View Full Version : The Seattle 737 project

05-14-2012, 01:31 AM
Good evening good folks!

I'm going to try this one more time as there must be a conspiracy against my name as my new threads seem to be visible for a day and vanish just like that.
Although i've been a registered user at mycockpit.org for quite some time, i spent all my time in here admiring other projects and learning a lot about sim building.

Two and a half years ago i started my first project, meant to be a multi purpose sim pit. The project turned out very good but i kept finding myself always wanting more. Let's change this and let's change that.
Well, i guess the final triggering point to building a 737 started with purchasing Prosim737. Ok, i was off and running......again. Of course all of this while a sceptical wife kept shaking her head.

Below you can see a short synopsis of where it started and where it sits today, 3 weeks after I started. Everything is scratch built and my joints are aching after running the jig saw for hours :)








05-19-2012, 01:07 AM
Ok, we are up and running again. Got the hardboard hauled home yesterday thanks to my friend Gene so now I hope to have the skin on the lower part installed by end of day tomorrow. The progress has slowed down a bit due to work related travel as well as spending some quality time with family.
Maybe I will let the first officer sheet his side of the flght deck? :)




05-19-2012, 11:28 PM
Hello world! I feel warm :)


Neil Hewitt
05-21-2012, 08:19 PM
Nice work. Every time I see a shell like this I find myself wishing I had the room, the tools and the talent to jigsaw out all those curved members and do something as nice as this.

05-22-2012, 12:35 AM
Nice work. Every time I see a shell like this I find myself wishing I had the room, the tools and the talent to jigsaw out all those curved members and do something as nice as this.

Thank you for the kind words Neil.
No doubt a lot of work has gone into the project so far and it's daunting to know that i've barely started.
Although I haven't kept a pulse in the exact hours spent in my garage so far, i'm guessing somewhere around 150.
I remember my childhood years in Norway, watching my dad craft beautiful things out of nothing. Things didnt turn out so nice when i tried to copy him but he always appreciated the effort. I guess i have always wanted to be the craftsman my dad was, hence i kept at it and before you knew it people started recognizing the crafts :)
It has kind of been the same way during this project. Started with a few planks and a ton of pictures, a few measurements and a lot of heart. It's funny to think back on the month of work as i've had bypassers ask why im building a boat, a bed, play fort, etc.
Being that I live in a community where houses are 8ft apart, our street turned into a traffic jam this last weekend as everyone seems to have heard about the mad man building a plane in his garage with a jig saw, a chop saw, a finish nailer, lots of screws, some basic hand tools, a broom and a very patient wife.
The skynis the limit Neil. You can do it.

05-22-2012, 03:36 AM
Very, very nice looking shell mate! Wish I had the time, skills and money to build a sim like that. Will closely watch this thread. By the way, was the name of this project, and the project itself inspired by the Norwegian 737 Project? :)



05-22-2012, 05:31 AM
Good work! :) The Vikings bring it every time! :) Just look at Ivar Hestnes. He did the same thing.

Tip: sand the surface smooth, then cover with epoxy and glass fiber. DONE! :) Just check out my side wall build...

Neil Hewitt
05-22-2012, 07:40 AM
Thank you for the kind words Neil.
No doubt a lot of work has gone into the project so far and it's daunting to know that i've barely started.
Although I haven't kept a pulse in the exact hours spent in my garage so far, i'm guessing somewhere around 150.
I remember my childhood years in Norway, watching my dad craft beautiful things out of nothing. Things didnt turn out so nice when i tried to copy him but he always appreciated the effort. I guess i have always wanted to be the craftsman my dad was, hence i kept at it and before you knew it people started recognizing the crafts :)
It has kind of been the same way during this project. Started with a few planks and a ton of pictures, a few measurements and a lot of heart. It's funny to think back on the month of work as i've had bypassers ask why im building a boat, a bed, play fort, etc.
Being that I live in a community where houses are 8ft apart, our street turned into a traffic jam this last weekend as everyone seems to have heard about the mad man building a plane in his garage with a jig saw, a chop saw, a finish nailer, lots of screws, some basic hand tools, a broom and a very patient wife.
The skynis the limit Neil. You can do it.

Hi Andre.

My dad was a joiner (specialist carpenter who hand-builds furniture) by trade. He could do beautiful things with wood. I picked up a few tips from watching him work. I learned a bit at school, too - I went to a school where woodworking & metalworking was compulsory for the first three years - and I turned out some nice stuff that's still in use in my parents' home today. So I can, in theory, do better than my current 'straight cuts and lots of screws' effort. But I also learned how to build quick structures Ikea-style.

What I lack, more than anything else, is space and time. I'm building in a back bedroom on the first floor. The property is rented so everything has to be stand-alone and non-destructive to the room. The room itself is 2.4m x 3.2m (that's 8' x 10'6"), and that has to accommodate the shell and the workspace and the tools (though I suspect I'm going to spill over into the lounge pretty soon). Oh for a proper workshop-sized cutting table :) And to be honest, the raw materials available to me are not fantastic either. Half my batons and planks are warped, and I'm mostly using ply instead of MDF to keep the weight down (as I mentioned, it's a first floor room - and the floor has weight limits). I can only really work on the shell at weekends, for a few hours a day, when I can use power tools without being anti-social to my neighbours upstairs and downstairs. Right now, due to personal circumstances, I have to be away every third weekend, and of course I have a life so some weekend days are just taken up with other stuff. All of which means I get maybe three full days of work done every month on the project. Once I get to the post-shell phase and I'm doing mostly electronics and small partwork, I'll be able to work in the evenings, and the pace should pick up. I hope.

