View Full Version : Prosim737 working with Arduino via ARCOM

02-24-2012, 04:20 PM
Version 1 of ARCOM software for Arduino by Marc is now working. If anyone wants to use it, contact me here:


I will guide you through the steps of setting up the system personally as long as I don't have a manual.

Right now all LEDs can be controlled, 7 Segment Displays and other hardware will be supported soon.

-infinite number of LEDs
-infinite number of 7 Seg. Displays
-one board which costs about 20 bucks

-There are no PCBs yet and one must solder everything on his own
-configuration can take a bit long...

Video, testing the gear annunciators with X-Plane and a standard aircraft.


I am happy about any donations! I designed the PCBs on the Computer, but producing them will be quite expensive and i want to wait and see if there are others who would use this, before I invest money into this.


Ps: I would be happy to see some smiling builders-faces out there and some rather unhappy ones from companies that charge you 50€ and more to control only 64 LEDs 8-)

Dawid Szczeblewski
02-24-2012, 09:11 PM
That is such a grate news Marc!!
congrats on your success
I am restoring a Nimrod MK4 cockpit from original parts using open cockpits stuff which is.. well not the best, at least for me ;) I know I am a begginer with programming but got a bit of expirience with electronics and still expirience lots of problems with oc, specialy with encoders card.
Anyways I got my self the Arduino UNO recently, but so far had no success to interface it with FSX,
maybe simconnect???
Would this board be enough here? perhaps with a MUX shield.. or is Arduino mega a reasonable minimum?

02-25-2012, 04:56 AM
Well, ARCOM works with any program that outputs the state of LEDs on the SERIAL PORT. It works with PROSIM737 - I don't know if there is a plugin for FSX to do this.

Concerning the hardware:

You need one Arduino (if you have a LillyPad that works as well I think) and 3 pins on this Arduino. One for Data, one for Clk, and one for Load CSN. There is a special chip connected to the Arduino which controls the Leds. I am in progress of letting the PCBs being produced, because soldering everything together by hand is pretty time consuming.

If you wait a few weeks, I will probably start a kickstarter (kickstarter.com) project - if there are enough who are interested - and produce the PCBs. (I still need an offer from a chinese manufacturer)

Any questions - ask me!

Marc Gy

Dawid Szczeblewski
02-25-2012, 11:50 AM
That would be great, keep us posted!
I already have prosim737 suite and Arduino Uno board, also own a copy of Altium designer and I can produce home brewed PCBs down to 0.3mm track width.. not so good with double layer yet but getting there so I would give it a go If you decide to make the schematics etc Available :]
good luck
Any chance you could explain, just roughly the principles and what does what in your project.. and what dou you mean by a "special" chip?
is it a microcontroller or some kind of muxing chip ?

02-25-2012, 01:30 PM
@Dawid I sent you a PM


The 7 Segment Displays of the MCP are working right now (except for Altitude and V/S because I am struggling with Prosim's output) The v1_1 will be finished after some testing and in a few days

02-25-2012, 01:48 PM
ARCOM is a programing language, software package?
I am planing on going down the arduino route and this sounds attractive to me.
Thank you
Roberto c.

02-25-2012, 03:23 PM
ARCOM is a communication protocol between any serial interface and ARDUINO. The code for the Arduino is also called ARCOM -if you want to, you will get it very soon, still needs some testing. The PCBs will also be available soon (I've got the design, contacted manufacturers etc.) I'll put you on my list.


Dawid Szczeblewski
02-25-2012, 08:30 PM
I replied to your message but it seems my msgs are not being sent...
Let me know if that is the case and I will reply to your email

02-26-2012, 03:53 PM
Ok everybody - to get ARCOM follow the instructions on this page:


If you want to demonstrate some goodwill and want to support my development, buy my PCB layout :) This is rather symbolic, as I can't sell the Arduino software...

Hope to be able to contribute to this community.

ARCOM makes users smile and companies cry