View Full Version : prosimparts radio modules

06-13-2012, 04:09 PM

Im thinking about starting on the pedestal bay right now, and ive seen the prosimparts radio modules, that seem to be excellent value for money. I want to ask the community if any of you have bought these, and have succesfully got them wired up and working, which interface cards did you use, which software you used, and overall easyness to wire up. I am considering pokeys cards for the inputs and LED outputs but at the moment am open to other ideas.......

Thanks Everyone

06-13-2012, 07:58 PM
Hi Imtryin!
I would recommend the radio modules from Open Cockpits in Spain - beautiful gear plug'n'play for about E130.00 each. The construction is superb, I have a set of 6 but I haven't built my radio box yet. That will be the next job when I finish my TQ...

Cheers Gwyn
Aerosim Solutions

06-15-2012, 10:41 PM
I also agree with Gwyn.

Can't go past the OpenCockpits stuff, it's simply awesome!

Frank Cooper

06-16-2012, 01:29 AM
I don't agree. Flimsy panels,way too thin, bad paint job, too expensive. There's no turning back after you've seen the Simworld panels.
The prosimparts panels look ok too.

06-18-2012, 11:21 AM
I agree that open cockpits stuff is good, but this hobby is all about budget and what your happy with. For me paying 130EUROS + Tax + delivery for one radio unit is too much, although i know they are easy to get set-up.

That why ive gone for the prosimparts radio set 130EUROS for the three main radios was just a good price. The quality of the panels (Thickness ETC) isn't too much of a concern for me, as long as they "look" the same and do the job, then thats good enough for me.

Im going to go with Marc (from these forums) and he is going to help me with these Arduino cards thats he's been talking about. Im going to take pictures and make notes on how things go, hopefully be of use to someone who's thinking about buying these.

Hopefully buying these radios sets doesn't turn out to be a false economy!

06-18-2012, 03:49 PM
Does the Arduino software talk to FSUIPC so that you can give FS the radio values?

06-18-2012, 05:33 PM
Does the Arduino software talk to FSUIPC so that you can give FS the radio values?

I believe so yes, Ive had quite a discussion with Marc via email, and i think he said yes. Ive emailed him though, to get him to answer your question for definite though!!!


06-19-2012, 01:01 PM
Hey everyone!

Does the Arduino software talk to FSUIPC so that you can give FS the radio values?

yes and no, here's why:

One single Arduino in combination with ARCOM_by_Marc can EITHER communicate with FSUIPC OR Prosim737. I have a beta program developed in C# which connects the Arduino to FSUIPC, however it is still BETA. This said, I do have customers who go for the Prosim737 solution because then they are not limited to the radios alone but can also control the other LEDs and 7 Segment Displays in their setups.

What I distribute as freeware is the Arduino Code (which is currently used in my setup and hence is not modified for your needs but "AS IS") that can interpret the ARduino COMmunication Protocol (that's what I invented). The handler for FSUIPC is not stable yet and still needs some testing before you can buy it. However, you can support me and get more of an insight into the whole concept if you buy the manual which I sell for 19€. It is a very detailed explanation which is still to be expanded (but you would receive all future updates if you bought it).

I hope to shed some light!


Btw.: if you have any questions, feedback etc. just tell me!

06-19-2012, 02:40 PM
I have the radioset from prosimparts. So far 1 nav panel succesfully hooked up, the rest will follow once I find the time to do it.
I used a pokeys usb card, and made my own delphi interface into fsuipc for outputs. The inputs (buttons, rotaries) go directly into fsuipc through keymapping. I found that the most easy and quickest. So far all my aircraft work well, including the pmdg ngx.

The panels are pretty good, if you consider the price. But... You do have to invest in a io card, and depending which one in displays cards as well for the digits.

I used the pokeys usb card. That has 2x3 outputs which you can connect to 2 display boards. Each display board can handle 8 digits. The radioset has 32 digits in total, so if you want to connect them all: 2 pokeys, 4 displayboards, 4 wiresets. Check wendy's website for pricing..

I had the pokeys so I used them. Maybe the Sismo board is a better solution, as it can handle 64 digits.. I cant find out how to program this board yet because I cant find any documentation. Also, open cockpits boards could be usefull, but I don't have these.

If you need more info i will be glad to help


06-19-2012, 02:53 PM
I used the pokeys usb card. That has 2x3 outputs which you can connect to 2 display boards. Each display board can handle 8 digits. The radioset has 32 digits in total, so if you want to connect them all: 2 pokeys, 4 displayboards, 4 wiresets. Check wendy's website for pricing..

that sounds very expensive...