I made a conscious decision, when I started, to keep it simple and concentrate on the inside, not the outside. So I'm going mostly with straight lines and cuts, keeping the fundamental structure simple, at least for the big parts. I've been inspired by the FDS aluminium shell range - though mine is all wood and is more bizjet than 737. I do have a nice table fretsaw ready for cutting the complex bits for my TQ out of MDF :)

I've almost reached the point where I'm willing to post some photos again. If I get a fair bit done at the weekend I might do next week.

Thanks for the kind words, though... I had a distinct slump a while ago and I need all the inspiration I can get :) Will be great to see how your project turns out.

Vidar's right, BTW - all the best shells seem to be Nordic. Ivar Hestnes, the Norwegian 737 Project, I know there are others too. Must be growing up with all those trees <g>.

05-22-2012, 11:55 AM
Yeah, Vikings are known for their wood......... :cool:

05-22-2012, 02:29 PM
Yeah, Vikings are known for their wood......... :cool:

I was going to say something slightly different Vidar but decided it would be best keeping it to myself :)

05-22-2012, 05:41 PM

Have you decided what is going to go INSIDE the sim?
I can imagine that you have been putting all of your efforts into the outside, but have you thought of what MIP you will use, what overhead, CDU, throttle quadrant etc?


05-22-2012, 06:55 PM

Have you decided what is going to go INSIDE the sim?
I can imagine that you have been putting all of your efforts into the outside, but have you thought of what MIP you will use, what overhead, CDU, throttle quadrant etc?


Hi Ollie,

I am still debating on the internal components but I'm starting to narrow down the choices.
I have ordered the MIP from simworld.

05-23-2012, 02:12 AM
Ollie, I have for sure followed Kjetil during his build but my inspiration goes much further back than that. The dream goes way back and i guess i can say that ut was triggered back when Ivar built his fantastic 737.
The love for aviation and the neverending desire to craft things with my hands caused me to pull the trigger on this dream project of mine.

Very, very nice looking shell mate! Wish I had the time, skills and money to build a sim like that. Will closely watch this thread. By the way, was the name of this project, and the project itself inspired by the Norwegian 737 Project? :)



05-28-2012, 08:56 PM
Base layer of skin applied. Now i will let the wood settle and glue dry before applying the finish layer. Now I'm going to grab a cold one and rest for a bit.
I still have to plug along with the window frames.
Feels like i didn't make the progress I had hoped for as traffic and curiosity slowed me down. Wish I could keep the garage door closed to keep out of the sightlines but space is premium until I get the old simpit torn down.



05-29-2012, 11:22 AM
Why don't you put up a sign:

"One question for 10 minutes of work, or shut up!" :D

05-31-2012, 01:53 AM
Why don't you put up a sign:

"One question for 10 minutes of work, or shut up!" :D

I think I'm just going to skip directly to "shut up" :)

05-31-2012, 11:23 AM
Dude, where's the "nordlending" spirit?
Or you could just answer like a fishing captain from Lofoten would do. "Stekk av, di pesshysa!" Should leave you in peace pretty quickly! :D

And for our non-norwegians out there: if you don't understand what I'm talking about, get your cabooses off the coach and travel to Norway. On your way to Lofoten, visit me! :)

Andre is a great example on how great this hobby is. I've seen his project, noticed the Norwegian sounding name (although a lot of Americans has Norwegian names) but did not think about it. Andre lives on a different continent, in a different country. But I just learned that he was born and grew up very close to where I live!

The world has indeed become small!

PS: Do NOT ask me to translate that norwegian phrase. It is impossible! :D

06-01-2012, 12:55 AM
Å Vidar, æ har mykje mainskjit prat i mæ. Huska du denna? Nei fy faen, den hælvetes vaskemaskinen e nu så førpult.........!!!!! :D

"Excuse me, this may sound like a stupid question but are you building an Igloo?". I looked at her and said nothing but thought to myself "what the f$&@ is wrong with people?". An Igloo????? Really?????? Do you really want to go there??????? I contained myself and shook my head as she moved on, muttering to myself that she would be one of those people who didn't deserve a closer look or an answer. The progress may not be that noticeable but I did finish the skinning of the entire captain's side, including finish sanding and nails punched down. Actually, I was so excited that I had to pull out the filler and get a rough coat onto the rear portion of the captain's side. Tomorrow I will ensure that the first officer gets the same treatment. The roof will have to wait until this weekend.



06-02-2012, 12:35 AM
Alright, we made it to 5 weeks. I feel like a cripple every night going to bed after working 2 full time jobs (one of them pays me and the other one takes money away).

Where does the build sit right now?

Sheeting done, surface sanded and nails punched on the entire lower part of the flight deck.
8 cartridges of glue used.
About 5200 finish nails have gone into the shell.
About 800 screws on the framework.
4 sheets of plywood.
6 sheets of hardboard.
3 #2 drill bits shattered.
One orbital sander went to heaven.
One jigsaw landed in the street because it couldn't cut straight (true!).
One of the hand drills only works when it wants to now. May end up in a street near you soon!
3 Jigsaw blades.
One pair of tennis shoes are now leaking as a nail decided to poke through my sole.
One gallon of drywall compound so far.
And the list goes on............

