View Full Version : See none interface ports

11-22-2011, 08:59 AM

I have installed FS2Phidget 5.0.21 Phidget21 Version 2.1.8 Built Oct 28 2011, Phdget Led 64 advanced and Interfacekit 0/16/16.

When I start FS2, I see the Interfaces but both have none ports, it is not possible to connect a switch or a Led.



12-24-2011, 09:19 AM
Hi again

no ideas was going wrong here?

Thanks for any idea


01-14-2012, 07:14 AM
Ok my dears I see there is no answer and no support for for FS2Phidget.
I will look around for another solution.


Matt Olieman
01-14-2012, 08:47 AM
It's frustrating not to get an answer, I know..... :( I would help if I could, but I don't understand your question. Normally fellow builders respond right away.

Can anybody else help Richard?

Matt Olieman

01-15-2012, 03:06 PM

Not sure I understand your post. It appears you are expecting to see a list of "ports".
Bear in mind that version 5 does not display list of "ports", as version 4 does.
Might be better for you to use latest version 4.


01-17-2012, 11:35 AM
Hi Alan

in FS2P5 in top left corner I see my 2 Phidget Interfaces, but both of them has no ports. It's not possible to make a conaction bettwen my led and switches to the interfaces.

My goal is to made an dodosim 206 instrument panel. I have done this with 18 simkits gauge. there are two switches, 3 push buttons and 21 LED. I have Phidget Led64advanced and an interfacekit 0/16/16.
what is now the best solution to get the Led's and sitch/buttons to work?

I have download FS2P4.3.66 and have try to install, I get an error:


thanks for you help


W7 64Bit FSX Acceleration

01-18-2012, 11:26 PM

4.3.66 is an upgrade only.
You need to install 4.3.65 first.
4.3.66 is to a fix a bug in 4.3.65 that JohhnyG reported.


01-19-2012, 01:18 PM
Hi Alan

Yes, now it works.
If I have more time I will try to configer and conect all the LED's and switches.

Did I have a chance to bring in the FSVariables4316.xml, I have get from Jess Jellen for V5, in V4?


01-19-2012, 04:27 PM
Version 4 only uses ini files.
I am guessing Jess has added some custom settings.
How many of Jess's FsVariables do you need to use?

01-22-2012, 07:56 AM
Hi Alan
Ok, then there is not an easy way to make this xml file to an ini file?
I need 26 variable (21 for LED's 5 for Switches/buttons), I guess I can to this by hand.
I hope I have all information I need in the xml file from Jess.


01-23-2012, 03:19 PM
Hi Alan
I have now Managed the varable. 25 of 26 variable I have found in the xml file from Jess.
20 of the 21 LED's have the offset 2F28 and an Bitmap from 0 to 19. the LEDs with bit greater than 15 (16-19) to not work. For DODO206 are this spare 2,3,4 and 5.
For the 5 switchI have only found 4 variable.For the Over-temp test button I have not found the Ballast valve (open/close). Did you now where I can find the offset, byte size etc.?
On the other hand the annunciator test button (Tail hook (up/down)) do not work. I have set it as Bitmap, size=8 Offset=3BA0 and bit=0.
Did you have an idea or did you know where I can find more information to fix this 2 buttons?

Thanks for you help


01-23-2012, 10:21 PM
Is the over-temp switch a standard FSUIPC offset?
Who produces software?
Try setting tailhook offset to size 1 or 2.

01-24-2012, 04:46 PM
Hi Alan
There is none difference, if I set the size to 1 or 2.
The software is DODSIM b206.
I have to try to set a button on my joystick in FSUIPC. I can set for toggle tail hook handle for the annunciator test button and it works.
The same result I have for over-temp test button there I use toggle water ballast. In the documentation from FSUIPC is a "List of FSX controls" where I found this "controls":
but I have none idea for what does 66... number are.
Now is the quetion, did we bring this controls in FS2P V4? Or where did we find more information?
I quess we are very close to the solution.


01-24-2012, 06:08 PM

To make all the "spares" work and light up with the test button, assign them all to the spare 1 bit.

As for the TOT light test light, please open the FSVariables4315.xml and look at the very bottom of the page. You will see that the overtemp light offset is assigned to 2F2A and bit 4 and some other changes. You may have to experiment with that as I do not have a LED for that light (that was added by another person).

You may have to contact Simon at DodoSim to see what he recommends for the overtemp light. I know it was originally assigned to offset 2F28 and bit 20.


01-25-2012, 01:42 PM
Hi Jess

Thats a god idea to set all spare to spare1, thanks for this tip.The TOT varaible has offset 2F2A size 2 and bit map offset 4 and working peferct. All my LED's working as I expect it.

My current problem are the buttons for TOT light test and annuciator light test.
The annunciator button I have set in FS2P4.3.66 has offset 3BA0 size 8 and bit map 0
for the TOT button I have not found a variable. DODOSIM doc say's TOT is "water ballast valve", but again I have not information for made the definiton in FS2P.
If I start FSX and define an Joystick button, with FSUIPC, this function are toggle tailhook handle ( 66391 ) for annunciator and toggle water ballast valve ( 66698 ) for the TOT. With this 2 FSUIPC events over a joystick button it work's. How did we bring this in FS2P?
Thats my problem where I searching a solution for.

Thanks for your help