06-19-2012, 03:00 PM
That's why I am *so* glad with the Teensy and the X-plane plugin from Paul Stoffregen; using a MAX7219 I have created one NAV radio. I still need to figure out how to cascade 7219's... That'll take only 3 pins from the Teensy board.

More info: http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_libs_LedControl.html

06-19-2012, 03:41 PM
I agree with Bas. Teensy works great with xplane. Difference between the teensy and pokeys is that the teensy works with serial data and pokeys do not. I find it easier to connect to the pokeys, but with a little effort a teensy should work well. check the arduino links about fsx on this forum and the freeware software from jim_nz.

Rough calculation of the costs using pokeys:
2x50 euro pokeys cards
4x30 euro display cards,
4x10 euro cable sets
150 euro prosim panels (1nav,1comms,1 adf)
= 410 euro. Thats roughly 130 euro per panel. Dangerously close to plug and play sets..

If one could use the Sismo board: 119 euro in stead of 2 pokeys and 4 displays.. Then its about 320 euros. I cant advise on the sismo board as i dont have one. But it does look better financially. Bas, how many 7219 can be attached to a teensy? A teeny is only 20$..

06-19-2012, 03:56 PM
Yep, and the MAX7219's can be cascaded. Just found a schema of how to do it. What I'd like to do is design a PCB that holds multiple MAX7219's so I can build my MCP with one Teensy board (or two, to be able to use sufficient interrupt inputs for the encoders). I am now mainly focusing on my MCP delivery and outputs (all the digits hooked up).

Sammy-E, I suspect one can chain about 8 MAX7219's together. The PJRC site doesn't say how many can be chained together, but as always, it probably is an even number and a power of 2 ;)

Link to the schema: http://rgb.kitiyo.com/pics/rgb-ckt-pg1.png

Edit: should mention that I am no expert on electronics and am looking for a partner to design the PCB. If I do come up with something I will share the design.

06-19-2012, 04:23 PM

how much do you pay for the MAX7219? it's ridiculous - 10€ each....

Take a look at my MCP - that's exactly what ARCOM is about^^ but cheaper, and the PCBs are already designed...


06-19-2012, 04:44 PM
Ridiculously high or ridiculously low? :D

I paid 12,50 euro for the one I have at the moment. I'm quite satisfied with that, as the alternative that Sammy-E describes is much worse in terms of cost.

I'll have a look at Arcom, but I have already made up my mind I think. I'd rather live with self-inflicted constraints than those inflicted by somebody else's design. That having said, I'll look at your design :)

06-19-2012, 05:02 PM
12,50 € ...

that is TOO MUCH...

I'm sorry but that's ridiculously high...


06-19-2012, 05:36 PM
I'm sorry but that's ridiculously high...


Well.. What would you consider a normal price?

06-20-2012, 07:23 AM
There are chips which cost about half of that and are just the same... I can sell you 6 pcs for 30€


06-20-2012, 09:38 AM
12,50 € (banging head into wall)

that is TOO MUCH...

I'm sorry but that's ridiculously high...


Sorry, but could you substantiate your claims, please? You talk about the "cheapest solution, period" on your site, but I can't find any further information as to how or what. I might be overlooking something, of course.

With regard to the PCB, do you really expect people to pay for PCB layouts without knowing what they actually get? (just curious). Some pics would help you sell your product, no doubt.

06-24-2012, 06:43 AM
you know... i won't tell you exactly which chips I sell because then there would be no reason to buy them from me!!!

my system works and you're upset because you're not the first one to go that way...

btw.: you want pictures?

there you go:


(i'm not haughty it's just when people start to get sanctimonious...)

06-24-2012, 01:36 PM
Anyone else find the answers of mr. mrmaster a bit dodgy ?

06-24-2012, 07:00 PM
Easy to make claims, but the proof - as always - is in the pudding. And life has shown me more than once that if a claim is made and the "claimee" is REALLY pissy about any critic questions - and defensive to boot - the claims are B.S.

Ranting about an overpriced, expensive chip, not telling what it is "because then there would be no point in buying it from me!!!"

Pleeeeeaaaaase! A pile of rock and a big glass house comes to mind...

Being an old-timer in this hobby now, I've learned one valuable lesson: cheap will always be cheap. Save a buck on this part here, spend three bucks getting the darn thing to actually work (reliable).
People keep popping the age-old question "I want a real 737 cockpit but I don't want to pay for it" - well, then slap some card board together and call it a day for chrissake! No doubt it will be TONS of fun, but don't expect anyone to go "ohhh" and "aaahhh" over it.

