12-14-2011, 02:58 PM
Amazingly, there is a way to get Jet Fuel Scent, as well as Gasoline Scent and others!

Question: What does Jet Fuel smell like too you?

Answer: If you say, ”kerosene" like fuel smell, then I can say I’ve found it!

Do you want to know how and where to get it?

Okay, here it goes:

A company in California sells scented pellets that can be used for Haunted House events or events where scents are needed. The pellets can be purchased separately or you can get them with a fan/blower unit.

The pellets come in different sizes and at different prices.

I purchased a small Jet Fuel scent pouch for testing and it smells exactly like Jet Fuel, sort of like Kerosene.

I took a Glade Air Freshener plug-in with a fan, replaced the scent it had with the Jet Fuel pellets (12 small pellets) mixed with water (took the water out and added more pellets on the second test and it was stronger).

Plugged the Air Freshener in near the Cockpit and now have a hint of Jet Fuel in the room/air.

The steps I took above were just a way for me to figure if this would work. A proper, specially made, plug-in Air Freshener would be better or you could purchase a smaller battery operated fan/blower version from the company for $119.

Here is the link for the website that sells the scent:


This link will take you to the correct page of the scents:


I am putting this out for everyone openly; however, if someone markets this for the flight simulation community, please at least offer me the product for free...since I did the leg work so to speak and posted the idea.

Finally, you can have the “Sight, Sound and Smell” for your cockpit or simulator facility you've been looking...uh, sniffing for.

Thank you,


12-14-2011, 03:39 PM
jet fuel is karosene


12-14-2011, 03:57 PM

You're right Jetfuel is Kerosene, but it depends on where you are in relation to the Jetfuel and the smell. If you're near the exhaust of a jet it is going to be different from unburnt kerosene, so to some people they might not associate the two together.

If you've been a passenger on a jet and right before you get on the aircraft you might catch a whiff of the burnt fuel, and not likely smell that raw, unburnt, fuel near the fuel truck.

As for this scent, it smells like kerosene when you put it under your nose, but in the room it is not as strong, so smells like a weaker form of the burnt jetfuel. This is the best way to describe it. I would not descibe it as a scent like a home kerosene heater, because that smell is really strong like standing by the fuel truck.

Therefore, it all depends on your nose and what you've been exposed too at an airport. For some people, they might not know what kerosene smells like... The best advice is, if someone wants to get the scent, they should try the small sample pouch that is sold.

As a note for everyone: I have no association with this company; I just did some good research.


12-14-2011, 08:46 PM
Pretty interesting stuff! I've wanted to find a possible solution fro this problem myself - thanks for providing a complete solution! The question is, can you get addicted to this smell, like is it bad for you? I can't imagine it would be real kerosene because that would evaporate really quickly?

12-15-2011, 06:09 AM
I think it would make me feel sick quite quickly once the novelty wears off.
There is realism and then there is obsession..... I am still in the realism camp, slowly creeping towards the obsession camp. :cool:

12-15-2011, 07:38 AM
So I asked my wife which of the five sense had not been factored into my plans for my pit build, and she quickly listed off what I had covered site, sound, and touch and said all that was left was taste and smell.

When I told her about this post she said "Not in my house!!!" That was the one thing she didn't like about the two times she's flown for real. After the pre-flight the fuel strainer was put in the seat back pocket behind the pilot and even though it was in a plastic bag all she could smell for the duration of the flight was 100LL. Needless to say that wasn't on her list of favorite smells...

As for "taste" all that's needed is a cup of coffee during flight ;) so now I'm trying to find a space to add the tilting cup holder in my pit :roll:

12-15-2011, 11:22 AM
my sim's in the garage anyway so smells mechanical as it is....just need that cordite smell now ;)

12-15-2011, 01:19 PM
Hi, the smell that most reminds me of an airplane is the red hydraulic fluid used for the brakes as well as hydraulic systems, "5606" airplane blood. Just "accidentally" spill a cap full onto a rag and lay it behind your rudder pedals. Will not evaporate and is not the type of smell that makes you sick like fuel smells do.

I also kept my fuel checker in the rear seat pocket and after 30 years I never smelled it but had to leave it in the hanger many times because passengers could not stand it.


02-07-2012, 08:17 PM
This is kind of funny as I was just talking to the wife about this. Told her to really capture the smell of a GA rental aircraft I need the smell of av gas and vomit. Surprisingly I didn't find "vomit" scent on that website.

02-07-2012, 11:14 PM
I'm the wife of BlueSkyDriver and I can tell you that it does really smell like jet fuel. if it gets too strong, you won't need "vomit" scent because you will have the real thing.

I can only stand it for about an hour or so and then I'm done and have to go get some fresh air. I haven't installed the air sickness bags in the plane yet.

02-07-2012, 11:41 PM
I can be Rich!!! If people want the smell of jet fuel, old blue juice, and avgas I can just sell them some of my old work pants. Easy money. I like it.