Today's question from a random bypasser..... Is it flyable now? Serious? When will these stupid questions end? I've considered putting up a big dry erase board and list the top 10 stupid questions for everyone to see. Yes? No?

Anyway, as you can see on the first picture I really have to consider demolition work on the old simpit sooner rather than later. It kills me to tear it down but I'm afraid I have no option :)

Wanna see pictures? Here we gooooooooooooo..



06-03-2012, 02:04 AM
Alright, pulled the roof section off in order to apply the second layer of hardboard. Hope to get this done tomorrow. Shouldn't be too big of a deal. The next step after that is to get multiple layers of filler on and sand it ready for paint.
As for the bottom I still have some finish work with window framing to do and prep for window installation. Both captain and first officer side have one coat of filler applied and it will soon be time to start the dreaded job of sanding.
Worked on the rounded corners of the aft side windows today. Ended up too rounded in the upper corner but it will have to do.




06-03-2012, 01:35 PM
Very good looking work there! :)

06-04-2012, 01:01 AM
I have to give My wife credit for this one as she took on the challenge of silencing curious bypassers. She scavengered the gift shop at The Museum Of Flight today and came up with a sign that is now posted anove my garage door. Just wait and see.....Some jerk will steal it :)

Anyhow.......I have started the second layer sheeting on the top (center aft section on the second picture) and what I have done so far turned out really good. Very minimal sanding will go into prepping for the filler. If all goes well we are within a couple of weeks of paint.



06-09-2012, 02:44 AM
Ok, so I did listen to my doctor for once. With recent health issues and the need to drop some weight, I carefully approached the 737 for some light duty this afternoon/evening.
The only remaining portion on the exterior was to finish the second layer of sheeting on the roof and prep sand before filler. This has now been accomplished.
The first layer of filler on the lower portion has been sanded and is ready for coat number two.
My hope is to have the body ready for paint by the end of the weekend. I have some minor trim work that needs to be completed, one of them being the channels for the window installation.

Oh and I mocked up the nose with some styrofoam sheeting containing a short and sweet descriptiom. Funny thing is........No questions today!!



06-10-2012, 04:56 AM
Uploaded a quick clip to our friends on the tube.....


06-11-2012, 01:01 AM
A big milestone in the project has been reached. My indefinite counter app on my iPad shows 50 days, 11 hours and 38 minutes since the first cut was made with the jigsaw.
I guess I really haven't taken much time to reflect on the build so far as I went all in during every spare moment I had since the April 21st start. However, it hit me today....This is a BIG project!!! I don't think I have embarked on any single project this big during my 38 years of life. Actually, the N512AS project would probably outnumber everything I've done in the past.....combined!
That being said I felt very a great sense of accomplishment when I closed the garage door this evening.
I would like to thank everyone who have stepped up with advice, given me a hand, listened to my bitching and most important of all....to my wife for allowing me to build my dream...



06-11-2012, 10:46 AM
Smooth as a baby's butt! :) Nice!

06-11-2012, 02:47 PM
How will you make the surface hard so it will not get dented so easily?

06-11-2012, 05:42 PM
Not sure what you're referring to? People just have to stay away from the actual shell with regards to traffic back and forth. Shell is pretty hard as is but filler can of course always chip. Not too concerned with it as my garage is guarded well ;)

06-12-2012, 03:28 AM
I'm hiring some professional paint help this weekend just to make sure I have someone to supervise me. However, it came at a high price as my 9 year old wanted a new purse for payment :shock:
Well, i don't think she will spot the difference between fake or real. Right?


06-12-2012, 04:07 AM
N512AS - by Prada! :D

06-12-2012, 04:11 PM
Andre, compliments on the shell. That is looking awesome. Just subscribed to your YT channel.

Are all Scandinavians equally mad? ;)

Keep up the good work!

06-12-2012, 05:12 PM
Are all Scandinavians equally mad? ;)

What's that???

Thought that was self-explanatory. Even for emigrants... :cool:

06-12-2012, 09:43 PM
Andre, compliments on the shell. That is looking awesome. Just subscribed to your YT channel.

Are all Scandinavians equally mad? ;)

Keep up the good work!

Hey there!
To answer your question......no.
See, there are many levels to mad and we have plenty of nutcases in Norway who define each and every level.
Here are a couple of examples of what you may run into.......:-D
Where do i rate? Way up there :)



06-13-2012, 02:17 PM
Fyfan va snyggt!

06-14-2012, 04:26 AM
I received a private message on one of the forums I have my build posted at 2 days ago.
To my big surprise I was told by two of my norwegian compadres that they were going to show up at my house to see the build. Sure enough, last night they rolled into Puyallup in their rented RV and I had to take them on a special tour of the area, including the final stop with them certifying my shell for paint :)

What a cool experience! Had a really cool time Vidar and Ketil!

Future of flight tour in Everett.

You are hereby certified to paint!

Neil Hewitt
06-14-2012, 07:18 PM
Scandinavians are all mad, I think... I've never had the pleasure of going to Norway but I have been in Sweden a few times - the company I worked for did a long-term Web project with Volvo in Gothenberg, and my main memory of all the awesome people over there is them being... how to put it politely? A bit eccentric. But lovely with it :) I've lived and worked with Swedes, Norwegians and Danes - quite a few of them, now I come to think about it.