Read this:

If you cannot get the PnP panels, save yourself a great deal of pain. Get the Opencockpits multi radio! I have one, and it has provided me with hours of fun. Covered ALL my radio needs. Dirt cheap.
I now have ordered the CP Flight MCP. The EFIS modules will follow soon. Then I'll start gathering the other CP flight pedestal modules. Expensive does not begin to cover it, but a few of the modules a year? Absolutely doable.

€12.50 for an ic is PEANUTS. This hobby is expensive. Deal with it.

(rant over) :)

This being said: I fully appreciate and support efforts to get new solutions on the market. But save yourself the trouble: unless I can get it more or less plug and play, I am not interested. One should focus solely on getting a WORKING simulator one can actually USE, before one look into the more obscure areas.
And if people enjoy slapping together their own electronic gizmos and don't care about the look or authenticity of their sim? Great, but don't mislead people like me who want the most realistic looking 'pit possible within the budget available. Tell us how you did it, share. Enjoy the hobby the way YOU want, and share it with everyone else. That is the only way any hobby can live on and expand.

(rant REALLY over)

06-25-2012, 01:10 AM
Well said, Vidar.

06-25-2012, 08:36 AM
Hello Sammy-e,

SimCard Ethernet form Sismo can be programmed in 2 ways:

1) Using SC-Pascal editor/compiler: It is for free and it can be downloaded from Sismo web. There are many examples about how to program switches, encoders, relays, lights, pots, servos, … and 2 manuals (Vol I and Vol II) for people who want to learn how to program in SC-Pascal. It is based on Delphi and it contains specific functions for the use of FSUIPC or IOCP communication protocols.

2) Using any high level language: the user can ask for the UDP Protocol to Sismo e-mail and get connection with most important programming languages as C++, …


06-25-2012, 03:55 PM
Indeed, well spoken, Vidar.

I have read the post of MrMaster and decided to take my time before replying. How's that for self-reflection, huh?

I happen to be building an MCP myself as well. Several reasons have made me decide to do so. Mostly, I want to be able to use the OS I like (be it Mac OS, Linux or Windows). This lead to the Flight Sim software I like: X-plane. Which in turn limits the commercial solutions available. Apart from that, building is more than half the fun to me (YMMV).

So, with respect to the MCP building, MrMaster, I see you and I raise the stakes: I'll show my progress and document it on my weblog for everybody to download, learn and correct me, as I'm no expert, LOL :P
Should I develop a PCB, I'll share that too. That's a promise.

Extra-free top-tip for MrMaster: brush up on your commercial skills, this isn't particularly working (not for me anyway, I'm still going down the Teensy and daisy-chained MAX7219 road). You should substantiate your claims and stop ranting about expensive chips. At the end of the day, I'll decide how to spend MY money.

06-25-2012, 04:14 PM
I'm also interested as to who you think is sanctimonious. As I see it, we're just curious about your 'product'.

Geremy Britton
06-26-2012, 03:41 PM
From an administrative point of view, please could we discontinue any further comments relating to this mystery chip, and could I suggest if anyone needs any further information to take it up with the interested person through Private Message rather than in the middle of the public forum.

Yours, in the interest of maintaining the peace.

Louie Mendez
06-26-2012, 07:11 PM
From an administrative point of view, please could we discontinue any further comments relating to this mystery chip, and could I suggest if anyone needs any further information to take it up with the interested person through Private Message rather than in the middle of the public forum.

Yours, in the interest of maintaining the peace.

Amen to that!

06-29-2012, 05:29 AM
Hi All

I received my delivery yesterday from prosim parts, and have to say, i'm very impressed. They are excellent value for money, infact out of all the panels ive had, these are the best yet. (im on a budget!) All of my contact emails were answered promptly, and the delivery was here when they said it would be here, very much unlike some other parts im waiting for from poland, nuff said.

So if anyone was maybe thinking about ordering from them, i can (from my experience) recommend them. Now on to the wiring????!!!!!!!..............

06-29-2012, 02:16 PM
Great! Iif you need help with the wiring, they also provide excellent and prompt answers. I will upload the datasheet of the digits if you like.

06-29-2012, 07:20 PM
Eric, I would appreciate if you could upload the datasheets as I am also interested in purchasing prosimparts radio modules. I would prefer to buy the whole set and wire each modules individually as I see fit, but as of right now I am pretty clueless where to begin as to -- 1. Which parts I need to buy 2. Which I/O is the best (and most affordable) 3. How to wire radio modules 4. How to interface it with the PMDG 737 NGX, and later on when I invest with prosim737.

Thank you.

