View Full Version : What are you building and how far are you in the build?

No Longer Active
12-20-2011, 07:38 AM
What are you building and how far are you in the build?

Would be great to know what we are all building and at what stage we are in?

To start this thread, I am building the Cessna 152 and it is running on X-Plane 9 and PM gauges. My panels are cnc'ed from 12mm mdf and is currently priming the panels at the mo. The gauges are displayed on a 18.5" screen, and my control column is built into the sim via the means of a hacked ch yoke. I have just bought my flaps gauge, real cessna knobs and real bendix king dummy gauges...I also have real cessna pedals too (and a real cessna telex mic)...


In January I will continue with the cockpit enclosure and merge the sim console into the enclosure....

So how are you doing with your builds?.....

No Longer Active
12-21-2011, 06:43 AM
No GA Builders building?

12-21-2011, 12:39 PM
We're laying low so we don't get flipped over when one of those pax hauling monsters goes screaming by. :)


12-21-2011, 04:51 PM
Here is phase 1 of my Cessna 172 just completed after two years.
Phase two is the enclosure which I plan to start early in the New Year.
Phase three will be to improve the outside view so that I can get 180 degrees of display, probably with five large monitors i.e. 27 + inches.
I would also like to replace the radios with more prototypical units but the current ones are perfectly acceptable and work very well.59645965596659675968

12-21-2011, 07:42 PM
That's very well done Meridian. I look forward to seeing your shell project!


12-21-2011, 08:08 PM
This is my little corner of the world. i am not replicating any real aircraft, so it will never be completed, and i have no clue how far along I am. I have a custom made Autopilot built by me, Saitek yoke, and pedals, Goflight Rp-48, and GF166A. In the Goflight console, I have a GF-TQ6, a custom made light plate on top, an annunciator panel out of an OV-1 Mohawk that I converted, and custom made mixture controls that came out of a KC-135 ground trainer. The main monitor displays FSX, while the second monitor is displaying the FSWidgets GMAP (So, I never get lost- just go the wrong way). There is also a Buttkicker Gamer attached to my chair.

I am planning on building the SimSamurai AX-1 Housing, and putting in a custom overhead. Plus anything else I find or comes my way.


AK Mongo
12-22-2011, 01:54 AM

I like your solution for the gauges, half lcd, some steam, correct?

How did you do your trim indicator on the pedestal, is it mechanical off the spirals in the trim wheel, or servo based?


12-22-2011, 06:48 AM

Yes the 8 main gauges and the warning panel are based on a 16 inch monitor and the remaining gauges are Simkits. The digital clock is currently a dummy.

The elevator trim wheel is a real Cessna component that I purchased second-hand from a dealer in the USA and the trim indicator is a simple mechanical lever driven by the spiral as per the prototype.

The trim wheel is connected to a multi-turn potentiometer via two gears to give the correct number of turns from full up to full down trim. The pot is connected to FS9 via a Leo Bodnar BU0836X Universal Joystick Controller and FSUIPC.


AK Mongo
12-22-2011, 10:30 AM

Thanks for the info. I love the look of your build.

I have been working on the same sort of trim mechanism, but it has proven to be a big stumbling block for me. Can you share a picture/description of how you built the indicator. I am sure it is much easier to do than I am attempting...

12-22-2011, 01:20 PM

My setup now has a 3 monitor wideview setup since this image was taken. I'm awaiting delivery of a 4.3" monitor and then I'll be constructing a Garmin GNS430. I'm having the Garmin enclosure components laser cut.

I'm also now running the main panel remotely using gauges from the gauges factory (Reality xp/flight1 gauges shown in the photo). I'm really impressed with the gauges and if the developer produces the remaining 172 stuff that currently aren't there then I'll be donating! If not them I'll probably end up down the PM route. Using a second pc for the gauges has given me a 10-15fps increase on my main machine!


12-22-2011, 02:18 PM
Here is a picture of one of my two projects, based on a cessna 150 with dual nav/com's. Also has 3-DOF motion base.

01-03-2012, 04:46 AM
this is my build im thinking of re doing everything now for the sim to be easy to take down and move for rental at fairs and maybe partys or just show and tell ...here's the link http://youtu.be/ovHJLx8nOig

01-03-2012, 11:40 PM
I am recreating an Air Canada DC-9-32. At this point "build" is a fairly relative term. I wanted to get all the pieces to make it look as though you were walking into a DC-9 airliner, so I have been buying pieces for roughly two years. I have just recently started creating a structure, and once I have the important components in place, I will begin networking the components to the computers, and "tweaking" the structures to get it all into place.


The nice thing now is that this is like a giant $9,000 jigsaw puzzle, where a large number of pieces are simply lining up screw holes and then figuring out how the subflooring will come together...so it shouldn't take nearly as long to put it together as it did to find it all.