View Full Version : More USBStepper Motors Problems...

Boeing 747 Flyer
12-11-2011, 12:59 PM
Hi everyone,

You may remember a few months back I posted about some problems I had when testing my USBStepper Motors card.

Well, I have now finally completed my chronograph, and low and behold, after plugging the Stepper motor back into the card, it doesn't work.

The problem is that the Stepper Motor vibrates erratically. I have tried changing the windings around and plugging them into different pins; same problem each time. It is the same Stepper Motor I used earlier this year and it worked fine back then.

My Stepper Motor has 5 wires...

- I have plugged the first "winding" (2 wires) into pins 1 and 3
- I have plugged the second "winding" (2 wires) into pins 2 and 4
- The fifth wire, which is the common, has been plugged into pin 5

NOTE: All Pin references above are referring to the "Motor" Stepper Motor slots (3 of them) on the card.

Any ideas?

Script wise, I am just using a SIOC script that defines the motor, and USBStepper motor.exe. The motor have been set to run at the slowest possible speed so that it doesn't "overspeed".



Boeing 747 Flyer
12-12-2011, 02:05 PM

I can get the motor to turn 180 degrees but it will vibrate erratically at the same spot every time. If I reverse the wires, the "erratic" 180 degrees becomes live and the previously "good" 180 degrees becomes "erratic". This is a very concerning issue, considering we have spent 4 months building the chronograph from scratch!

05-12-2013, 03:41 PM
I got the problem too.
The degrees send to the stepper must be between 0 and 35999. (bad explained in the manual, and the scripts found in sioc folder donīt do that, because they are for an old version of sioc.
And very important.
DONīT USE IOCstepper.exe and IOCstepper.ini.
Itīs obsolete and has a programing error. The new SIOC donīt need.

Taking your timmer script, the solution is change two lines of the script:

Var 0000, Link USB_STEPPER, name Chrono, Output 3, PosL 240, PosC 0, PosR 4, Type H
errors: 240 is too slow, try from 3 to 8, and type must be H or F (T no exist)

(L0 = &Final_Value * 6.00)
error: value must be 600

The final script, corrected is:

Var 0112, name Switch7, Link IOCARD_SW, Input 222 // EVAC Toggle Switch
IF &Switch7 = 1
&BlinkLed = 60 // begin value of timer
&BlinkLed = TIMER 0 -1 100

Var 0000, Link USB_STEPPER, name Chrono, Output 3, PosL 6, PosC 0, PosR 4, Type H

Var 6, name BlinkLed
L0 = &BlinkLed
L1 = 60 - L0
&Final_Value = L1

Var 7, name Final_Value
L0 = &Final_Value * 600
&Chrono = L0

Good luck, and let me know if works for you. Itīs work for me.

Boeing 747 Flyer
05-12-2013, 04:17 PM
Hey Horacio,

Thanks for the response. I managed to fix the problem awhile back but it seems I never posted back on here.

Thank you very much for your scripts, I will be sure to take them in consideration when I next do some work on the chronograph. Indeed I agree that the manuals do not explain these facts well enough.

