View Full Version : What to do next

01-23-2012, 02:38 PM
Hey guys,
I recently got the saitek auto pilot, switch , and radio panels for Christmas.
I now have the yoke, pedals, and throttle and all of the ones i named above im out of work and in highschool so im not loaded with money :)
im kinda in a rock and a hard place i dont know what to do next because all of the cockpits iv seen are really expensive and i want to incorporate all of my saitek panels and controls into the cockpit i build because they work great and suite my needs as of right now iv been looking at maybe a cessna cockpit to start off with since this will be my first.
Iv been looking on youtube and i kinda want to go with one big tv(monitor) like 40 ish inch as my view because that would be easier than 5 small screens and use one small monitor on my MIP for the gauges since that would be cheaper than buying gauges. the link bellow is what im thinking is the best
comment and tell me what you think and give me your ideas
thanks, Jesse


01-23-2012, 06:05 PM
Firstly, dont be disheartened when you see other sim builders creations. They cost many thousands of pounds and years of work.
Some people are not happy unless every knob and button is an exact replica, others are fine with a generic pit, and you are happy with a Saitek combination.
Do you fly Cessna's mostly? if yes then your idea is fine. If you like to fly the odd jet then go with a generic cockpit.

01-23-2012, 06:13 PM
ya i like my set up and i want to finish it off with that XTOP Pro flight panel (its pretty cool look it up) and get the intrument panels from saitek and that would be perfect
and what do you mean by generic??

01-23-2012, 06:56 PM
my dream is to one day have a professional sim cockpit:) but right now i just want to get my view so its just the view nothing else on the screen im getting my head set adapter tommorow so that pretty exciting

01-23-2012, 07:03 PM
Generic means that it does not look like a cessna, 737 etc.... It is basically all your equipment set up how you want it, and not trying to replicate a specific airplane.
My dream is also to have a professional sim cockpit.. ;) .... I am close to my dream but still have a way to go.... and it has cost me thousands.

01-24-2012, 01:32 AM
Also i dont have all of the experience of wiring things and working with a lot of computer software i love working with wood i but cant do wires yet. The panel that i was talking about already comes with lights, switches, headset adadpter, speakers inside and usb ports installed and all i have to do is plug them in to the main board witch is pretty easy.