View Full Version : Interest is waning

06-07-2012, 07:33 AM
What's happening with these forums? Where's all the interest in the hobby gone? Hardly anyone posts anymore!

Matt Olieman
06-07-2012, 09:12 AM
This time of year it's typical for it to slow down. It slows down for about 3 to 4 months. We'll see in increase in activity in September.

Since most of our members are Northern Hemisphere I'm sure they want to spend more time outdoors. :)

Matt Olieman

06-07-2012, 10:52 AM
The simbears has come out of winter hibernation. The lawn needs attention, the house needs paint. The driveway looks like grand canyon and needs repairs. And the weather is getting good. The boat is about to be launched for the season.

The sim? Will do a little work on it, but not until the autumn I guess. In other words: typical behavior of the Homo Simulatorus species. :D At least if we want to have a life too...

06-07-2012, 11:16 AM
Here in the Uk we have just had a mini heatwave, so cutting up bits of MDF in a garage was low on my priorites, whilst that was going on. I was in the garden pottering......
Now the weather has turned to constant rain Mrs Notgotaclue decided the bedrooms need decorating. So I spent a week doing that... Then the kids are off school this week so keeping them from killing each other until they go back to school is another distraction.
I have also been spending my spare time just flying the sim, it is such a joy to actually use it for its intended purpose.

06-07-2012, 02:12 PM
Ditto. Yard/garden maintenance, family outings, etc...
The interest is still there, it just gets deprioritized when the sun spends more time above the horizon.

06-08-2012, 12:53 AM
I think a lot of individuals have finished building as this site has been going for a long while and the people that first started building a few years back are not around anymore.


AK Mongo
06-08-2012, 01:41 AM
Here in the Last Frontier, we are too busy going fishing and trying to get rides in real planes to build/post as much!

2 kids in Little League and an active Cub Scout pack don't help much either.


Efe Cem Elci
06-08-2012, 04:08 AM
Work work work... I fired our IT guy, and our company fired a middle level executive so with that and the factory move I've been very busy running around and doing the jobs of 3. I started the GA cockpit build and advanced quickly but now have to wait for a architect friend to help me with the advanced parts of the design for the structure. Perhaps now that I have hired a new IT guy and the factory has settled down I will have some more time...

06-09-2012, 03:47 AM
Well... looks like I was worried for no reason... good to see :P

06-10-2012, 11:28 AM
Hello jeehell,

i have some problems with the MCDU and the APU start. When i enter a route in the mcdu i don't get the FL right of the waypoints. You can see that here:6728. I am following your guide entering the route, also given all necessary information in INIT 1 and 2 pages and of course in the PREF pages. I can't explain why, i hope you can help me. My second problem is, that i have sometimes problems to start the APU.

thank you for help

06-10-2012, 07:06 PM
Proof of interest not diminishing:


That's on the working table as of now. Or will be - the particular table in the image is Google Sketchup. :)

Matt Olieman
06-10-2012, 07:47 PM
Nice Vidar :) :) :)

Matt Olieman