View Full Version : Help! How to interface my first gauge?

Clutch Cargo
03-15-2012, 04:19 PM
Yep... a big nubie here.

I would like to try adding a gauge on a 2nd display to understand just how this works. Yes I see the hundreds of you in the forums that are already doing this so I am hopefull even I can do this. I have d/l the FlightDeckSoft 6-pak to start. It says it uses FSUIPC to interface (which I have the registered version), which I like as it requires no interface card for something this simple to try out. But the actual assigning via their offsets (I guess), is where it's beginning to go over my head.

Just an FYI -

- have search high and low here but cannot find any tutorials on the subjectof I/O assignments? Am I looking in the wrong places?

- Been reading the Advanced section of FSUIPC but all I can find are offsets for switches, buttons, and keyboard presses. But there are none for gauges that I can see. Aren't I just trying to find a way to get a reading to pass through to the gauge?

Any feed back or anyone using a FDS gauge via FSUIPC that can throw me a bone would be MOST appreciated. :cry:


03-15-2012, 04:24 PM
You don't need to interface anything. Just run the flightdecksoft on the same PC as Flight Simulator. Once it's open, drag it to your secondary monitor and maximize it. Start up FS9 or FSX and go about your business.

If you want to run it on a separate PC, you'll need WideFS installed on the second machine, to act as the stand-in for flight simulator. I haven't used WideFS, so I can't offer any advice there.

Edit per the reply below: Start up Flight Simulator FIRST, then run the gauge software. Move each to appropriate displays and maximize.

*It's been a while since I've used that gauge package.

Clutch Cargo
03-15-2012, 04:42 PM
Really... OMG that simple? I thought I just did that on FSX but saw none of the gauges showing movement. Will try again right now.


Ok... Tried it again using the default 172. Working! Guess I have to open FSX BEFORE I open the panel.. Doh! Spent the last several hours trying to understand how to set up offsets, ha!

Thx for the quick reply.