View Full Version : PMDG sound

Martin Cumming
02-07-2012, 01:47 PM
As I'm using PM I am unable to use the PMDG NGX. Is it possible to use the PMDG sound file and transfer it to the fsx 737 default aircraft?

Geremy Britton
02-07-2012, 03:27 PM
Yep, there certainly is but it was so long ago since i did this i forgot how to do it. It's something to do with the .air file in the aircraft folder you need to move over.

I'm sure someone else will jump in here and tell you in more depth than i can remember.

Good Luck!

05-03-2012, 12:01 AM
As I'm using PM I am unable to use the PMDG NGX. Is it possible to use the PMDG sound file and transfer it to the fsx 737 default aircraft?

Yes it's possible. This is what I have done, but with the PMDG FS9 version of the 737-800.

Copy the whole NGX sound folder.

I have a mix of NGX sounds and TSS sounds. If you decide to mix-match the sounds taking the best from either package, ensure you maintain the same file type and name. You will also need to alter the sound.cfg to reflect the chnage in the file.

Works perfectly, Iain