View Full Version : It is time!!

01-23-2012, 01:04 PM
Hello everyone!!

I am, at this time, letting everyone know that I can no longer be building the 737NG. It is just getting way
too expensive. I have a full set of homemade pedestal panels, that are painted gray. They are backlightable
and are made of 1/4" lexan. I do not use backer plates with these panels. There will be one included that
shows how I incorporate the push buttons and switches. There are about 50 homemade and molded knobs with
this and some korrie examples that can be used if they are sanded down about 1/2 mm. Please see the attached
example of how the panels look. Again, these are homemade, so they are not perfect. But guess what??
THEY ARE FREE!!! Just pay whatever it takes for the shipping. These are for the U.S. only, as I would not be
able to pay for the shipping even if it is to be paid back. Things have just gotten that bad.



AK Mongo
01-23-2012, 01:45 PM

I have sent you a PM.


01-23-2012, 07:01 PM
Hello all!!

The panels are gone. Thank you.


01-24-2012, 11:05 PM
Hi Milt,
You mentioned in your post that you had home made knobs. I'm toying with the idea of making my own knobs also, but have no idea where to begin as far as acquiring the proper supplies to do so. I'm guessing a hobby shop might have the necessary ingredients. I wonder if you might be able to shed some light in that area.


01-25-2012, 06:38 AM
Hi Ed
best way is to "borrow" 1 real knob of each type of knob from a fellow simmer who is lucky enough to have a real cockpit, and make a silicon mould of each one(or several moulds is better). Use the silicon moulds to make your knobs using casting resin (water clear for illuminated knobs). Then drill and paint to suit. I drill a 4mm grub screw into each to fasten to the pot shafts. You can see in these photos I make all my knobs, annunciator boxes and korrys using this method. Materials are cheap from model stores.


01-25-2012, 12:36 PM
Hi Geoff,

Thanks much for info. Going to look into this area in more detail as looks like the way to go for my budget.


01-25-2012, 01:17 PM
Hi, Ed.

Sorry I did not get back to you right away. Geoff is doing it the way I did. I get all of my molding supplies from www.smoothon.com. You can purchase small kits for about $25 each. You will need 2 kits. I purchased a kit of OOMOO 25 silicone and a kit of Smooth-Cast 305. The silicone mold, once poured over the original, will be ready for molding in about 2 hours, the resin has a demold time of about 10 minutes. There are many helpful videos on the Smooth-On website that will give you all the information that you require to do this. The videos will show you how to make a mold box and how to use various types of mold boxes. Molding in this manner is not only affective, but it is actually a lot of fun.

01-25-2012, 03:36 PM
Thanks so much for this extra info. Very helpful.
