View Full Version : [CHEAP] PEDESTALL and FSBUS for sale!

11-19-2011, 02:29 PM

Hello dear friends.
Two years ago I started building a pedestal for L-410 turboprop plane (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let_L-410_Turbolet). It is a very great fun for long winter evenings but now I don’t have enough time to finish it. I would really love to finish this project but when I have a chance to choose between real world flying, flying on vatsim, doing ATC on vatsim or developing some addon do FS then homecockpit has the lowest priority. Now it has been lying here under my desk and I have no usage for it. It is a pity because I think that it is quite good project.
I am selling it “as it is” but of course I have deeply thought about how to finish it so be sure that I will send you detailed description of my idea how to finish it.
Briefly – the output device is 15 inch CRT monitor placed under the panel which can display whatever I place on it – FMC, radios, transporder… and I don’t have to care about 7-seg LED displays, FMC display and so. I think this idea makes it very universal, suitable for almost any plane you could imagine. The monitor is a part of pedestal but is not fixed there so it can be very easily removed and replaced by LCD if someone prefers it. I can send the pedestal with or without the monitor, as you wish. I am offering the monitor for free – it is fully functional but got it for free so I don’t want to charge anything on it.
My input interfaces are two:
1) HIDMacros (http://www.hidmacros.eu/) is built on PCB from old keyboards. You simply solder your switches, buttons, etc to the PCB from any keyboard instead of buttons and using this extremely easy but powerful utility you can assign almost whichever function to the keystroke (FSUIPC action, SImmconnect action, simulation of key press, simulation of mouseclick,…). The utility also protects your system from unwanted interaction with other keyboards. So don’t worry, if you map your “spacebar” from your HIDMacros to “toggle landing gear” and you press spacebar on your regular keyboard while chatting with a friend it will NOT cause the toggle landing gear. Because of extremely low price of HIDMacros devices I intended to use it for low cost buttons on FMC, radios, autopilot, EFIS and so on. It all be very well working and you don’t have to build and pay for expensive FSBUS PCBs.
2) FSBUS which is used for more complicated inputs like rotaries (radios tuning), potentiometers (prop pitch, throttles), or thinks which require more advanced programming. My FSBUS is completely done and tested. The only think you need is to connect your potentiometers, buttons, rotaries, LEDs or whatever to it. I am including the 230V power source and COM RS232 cable. The COM and DIO cards are 100% done in a very beautiful way and are fully working. The display card is quite not so good, but 4 7-seg display packs are soldered to it and they work very well. The two last chips are not working, so I have soldered nothing to them. Because of this small problem with DISP card I am giving it for free if you buy the rest of FSBUS. All cables and connections which you need to make the FSBUS operative are included. Because I am not too much experienced in programming I am not sure about providing howto support to FSBUS, but it contains a very detailed documentation and even the author has good support on e-mail so it will be easy to finish, I hope.
My offer contains:
1) Wooden, very massive box as a housing of whole pedestal. The box was made by me and it is one of the best parts of my pedestal – really very massive and well made. On the bottom back there are two wheels for easier at-home-transport. If you don’t like them it will be easy to remove them but I found them very useful. The only thing to the box – small details on the upper side are not black painted because I ran out of black paint so you will have to go, but a black wood paint and finish it. Job for 5 minutes (exclude your way to the paint store ).
2) All necessary metal levers – throttle levers, prop pitch levers, fuel chocks, emergency levers – everything finished, ready to install. Those levers are supposed to be placed on a metal axe. I am attaching some material for this axe, of course, you do not have to care about anything. You only need to buy potentiometers for the levers and connect them to the FSBUS.
3) Completely done FSBUS as written above together with some spare parts, LEDs, etc. – see photos
4) Most of other stuff you will need – switches, buttons, one very massive switch for gear lever, LEDs,… You only need to buy rotaries for radio tuning.
5) 1:1 printed plans of how I intended the pedestal – quite scale according to the original L-410 airplane, but it can be easily used with almost whichever twin-engine plane in FS, even not turboprop. Those plans together with all documentation I have ever made will be also provided in electronic form as PDFs/JPEG.
6) Plexiglass and plastic panels. The upper one around the levers is 100% done. The middle one (gear, flaps,…) is done, you only have to paint it black. The lower one is done but the painting is not so good on a few spots, you will have to buy a black plastic color and make 2-3 corrections.
The whole pedestal has dimensions of 70 cm (length), 37 cm (width), 49 cm (height, without the levers installed). Together with my CRT monitor it has weight of 27 kilograms (you see the reason why I mounted those small wheels on the bottom for easier transportation?). If you want to save some money on shipping I can remove the CRT.
About the shipping – the price of shipping is not included and I will have to talk about it with the potential buyer. I can ship it by post but as far as I don’t know to which country you want it I am unable to determine the price. Write me where you are and I will calculate the post shipping. I can also ship it with PPL or DHL, but I have not yet asked them about the conditions and price so if you are interested in it, let me know. If you are from central Europe and you wish to come for the package by car it is also no problem, I will be glad to meet you.
Now about the price. I am not selling it to make profit, I only need to get it away from under my table and I have not enough time to finish and use it (however it is 90% done). I have paragons only from some electronics and it reads 108 USD. To it I have to add some money for other material I needed. Together it cost about 300 USD but to be fair I am offering it for 200 USD (144 EUR) + shipping.
If you want only the FSBUS (and nobody else wants the complete pedestal) I can offer the FSBUS only for 170 USD + shipping (which will be quite small as far as the FSBUS is not so big).
You can check the photos of my project on my facebook (should be accessible even for those who don’t have facebook account or don’t have me in friends): http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2120811343711.2104332.1348620800&type=3&l=ac5bf4cfda
If you have any questions, you need a detailed photo of something or you have some offed please feel free to contact me on e-mail brodhaq(at)seznam(dot)cz ICQ 224 401 042 or Skype: brodha88. I am not attending this discussion board to often so if you need something quickly please contact me.

Pavel Brodsky
Czech Republic
somewhere in central Europe

12-11-2011, 04:28 PM
Nobody? Discount possible...