Way back when I was young and first moved to London, I shared a flat on a 'landlord-allocated share' basis - which is to say, I had no control over who I was sharing with, the landlord let out the spare rooms. I spent a few months sharing with a Norwegian medical student and got to meet his extended set of friends and family who all happened to be living in London too (it this some kind of Norwegian rite of passage, like it is for New Zealanders? <g>). All bonkers, to a man (and woman). Great fun, though. I walked in on his mother in the bath (our bathroom didn't have a lock and our 'code' for someone being in there was to hang a tea towel on the door handle, which of course she didn't know). She didn't bat an eyelid, said 'good morning', and got on with her bath as if being barged in upon was perfectly normal. I made my excuses and left :)

The one thing I have learned in my dealings with those from Scandi-land is to stay away from that awful schnapps-like stuff (apparently the one I had was made with some kind of tree bark). Made me hallucinate and gave me heart palpitations for 24 hours. Never again!

06-15-2012, 01:41 AM
Scandinavians are all mad, I think... I've never had the pleasure of going to Norway but I have been in Sweden a few times - the company I worked for did a long-term Web project with Volvo in Gothenberg, and my main memory of all the awesome people over there is them being... how to put it politely? A bit eccentric. But lovely with it :) I've lived and worked with Swedes, Norwegians and Danes - quite a few of them, now I come to think about it.

Way back when I was young and first moved to London, I shared a flat on a 'landlord-allocated share' basis - which is to say, I had no control over who I was sharing with, the landlord let out the spare rooms. I spent a few months sharing with a Norwegian medical student and got to meet his extended set of friends and family who all happened to be living in London too (it this some kind of Norwegian rite of passage, like it is for New Zealanders? <g>). All bonkers, to a man (and woman). Great fun, though. I walked in on his mother in the bath (our bathroom didn't have a lock and our 'code' for someone being in there was to hang a tea towel on the door handle, which of course she didn't know). She didn't bat an eyelid, said 'good morning', and got on with her bath as if being barged in upon was perfectly normal. I made my excuses and left :)

The one thing I have learned in my dealings with those from Scandi-land is to stay away from that awful schnapps-like stuff (apparently the one I had was made with some kind of tree bark). Made me hallucinate and gave me heart palpitations for 24 hours. Never again!

Two things:
How did she look?
No one beats our booze!


06-16-2012, 01:14 AM

Doctor, doctor..........

My wife's comments went something like this "it looks like you're preparing for something illegal". Well, it isn't that bad as I'm finally ready to spray the primer, followed by the glossy white base coat.
I'm also trying to duplicate the 2 shades of blue in order to get the Spirit of Seattle color scheme as realistic as possible.

Neil Hewitt
06-17-2012, 06:42 PM
Two things:
How did she look?
No one beats our booze!


Not to take this thread out of the realms of a G rating... let's just say what they say about Scandinavian women ageing well is clearly true :-)

As for the booze, that I did enjoy (bar the hallucinogenic schnapps). The English are a drinking nation as you know - mix Celtic, Germanic and Scandinavian blood (let's ignore the French bits for now) and what do you expect? I developed a taste for Swedish-style 'pear cider' that pre-dated it becoming big in the UK. Used to be hard to get Kopparberg over here; now it's everywhere.

Dammit. Now I want to go to the pub.

06-18-2012, 02:58 AM
Typically you won't see the paintjob applied until a fully functional plane rolls off the line. However, this is no typical factory job so I reserve the right to make any decisions I please cause it's MY stinking (literally) garage.
Well, the paint isn't 100% complete as my buddy Steve is cutting a stencil for the "Proudly All Boeing 737" which will go on the lower portion below the windows and I also need to get the 512 posted above the front windows.
The final touch on the body itself is to get the skin installed to the lower frame. This may seem like a tiny thing but will add a lot more to the color. Decided to keep it off until the old simpit is gone in order to avoid accidental scuffing. Space is definitely at a premium now........






06-19-2012, 03:17 PM
My wife's comments went something like this "it looks like you're preparing for something illegal"

Well it does look like a kill room from a certain US series situated in Miami, FL 8)

Great work, Andre. It must feel good to build something like that with your own 2 hands.

06-26-2012, 04:11 AM
She's a wrap! Well, almost a wrap. Got the "skirt" for the base frame cut, installed and painted today. Only windows, the metal window trim and a few realistic N512AS specific graphics pieces remains to be completed on the exterior shell.
There will also be a few unique exterior pieces, including pitot tubes and other goodies :)



07-01-2012, 10:35 PM
She's got her birthmarks. Thanks to Steve for making the stencils, allowing me to apply the real life markings on the side and above the nose windows.
Now while I await some real Boeing parts I will be lifting the frame onto its wheels in order to manouver it around.




07-02-2012, 02:28 PM
So very very cool!

07-04-2012, 03:32 AM
Just as I got the 8th wheel in place on the 737 it was time to start the demolition work on the old simpit.
It feels a bit surreal to tear down something that took so long bringing to life.
R.I.P Simpit, you helped me capture memories from all across the world!

This picture was one of my lead in pictures to this entire build. I felt it was fitting to post it once again as it captures the last experience in the old pit. This was the last time It was powered up.

This is what remains as of tonight.....


