View Full Version : BU0836X + DPDT switches for LED

09-17-2011, 07:30 AM
Dear all,

I've read on this forum that one could have Leo Bodnar's BU0836X card power an LED and trigger some action in FSX with one DPDT switch. However, I haven't been able to figure out how to wire those circuits. The terminals on my switch are as follows:

[1] [4]
[2] [5]
[3] [6]

Could anyone help me out by telling me which wire goes on what terminal?



09-17-2011, 09:54 AM
Hi Basje
connect switch terms 1 and 2 to a pair of BU0836X terminals e.g B1 and GND
Connect your DC power supply positive to switch term 5 (5V or 12V depending on what you have) and a wire from switch term 4 to the LED ANODE and a wire from the LED cathode through a resistor to your power supply GND. Obviously you have to select the correct value of resistor to match your power supply and diode. Search the net there are lots of LED resistor calculators
When you put the switch down this will give an input to the BU0836 and light the LED simultaneously. BU0836 does not have outputs.


09-18-2011, 07:58 AM
Hello Geoff,

I've tried what you said and it works like a charm. Thank you!


Matti V
03-31-2014, 02:47 AM
resistor have 270 ohm.

Matti V
04-19-2014, 02:52 AM
but now i think, can that make same but external power, i think i have 12 switches who need led power and broken i bodnar card ? if connect external power to +5V line and both gnd same ? (gnd mean bodnar gnd and power gnd)

04-19-2014, 03:09 AM
hi Matti
No you cannot feed external power to bodnar card. Whwn you connect a switch to the Bodnar card you are actually connecting the internal circuit to it's ground connection NOT 5 volt

Matti V
04-19-2014, 06:26 AM
i not connect to bodnar because need more than 12 switch whit led light, and card not have many place whit 5V power, i think too how much current have then have many led, usb not can take lot out table computer only 500mA max, but no working good if take 400-500mA and broken usb and motherboard i think. better if can use external power all leds. today think maybe i must make opto coupler and switch use led+opto and after opto have chip switch who can adding to bodnar board.
mean 5 V power come resistor-led-gnd AND resistor-opto coupler-gnd, and next side opto have switch who adding to bodnar.
bodnar+ ---------opto-/- (sw)----------bodnar gnd
then bodnar no have real connect to external power newer. then bush switch power go to led and opto input, and opto other side connect switch closed and bodnar know have closed :)

But have lot work and i not have at home all chip(optocouplers)and no can make brinted board now, (have ferrocloride and some tools but no place make)

i think make audio panel+all switch+led all panel, then switch is closed led light, many many led :)
just orden green led bag 500 pcs. and 220,330 ohm resistor 200 pcs.
but now proplem how connect safety to bodnar all :)
and what model opto need orden next ? or 5V relay have working too. but relay use lot area opto chip use little and have many switch same baggage.
i hope u understand what i mean, sorry my english :)9072thats is audio panel.
9073and face panel.

04-19-2014, 12:56 PM
Hi Matti
another solution is to use double pole push buttons like these on ebay.
use 1 pole for the input to the BU0836 and one pole for the led


Matti V
04-19-2014, 01:34 PM
i have just same switch my audio panel :)

but have douple pole connect same, if adding 5V left side 5V come too right side :( center pin have together :(

i think thats too but no have cheap sw douple pole what not come same .
if have money i orden some opto switch and adding all switch thats and then can adding bodnar.
maybe go some month have money can orden all parts :(
thanks lot you.