View Full Version : Confused about software why use other software than fsx or xplane?

03-12-2012, 04:25 PM
Hello all,

It has probably been answered before, but after trying to find the answer for some time I finally dare to ask the question..

I dont understand why people use other software than fsx to display panels and yet at the same time fly within fsx.

Does that mean that the software replaces the flightmodel of fsx/xplane and only use fsx/xplane as a visual for the scenery? Or does the software only simulate the panels and is the flightmodel from within fsx or xplane?

Thanks for answering,
Greetings Eric. Potential cockpitbuilder :)

03-13-2012, 03:17 AM
External software allows you to run flight displays and systems simulation on separate networked computers, taking processing load off of the visual display machine.

It also models systems that are either not modelled in the respective sim, or are modelled but do not easily allow you to connect hardware to it. For instance, turning a switch and having led's in your cockpit light up correctly in the right sequence with delays for example.

Most allow you to customise the logic while reading variables from the simulator itself.

That said, there are sim builders who do use just the main flight sim, it's not a one size fits all - depends what's going to work best for you and what tradeoffs you are going to make to match your desires and situation.

03-13-2012, 10:30 AM
Hi Kesomir,
Thanks for the answer.
Do I understand correctly then, that eg. PM software adds system modelling as well as providing instruments?
So in that regard I won't gain anything functional if buying PM-software to fly the PMDG-NGX. But I would if I flew the default fsx737 correct?
Other question remains does the external software replace the flightmodel as well?

03-13-2012, 10:37 AM
That is correct - you would need the Boeing or airbus suite (PFD, MCP and CDU) plus PMSystems (Everything else).

You would gain performance improvements over the NGX running all on one machine, I don't know how well the NGX PFDs scale to full size, but PM are vector drawn and look sharp and are very smooth. I am not familiar with the NGX other than reputation of being a very good representation.

Flight models are handled by the sim, you basically disable all the aircrafts modelled systems such as autopilot, cdu etc and this is all handled externally by PM (example).

If starting out, you may like to build around an NGX now the SDK is out - whatever works for you, this is cheaper and if you find it no longer meets your needs you could then investigate moving on to an external suite like PM or one of the others.

03-13-2012, 12:25 PM
Great question. I also wondered why the need for external software. Thanks.


03-14-2012, 05:57 AM
Thanks for the answer, it is more clear now where to put my first money :)
It is making more sense now how things work together.

03-14-2012, 10:16 AM
You don't need to buy very expensive software! Depending on the plane you intend to build several builders are using Software like LEVEL D 767 that basically has everything modelled into it and you can use it as the main software to control the whole sim! Also there is a new software that extracts values from the Airbus series software from WILCO so now you can use that to operate your sim and it is a $50 software that has all modelled into it! Plus know computers are very fast enabling you to be able to run more stuff from one single computer! Look around in the forums there is a lot of money you can save if you look into the diverse possibilities!



06-08-2012, 07:19 AM
But ofcourse it all depends on WHAT type of plane you are intending to build a cockpit for.
The original question was, as far as i understand correctly, for a 737 cockpit. (and btw i am assuming a NG cockpit)

IF it is the intention of Sammy-E to build a 737 cockpit than indeed the question next is, based on which "representation".
The default 737 that comes with fsx is lacking systems fidelity so i would suggest that if you are prepared to spent 1000's of dollars on hardware for a cockpit than you do at least need a proper 737 system model.

As mentioned there are some packages around (Proj Magenta, Flight Deck systems, Prosim) that will deliver this as an add-on Prices differ greatly. (yes i am building a 737 ng cockpit myself look at http://www.mycockpit.org/forums/showthread.php/23649-Starting-to-build-a-737(NGx)-cockpit)
Another rather new star rising is the IFly cockpit builders edition. This one looks promising too.
As far as i can see now the best price/performance and easiest way to use is delivered by prosim. (MIND YOU this is just my opinion, i guess others will have other opinions on this)

You will still need an "external model" for outside view but the posky 737ng (freeware i believe) seems suitable.

However PMDG is know for its system fidelity also. Already theire 737NG (available for FS2004 only!!) is quite capable of being used as the system model for building a cockpit (you will need an extra flightsim lab driver (payware) but i know of some cockpit projects that succesfully use this setup (so fs2004/pmdg 737ng/flightsimlab driver)

PMDG has raised the bar for "as real as it can get" with their new 737NGx (available for FSx only). This package can also be used for cockpit building since the release of the SDK in march 2012.
However do not expect this to be a simple point and click operation. The NGx and the SDK is out only a few months and not many people have yet interfaced their cockpit hardware to the NGx. ( i will probably be one of them but at the moment i am still in the screwing and bolting and soldering phase).

So what should Sammy-E do?

1. Choice wisely which aircraft he wants to simulate (boeing 737NG or Airbus A320 or 767 or whatever)
2. Read/ read /read /read (fora like this, fora from the hardware suppliers and sites from people that have already build their cockpit)
3. If he chooses to go with a 737 cockpit than i would suggest still ordering the PMDG 737NGX and start flying with it for now. This will help in getting understanding of how the 737NG works in real life as close it can get and will help in making choices for which hardware to buy.
4. Start building the cockpit piece by piece and take your time. One good advise i was given was that every evening of hardware work on your cockpit shoudl be concluded by a flight to keep it pleasant

For the record: although i believe Prosim delivers the best price/performance i am still aiming to make my cockpit work with PMDG's 737Ngx with a multiple PC setup (one PC for FSx outside visuals, one PC for cockpit displays and one pc for flightsim add-ons like EFB, As2012, FSC etc,)

I see Sammy-E lives in the netherlands. Have a look at the dutchfs.com also. Very usefull info there and feel free to drop me a PM for some personal advise if you think that would be of value to you.