07-05-2012, 02:35 AM
Happy 4th everyone!
Today I was a man on a mission as I moved from the emotional stage to the beat the crap out of it with a hammer stage.
What I envisioned to be a day filled with exercise, ended up with a bunch of war wounds.
The bi$&@ fought me all the way and really took advantage of a slight stepladder mishap and nailed me with a 4" screw all the way to the bone. The damn board was still stuck on me as I stood up. This just ended up pissing me off to and I went to town like a madman.
Luckily my hammer blows blended wonderfully with the neighborhood fireworks show.
I would have flattened thenwholendarn thing if I could only reach the one wall that is still standing but it will have to wait until we get a couple of loads to the landfill tomorrow.
Now that I look at the end game pictures, it looks like I missed a Tornado warning. Luckily the gods decided to spare the 737 :)

It's weird to imagine that 2 years worth of work was flattened in about 8 hours.
However, she fought me all the way.
So instead of rest in peace I would now like to say "burn in ****!".




07-06-2012, 02:02 AM
Here she is, dumped at the landfill station. Took 3 truck loads to get it all out of my damn driveway and garage but this time Man beat Plane.
I can still see Gene's head shaking while he mutters "Vapor barrier, really?


However, look at all of that space she left behind. Now comes a slight adjustment to my workbench area to create room for the curved visual setup.



07-07-2012, 02:15 AM
Received an email from Krzysztof at Simworld today stating that they were done machining my MIP and that it left Poland today.
This is in many ways the key component for the interior build as it houses all the digital displays.

Additionally I tracked down a pair of 737 seats from Nick at APHS in Florida today so they should also be on their way across the country shortly.

My SSD drives arrived today as well and I built a temporary shelf unit that I hauled into an upstairs bedroom in order to start the main software installation.

Time to enjoy a cold drink while kicking back nearby the air conditioner. Cheers!


07-07-2012, 05:42 AM
Nice going, looking forward to the progress. My MCP box & panel left Poland yesterday as well!

Exciting times :)

07-07-2012, 05:07 PM
Nice going, looking forward to the progress. My MCP box & panel left Poland yesterday as well!

Exciting times :)

Look forward to seeing your progress as well!

07-08-2012, 04:48 AM
As I await panel parts and other components for the build, I decided to start working on the avionics software.
After installing the 3 new SSD drives this morning I got the OS up and running and started building the software layers for the sim.
This looks to become a 6 or 7 PC powerplant by the time I'm done, which is right in line with what I envisioned when I started.
Love the Prosim 737 software!


07-12-2012, 01:24 AM
Alrighty! The first x-mas present has arrived from Santa in Poland. These guys make quality stuff and it's the first time I have seen anyone rival what my dad could do with tape, bubble wrap and a box. I'm sure that customs just took one look at it and said "we ain't dealing with that one" and on it went.
Still can't figure out how that many goodies can fit in a small box.

Thank you Krzysztof and Filip!





07-12-2012, 10:41 AM
I've been in touch with these guys and they are bringing out a stand + cdu bay and their own mcp with a solenoid switch in sept. can't wait!

Thank you Krzysztof and Filip!


07-13-2012, 05:38 AM
My Chronolite app says that I've been on my mission for 82 days and 13 hours so I guess it's time for a snack break.
Most of you guys probably know me as a "one trick pony" but I tend to keep myself active with many different things. One of my other passions is smoking meats.
This is no news for my friends on the different smoking forums but I realized that I haven't shared this stuff with my friends on the simulator side.

I enjoy throwing new things in my scratch made smokehouse. Today I made beef jerky (last picture), which is an all time favorite in the family.
And most important of all.......I love to share :)

Wanna see some pictures of the stuff I have done? Alright, here we go........


Summer Sausage

Smoked Salmon

Woooops :)



Pepperoni Sticks

All time favorite smoked Ribeye Roast!

Hungarian Paprika Sausage

How about some Beef Brisket?

And finally some hickory smoked Beef Jerky :)

Neil Hewitt
07-13-2012, 07:28 AM
Dammit. Now I'm hungry. All that meat looks awesome. I'm a big fan of meat. Guess I'm going to the butcher's tonight :-)

Does it say something bad about me that when I first saw the picture of the smokehouse but hadn't read the text, I thought it was a DIY server rack?

07-15-2012, 03:35 AM
Dammit. Now I'm hungry. All that meat looks awesome. I'm a big fan of meat. Guess I'm going to the butcher's tonight :-)

Does it say something bad about me that when I first saw the picture of the smokehouse but hadn't read the text, I thought it was a DIY server rack?

Lmao Neil. That one was good!

Neil Hewitt
07-15-2012, 11:46 AM
I've got the meat sweats just looking at it... pity you can't get decent BBQ anywhere in London. The only semi-decent place (Bodean's) has gone so far downhill that their ribs are 99% bone and tiny scraps of meat. No room to DIY in my tiny kitchen, either.

(Let me issue a clarion cry to any enterprising US restauranteur to come and fill that particular gap in the market. Your place would be full every night, recession be damned. I promise!)

Good job I bought some salt beef from the deli counter the other night. Now I've got to go have a meaty sandwich and satisfy my urges. Then back to making new seat-stands for the 'pit. The smell of cutting MDF doesn't quite have the same allure as a nice plate of brisket, but it's the only day this week I'll get any work done on the project at all.

07-25-2012, 01:33 AM
Evening fellow simmers,

My first thread seemed to become somewhat convoluted so I decided to start a new one. While the shell awaits the MIP installation I am feverishly gathering other components in order to continue the build.

As you may be able to see below (pretty dark picture) i have aquired the 2 10" screens that will make up the upper and lower eicas screens. Decided to go with the Flight Illusion standby gauges and I will also order the flap gauge.



