View Full Version : I/O Interfaces

05-22-2011, 05:57 PM

if anyone interested and help needed at the use of I/O Cards/ Interfaces e.g. Arcaze, donīt hesitate to post ;)

I use four I/O Cards, and two of them are Arcaze. Rockerswitches, Toggles, LEDīs.

Regards, Max :wink:

08-09-2011, 10:45 AM
Hello Max,
I am also using some Arcaze-USB-Interfaces. Is is very easy to configure Inputs from buttons, switches aso, but difficult (in my eyes) is to build an FSX-syncronized output.

As I read in the Arcaze-forum, it should be possible to connect the Arcaze Interface with fsuipc (offsets) to control LED's.
But I couldn't find the description how to do that. Can you tell me which software - resp. ideally with examples - is necessary

It would be fine to hear from you, thanks in advance!
Best regards

08-10-2011, 03:03 PM
Hi Gunter,

so i sent you a message via mycockpit.org. denke die informationen funktionieren auch in deutscher sprache on PM :) beste grüße, servus.

08-11-2011, 02:35 PM
Morgen gibt es einen Download-link mit dem Arcaze-Script (PM) Gruß :cool: