View Full Version : WWII F4U Corsair & Focke Wulf 190 A builds

05-08-2011, 06:40 AM
Hello Everyone

I’d like to share my completed & now war weary F4U Corsair & new on the ms visio7 drawing board FW 190 A ‘Mockpit’ building projects with you.

A brief on the F4U build.

The F4U has ‘flown’ numerous IL2 Sturmovik series combat missions, in all theatres interestingly enough! Amazingly enough, it has come through all of those missions without a single bullet hole or flak tear anywhere to be seen...::cool::)

As you will see from the shots below, I used a 5:1 speaker setup, 3 spkrs forward & 2 aft, along with a ‘Buttkicker’ sound transducer. Sounds & sound affect’s are awesome :shock:





The F4U has served me very well in the sense that it has been quite suitable as a general type pc workstation, flight simpit or ‘mockpit’ & FPS area all in one. Access has been by traditional WWII fighter type cockpit entry via footstep & then climb in, step onto the pilot seat & work your way around sticks & stuff.

The Focke Wulf project.

You know what it’s like, you made something some time ago & it’s been great, but now it’s time to move onwards & upwards to the next step!

As many others have mentioned along the way, “What do I build my mockpit to represent, I like many different types!?”. How true, how true ...but decisions have to be made & some have opted for a ‘generic’ simpit that has an instrument panel with flight controllers insitu & they are great in that they serve the interests of their creators/owners very well. Some, on the other hand, like the feeling of greater immersion, that little bit more ...mmm ...shape of the real thing perhaps.

Satisfying that extra depth of ‘reality’ of course comes at a higher price & a longer time to create but if some extra earnings, patience & hard work rewards us with our optimum flight sim/gaming expectations, then why not?

So it is with my latest planned project, the FW 190 A.
I designed this mockpit using ms visio7 for its user friendly simplicity.
Using experiences from my previous F4U build has helped me immensely with the FW. This time I knew I wanted features I hadn’t allowed for with the F4U. Such things as portability, an important factor if moving house or attending airshows for display purposes etc.

The FW will be built as a modular 3 unit put together & take apart mockpit.
These modules are comprised of:
• Forward Mainframe Module/FMM
• Rearward Mainframe Module/RMM
• Upper Cowling & Windscreen Module/UCWM

The FMM will house the more obvious things like speakers, sub woofer, the suspended rudder pedals, pc housed in a ‘Cubitek Magic Cube 8’ case system for ease of fit & the Instrument Panel fitted with operational gauges (can anyone please advise of a source for WWII type instruments?).

The RMM will house speakers, the floor mounted KG13b flight stick, the Throttle system, Buttkicker transducer & other switches & so on in the two side panels.

The UCWM will have a quick release access hatch to reload the Rheinmetal Bors...sorry, got carried away there, to access the pc for any simple maintenance etc.
Other than that the UCWM will also serve to assist in locking the FMM & RMM along with their locking devices.
All locking devices will be quick release types not too unlike the original Focke Wulf retention system.

Construction materials will consist of a aluminium plate for the fuselage formers & extrusions for the longerons. Aluminium extrusions & sheet will form up the UCWM. The fuselage sheeting will be built from 3mm MDF sheeting as, from the F4U build, it has shown to have extremely good flex & strength while lightweight.
The MDF is also easy to paint to the point that it is feasible to have more than one ‘Skin’ type if you want to change appearance from time to time.
The plans have taken ages with several changes/improvements & are now near completion so the build is about to start.

Well, that’s about it in a nutshell. I’ll keep this thread updated as the build progresses.

Cheers :)


The FW 190 A


Matt Olieman
05-12-2011, 06:10 AM
Sik, FANTASTIC project. Thanks for sharing and the photos are wonderful.

Thank You,
Matt Olieman

06-08-2011, 07:08 PM
I like fw best, great plane, great design!

06-08-2011, 08:01 PM
The F4U is on my list... following with interest!!