Right now I am thinking to use 19" screens to display the pfd/nd's on both sides. Anyone have different recommendations there?
I'm also looking at landing gear levers right now, kinda doing a coin toss between the different vendors. I'm sure that some of you may have some insight to this item as well?

To wrap up this post I also have seats coming from Nick at APHS. I had to make a decision of whether I should get the Ipeco seats or the more economic Weber style and I chose the latter option just to keep the financial resources available for the remaining electronics.
As you can see I need to dispose of the old minivan seat i had in my old simpit :)

That's it for now. I also look forward to being able to start the visual setup.

07-26-2012, 04:10 PM
19'' wide screens are perfect for Capt and F/O.

For a gear lever i should contact Geremy, i thought he has some levers.

btw: i love the FI gauges ;)

Keep up the good work!


07-28-2012, 03:05 PM
Amazing work...what a beautiful cockpit ...happy Landings !

07-30-2012, 02:35 AM
I am finally back on my project again after a couple of weeks on the road.
Although it hasn't been too hot around here it is still a bit uncomfortable for an out of shape Norwegian like me. The progress may not be noticeable but I'm moving along.
The 19" screens have been ordered and I removed all the casing from the 10's yesterday so they can drop into their eicas slots when I get that far. Now I have 3 20.5" screens available for dirt cheap if anyone need almost brand new LCD's.
Today I started working on the MIP console and called it quits after cutting a mock-up MIP template. Not a ton of room to work with but it fits like a glove :)

08-02-2012, 02:39 PM
Last night i worked my way through the task of cutting the openings for the hardware and backlighting to my Simworld mip. I used pictures of their aluminim frame as reference to cut locations. I would be willing to create a scale cad file for this if anyone should be interested.


08-02-2012, 03:32 PM
Wooow Andre...I think that MIP will be plenty of lights...and don't forget to seat your girl as you first officer jeje !...go ahead !

08-08-2012, 01:21 AM
Today felt like Christmas eve for me. Got a call from my wife today asking "what the heck did you order now?" as she was standing in our driveway with a pallet in front of her faced with a guy who wanted money for delivering it.
ME: "Honey, I told you I ordered seats"
WIFE: "Oh.....but get your rear end (PG-13 version) back home with some money because he isn't leaving until you get here".

These are Weber style seats as I didn't want to take a huge budget hit by getting the Ipeco seats. They are very clean and all I had to do was make some adjustments to the fabric (done after taking the picture).
It didn't take long before my (now 10 year old) daughter hopped into the captain's seat, only to strike a confused look on her face when she saw the seat belt. "Daddy, there must be a knot or something on these as an airplane seat belt should go across your lap".

These moments are priceless!

08-08-2012, 01:23 PM
Awesome, the seats are great!
Keep it up!

08-08-2012, 01:33 PM
Good looking seats. Can't wait to see them installed in your cockpit.
Did you get the J-rails as well?

08-08-2012, 02:46 PM
Wooow Andre...beautiful seats , install it , have a seat , and .....Merry Christmas jejeje !

08-08-2012, 02:56 PM
Andre, which LCD screens did you end up ordering?


I am finally back on my project again after a couple of weeks on the road.
Although it hasn't been too hot around here it is still a bit uncomfortable for an out of shape Norwegian like me. The progress may not be noticeable but I'm moving along.
The 19" screens have been ordered and I removed all the casing from the 10's yesterday so they can drop into their eicas slots when I get that far. Now I have 3 20.5" screens available for dirt cheap if anyone need almost brand new LCD's.
Today I started working on the MIP console and called it quits after cutting a mock-up MIP template. Not a ton of room to work with but it fits like a glove :)

08-08-2012, 07:59 PM
Andre, which LCD screens did you end up ordering?


I ended up getting a couple of 18.5" Acer monitors from Newegg. Perfect fit!


08-13-2012, 01:34 AM
Progress has been slow as of late. A quick family vacation threw me a bit off kelter. The motivator of getting the MIP put together came from being tired of looking at a ton of individual pieces strung everywhere.
It has been unusually hot up here in the PNW corner so I locked myself in the master bedroom and started putting the puzzle together, helped by an air conditioner.
Filip and Krzysztof have put out a stellar quality product and the perfectly machined parts fit together like a puzzle.
I still have some work left with the switch knobs and led installation behind the annunciators but I'm close.
"Dry fitted" the 18.5" screens and they fit perfectly next to the standby gauges. Now I just have to create a simple mounting method and I will be in business.
Final piece becomes getting the yaw damper, flap and brake pressure gauges. At least it is starting to look like something.


08-13-2012, 01:38 AM
Progress has been slow as of late. A quick family vacation threw me a bit off kelter. The motivator of getting the MIP put together came from being tired of looking at a ton of individual pieces strung everywhere.
It has been unusually hot up here in the PNW corner so I locked myself in the master bedroom and started putting the puzzle together, helped by an air conditioner.
Filip and Krzysztof have put out a stellar quality product and the perfectly machined parts fit together like a puzzle.
I still have some work left with the switch knobs and led installation behind the annunciators but I'm close.
"Dry fitted" the 18.5" screens and they fit perfectly next to the standby gauges. Now I just have to create a simple mounting method and I will be in business.
Final piece becomes getting the yaw damper, flap and brake pressure gauges. At least it is starting to look like something.


