on the way. Looking forward to getting out of single digit frame rates!

Since I spend 2hrs/day talking to BlackWidow on the way back and forth to work, I'm sure there's an upgrade to FSX in my near future and maybe a cockpit project of some sort.

Finished the build this weekend (with BlackWidow's help:cool:) and I'm happy to report a solid 60fps on FS2004 (max on all sliders I could find) flying out of LAX night or day in a 172, regardless of selected view, on one 27" 1920x1080p monitor. Looks like there's plenty of performance for more monitors and better scenery. BlackWidow seems a bit jealous, but it's really all his fault!;)