View Full Version : yet another thread about colors

04-25-2012, 12:14 AM
OK gents, this color thing is kicking my butt.
I just spent the weekend learning how, then beginning to powder coat my new MIP I'm building. I went so far as to order RAL 7011 powder.

Well, the process is great and the IR lamp I have does a great job curing the paint within about 10 minutes.

Here's the result...


... as you can see, my color doesn't really match. The paint is RAL 7011, the panel.. The panels are from an old FDS signature series MIP setup so I'm assuming that they are the correct color.

So, is the MIP RAL 7011 or am I just all jacked up? I also ordered RAL 7038 to repaint my pedestal. Is that the right color?

My options now are to either live with it, order a new color and re-powder, or sand it a bit and paint it with liquid paint that I have from my old MIP that is matched to the panels. I know real planes have mix and matched panels, but I think it will look really stupid if ALL the panels are different from the background paint.

04-25-2012, 01:37 PM
I am not going to be of help except to say I feel your pain.

You know that you are going to have to redo it as you will not be able to live with the difference ;)

Once again of no help to you, but if anyone is looking for paint for any part of the structure then I found Herringbone which is sold in B&Q to be a damn fine match for the panel.

04-26-2012, 08:35 PM
Seems to me there are two different shades of grey on the NG panels. Thought I read it in here in one of the posts. Bottom line , is how you yourself like it.

04-27-2012, 08:24 AM
Matching colours is tricky business. I would attemp living with it. If it makes you feel better, I've got a few original Boeing panels and they have several different shades of grey too.

04-27-2012, 01:58 PM
ok guys, you really are too worried about the colours !!
I've worked in brand new NG's where the panels within the pedestal or the mip didnt even match colours !
So if Boeing doesnt really worry about exactly matching the greys, then why should we ?

RAL7011 is close, however, it might come out in a slightly different shade when spraypainting or powdercoating (material used is of influence here). Also, when you have 2 cans of RAL7011 (or any other colour for that matter), but from different production batches, they might even differ in shade too.

So stop worrying too much about the shades of grey. Even the real NG doesnt have an uniform shade.

just my 2 cents.


Hessel Oosten
04-27-2012, 05:10 PM
Although a brown builder ...., I fully agree with Stef.

I.m.o. there a several factors for all the **color confusion**:

1. William Boeing himself... does not care about exact matching.

2. All photo's differ because the light is different: sun, shade, clouds: so color of light.

3. In most photo's there is nothing corrected for Color Balance ! See extremely/abnormal yellow pits photo's during night.

4. And may be the most neglected:

The effects of 20 years ***Ultra Violet Light*** in the cockpit.
Even in our houses everything discolorizes/bleeches/whitens during years of light and high above us, in the sunny air, that factor is much, much more intense.
So a new aircraft will have a far more saturated color than an older aircraft.

Just my 2 colors ...:-).

Hessel Oosten

04-27-2012, 06:16 PM
Thanks guys. I just left it as is... I have no issues with mismatched colors. In this instance it is a case of all the panels in my MIP are the same color... just not the same color as my MIP frame or remainder of the aircraft panels. Its only really noticeable on the light control panels as they are against a different background. No issues though. The cockpit is normally dark anyway.

Almost done with the MIP. Had to finally slow down and make time for my daughters birthday party. I'll be back at it tomorrow though and will hopefully be at a point to post some updates and pics.

04-30-2012, 09:59 AM
Hi warren
I dont belive that FDS is 7011 or if they are the shades of grey are diffrent in other countries i have gotten 7011 in 2 pack epoxy ,(close but slight shade diffrent to some fds panels) Acrylic paint same diffrent shade compaired to the epoxy 7011 ? , these 2 paints were from diffrent companys too.
Im sure if you were in a real 737 unless it was brand new there would be lots of diffrent shades of grey in the panels.
looking forward too seeing some pics

04-30-2012, 10:22 AM
Here's a teaser...


I promise, more later... I have the moving company pre-inspection today.. they are coming to see the "737 simulator" and how they are going to pack it up. They misread my original paperwork and thought it was a 15,000lb 737 simulator (that is my actual weight allowance).