08-13-2012, 04:56 PM
Beautiful Front MIP...a lot of work !...Andre , when you finish , would you like to show in a picture the rear back of your MIP ?...Just curiosity jeje , I would like to see that rear side and that LCD's mounted , carefully with that design of the mounting method , go ahead and turn up the air conditioned...!

08-13-2012, 05:12 PM
I will post a picture this weekend when I have them installed. Cooling wont be an issue as I plan to have AC tapped and blowing from the front :)

08-13-2012, 11:31 PM
Well, ADHD as I am I couldn't hold off mounting the screens until this weekend (shocker!)
The mounting solution is very straight forward and is fairly identical to the brackets that flyengravity sells.
I tried getting some decent shots of the backside. Yeah, i know that the screws on the backside needs cut but I worked fast and time ran out :)
I still have to install the main supports for the MIP but it's looking pretty good.
Needless to say my wife wasnt too happy with me when i yelled for her to come help carry the module inside to the living room. I just had to move some furniture around and
it fit perfect as a corner piece :)






08-15-2012, 01:44 AM
Upper Eicas in place.


08-15-2012, 06:24 AM
Needless to say my wife wasnt too happy with me when i yelled for her to come help carry the module inside to the living room. I just had to move some furniture around and
it fit perfect as a corner piece

A 737sim is the most beautiful furniture in the world. Fits perfect in a livingroom :)
(i hope my wife do not read this:cool:)

Looks great Andre

08-17-2012, 12:58 AM
Took Jack's recommendation to secure the monitors in a less space consuming way. Had to do a bit of re-engineering but it worked out great. I installed the main glareshield supports tonight as well.
Now I'm just a plywood run away from moving the MIP in place for fitting.


08-27-2012, 01:51 AM
The economic crisis experienced another casualty today as the south Puyallup 737 plant was forced to shut down due to budget cuts. A company official stated that it is unclear as to when the plant will re-open.

Pictured below is the main instrument panel and what appears to be interior fitting of the yoke flight control mechanism of a 737-800 in Spirit of Seattle colors.



08-27-2012, 01:54 AM
The economic crisis experienced another casualty today as the south Puyallup 737 plant was forced to shut down due to budget cuts. A company official stated that it is unclear as to when the plant will re-open.

Pictured below is the main instrument panel and what appears to be interior fitting of the yoke flight control mechanism of a 737-800 in Spirit of Seattle colors.



08-29-2012, 04:46 AM
Building a dream: My story (http://boeing737simulator.blogspot.com/2012/08/my-story.html)

08-30-2012, 02:44 AM
Main instrument panel in place. Fits like a glove. Click on the picture for a larger view.

http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy62/flyboyandre/Hometown%20737%20album%202/th_2012-08-29_21-00-07_100.jpg (http://s778.photobucket.com/albums/yy62/flyboyandre/Hometown%20737%20album%202/?action=view&current=2012-08-29_21-00-07_100.jpg)

09-01-2012, 08:29 AM
amazing and inspiring work... cant wait to see the finished work.

09-14-2012, 03:30 AM
It feels like ages since my last update but here is another tidbit of what i'm working on right now.
This evening I finished the main flight control link between the captain and first officer side. The frame and pivot cage is made of 1 1/4" square steel tubing. Dont read to much into the details as the yoke tubes and elbows arent permanently installed.
I am still awaiting the gas struts that will establish the neutral point as well as resistance when pushing/pulling on yoke.

I am also expecting part from different parts of the world, including the landing gear lever and both yokes.

Click picture for a quick video clip.



09-14-2012, 08:18 AM
Very nice looking.

How much room below the flight deck floor will it need to operate?

09-14-2012, 10:59 AM
Nice Andre...state of the art knowledge to find that neutral point to get that two bars linked...good luck !

09-14-2012, 11:07 AM
Very nice looking.

How much room below the flight deck floor will it need to operate?

Takes up about 8"

09-26-2012, 11:10 PM
I remember the days where progress was noticeable on a daily basis. Those days seem to be long gone. Nevertheless I'm pushing forward and things are starting to take shape. The last couple of weeks have been solely dedicated to the flight control mechanism. Forward motion got a bit of a blow when I smacked the hammer over my thumb. What did I learn? Dont swing a hammer when you are tired and pissed off at the project. All I have left now on this part is linking up the actual yokes, which I hope to have completed this weekend. Yokes arrived from Throttletek in El Salvador.




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10-01-2012, 04:08 AM
Alright friends, i'm finally about to wrap this part of the project. Being that i'm not much of a planner, I like to invent things as I go along. So after going through a few revisions I have come up with a very smooth working roll mechanism for the upper elbows. The handles operate with 180 degrees turn in each direction. Wires feed through the pivot block center tube and down the column.
These upper elbows were fun to engineer and i wouldn't be opposed to building for others if there is an interest. The elbow itself fits on the 3" columns.
The third link is a quick video clip showing the smooth movement. You can hear the built in stoppers as the handle rotate to 180 degrees..




10-01-2012, 10:00 AM
Absolutely , no hammers !

10-10-2012, 02:34 AM
Many of my friends on here have been asking for an update on the project. I have been working hard on the flight control mechanism. It has taken some time to get it right. Although I have some finetuning left, I am close to having it done.

Building a dream (http://boeing737simulator.blogspot.com/)

10-10-2012, 05:42 PM
Here is a small demo clip of the flight controls taken during better lighting conditions :)

Flight Control demo V2 - YouTube (http://youtu.be/cQQOMW2CIpY?hd=1)

10-13-2012, 10:06 PM
I installed the two Flight Management Computers this afternoon and started the glareshield construction.



Sent from my DROID RAZR

10-15-2012, 12:23 AM
Today was just one of those days where I really didn't feel like doing anything. However it seems as my brain is wired in such a way that a day without some kind of progress is considered as neglect.Anyways, got the frame for the glareshield in place and pushed the MIP into position. Measurements are coming out very nicely when compared to the markuspilot website.
I also cut the template components for the top of the glareshield. Would have finished this as well but someone must have stolen wood from my supply (or did I just run out?). Not much to show for but let me at least share a few pictures for documentation purposes :)




10-17-2012, 03:30 AM
Ok, glareshield top cut and fitted tonight. The detail work will have to wait until tomorrow. Ran out of screws......



10-17-2012, 05:03 AM
Wow that is really going along nicely!
Wish that was sitting in my garage :)


10-19-2012, 12:58 AM
Detail work done. Still have to make the little "pocket" that goes onto the center part. The grey is just a primer as the top plate will end up black. Actually found some black rubber spray at Home Depot, which will help add a more realistic texture.Sorry about the rough looking window frames. Had to remove some of the trim as the 1x4 proved to be too wide for the top and center posts.





10-19-2012, 07:09 PM
Significant update to the project will be posted on my blog this weekend.
The only thing I can say so far is that the Alaska N512AS has been sold.

10-20-2012, 01:21 AM
Blog updated with news

Building a dream (http://boeing737simulator.blogspot.com/)

10-21-2012, 07:28 PM
LN-NOL is out of the paint hangar.

10-22-2012, 10:08 PM
5th and final coat has been applied and the shell is ready for its birthmarks.


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10-25-2012, 11:15 PM
Here are a few more shots with completed paint job (yes, still have to add the NOL above windows), glareshield top installed and all the window trim added and painted.
I also cut and temporarily installed the rear side windows.





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10-27-2012, 03:40 AM
She finally has a name and both CDU's are up and running.



10-28-2012, 03:43 AM


10-29-2012, 01:02 AM
Quiz of the day......The winner will get a trip to any destination in the world of their desire (when the sim is done:))

What are the units below and what is their purpose?

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10-30-2012, 11:48 AM
Dude, seriously? That is of course vortex generators which are mounted in front of the front windows in order to reduce wind noise.

That is common knowledge! Isn't it...? :D

10-30-2012, 12:05 PM
Those are vortex generators. They would be fitted atop the nose, just behind the radome seam.
Photos: Boeing 737-8BK Aircraft Pictures | Airliners.net (http://www.airliners.net/photo/1836870/M/)

They energize the boundary layer before it passes over the windscreen. This serves to smooth the airflow past the 'notch' formed by the front windshield, and reduces the formation of separation bubbles past the relatively sharp outboard edges of the front window. This simultaneously reduces cockpit noise and improves aerodynamic performance.

10-30-2012, 12:22 PM

11-04-2012, 01:16 AM
My buddy Gene so graciously took care of the CAD drawing of the frame for the wraparound screen. Then he fed his Shopbot 4 sheets of 3/4" poplar plywood and voila......we have all the framing components for what will become my 220 degree visual.





11-08-2012, 11:20 PM
Well, i've done it again. My OCD told me that I had taken too many shortcuts while building the MIP so I tore the damn thing apart and started from scratch.
You can also see the new screen mounts i crafted.



11-10-2012, 01:50 AM
All this building --> tearing it apart --> rebuilding makes me come up with new ideas all the time. Here is a shot of the new monitor brackets I crafted along with a new way to attach the PFD/ND bezels to the screens. I glued a neodymium magnet to the 4 corners of each bezel. As you can see I added a thin strip of steel across the bottom of the MIP to provide added strength and a surface for the magnets to snap onto. The bezels snap securely in place and can be easily removed for dusting the screen, etc.




11-29-2012, 12:21 PM
Figured I'd share a small update of my screen setup. I will post a full series of pictures from the screen construction on my blog with my next update.


Sent from my DROID RAZR

11-29-2012, 06:53 PM
Wow Andre, you must have an awfull shortthrow projector in mind for this.
Which model are you looking at using to project the images with?


12-01-2012, 12:42 PM
Looking great Andre! I thought I had a tight screen radius, but your's even tighter!

01-18-2013, 03:46 PM
Sorry for the lack of updates but it has been a busy couple of months at work during this holiday craze! I hope you all had a fantastic holiday season and that the new year has started well.I decided to seize the forum updates of my project since it was hard to keep 5 forums going at the same time. I have now created a website where I will keep everyone updated in rapid fashion. The page also has it's own basic forum so feel free to use it.

Andre Nordheim
Norwegian Air Shuttle 737-800 Simulator (http://www.norwegianairshuttle737simulator.net)

01-20-2013, 03:07 AM
Added some new photos in the instruments section of my website. Also replaced the old forum with a new one.

02-06-2013, 01:13 AM
Updated webpage with some more pictures, including a completed CDU bay.


02-06-2013, 04:43 AM
Your visuals are amazing sir!! Great project!! Keep those pics coming!



02-06-2013, 12:16 PM
Your dream of flying !...Go ahead Andre...greetings from Mexico !

02-13-2013, 02:18 AM
I just updated my webpage with a short clip in the video section.