06-30-2012, 10:37 AM
Eric, I would appreciate if you could upload the datasheets as I am also interested in purchasing prosimparts radio modules. I would prefer to buy the whole set and wire each modules individually as I see fit, but as of right now I am pretty clueless where to begin as to -- 1. Which parts I need to buy 2. Which I/O is the best (and most affordable) 3. How to wire radio modules 4. How to interface it with the PMDG 737 NGX, and later on when I invest with prosim737.

Thank you.

I'm planning on doing the exact same thing but have been debating which I/O system to go with. Right now I'm leaning towards open cockpits since it has tested by prosim737. Sismo is compatible but not directly tested.

And of course which is cheaper will play a part too.

07-02-2012, 04:17 AM
Eric, I would appreciate if you could upload the datasheets as I am also interested in purchasing prosimparts radio modules.

Ok, I will upload the datasheet of the digits when I have access to my laptop.
Probably this evening.

FYI: the radiopanel I hooked up through FSUIPc works with the default airplanes of FSX, but also 90% of the addon ac. Pmdg737ngx works too.
I used keysends as outputs and mapped these in fsuipc. Inputs (digits) are read from fsuipc, through a homemade delphi programm to the pokeys boards.

07-03-2012, 07:01 PM
Sorry, I have no access to the datasheet for about three weeks. I am on vacation with no laptop and uploading through an Ipad will not work.. If you need them now I suggest you mail Prosim.

07-04-2012, 06:04 AM
i emailed Danhiel at prosim parts and got this response (within the hour)

"So, the Opencockpit cards are good items and SIOC langage easy to implement.
We are preparing a "how to do" manual with the more used cards but it takes time.
However we have contact with developper for an integrated system with our panels.
So, be patient and you will receive the informations.

Fine by me as im not quite ready to put the radios in yet.

About these MAX7219 and teensy cards, are these cards available to buy off the shelf, can anybody post a link to the card so i can have a good look!

Just waying up options now, thats all!

07-04-2012, 06:21 AM
How are you guys mounting these radio stacks? Are they compatible with the radio boxes such as the ones that engravity and simquads produce?

07-04-2012, 07:41 AM
How are you guys mounting these radio stacks? Are they compatible with the radio boxes such as the ones that engravity and simquads produce?

Well i can answer that for myself, i will be building my own box for the radio stack. I'd be happy to supply measurements of the panels as ive ordered 1x radio set, and the complete panel set for the pedestal.

Once you've got the measurements you could do some investigations as to whether they would fit?

07-04-2012, 02:10 PM
About these MAX7219 and teensy cards, are these cards available to buy off the shelf, can anybody post a link to the card so i can have a good look!

Just waying up options now, thats all!

Have a look at http://www.pjrc.com Tons of interesting stuff :)

07-05-2012, 09:27 AM
Looks interesting- but seven segments still confuse the **** out of me!! does anybody know what boards i would need from opencockpits to run the three radio's, from what i read i only need 1 x displays card.......

Displays card.

It controls up to 16 7-segments displays.
Eight cable connected to the whole group of displays.
Up to four displays cards can be connected to one master card.
Completely finished and tested.
and one master card...........

Master card.

It controls 72 digital inputs and 45 (38+7) digital outputs.
It has a bus to connect up to four displays cards.
It's connected to the USB Expansion with extension parallel cable (Pin1 to Pin1).

can somebody confirm if this is correct?

Many thanks

07-05-2012, 10:43 AM
Basically correct subject to:-

You will also need a USB Expansion Card. A mastercard does not work on its own

16no 7 segment displays can be driven from one display card, however, if you want to be able to dim the 7seg displays then you will drop to 15 displays, as the dimming function uses a display control pin


07-05-2012, 08:02 PM
If i am correct you need 32 7segment outputs for the three radios. If 1 display card can handle 16, you will need 2 display cards and the mastercard. But, i don't know this, if the mastercard has outputs for the 7 segments digits, you might only need 1 displays card.

07-06-2012, 04:58 AM
If you have 32x7 segs then you will need at least 2 display cards (3 with dimming), one mastercard and one USBExpansion. You cannot realistically use the other mastercard outputs to drive a 7seg display - you may have to add resistors to each output, programme each segment in SIOC and only 4/5 digits would use up all of your outputs on 1 mastercard

07-06-2012, 09:54 AM
Hello Sammy-E

Take a look at Jack's Review here: http://mutleyshangar.com/reviews/jack/odc/odc.htm
and this one as well: http://personales.ya.com/micabina737/iocards/hard/test2i.htm

Still confused ;-) then just ask. Many builders in here have been there – done that etc.
If you go the OpenCockpits way, follow what David tells you.
USBexpansion - MasterCard - 3 x DisplayII card and you never look back - I hope :-)
Combined with SIOC this is a great setup, at least if you plan to go further
and expand.

BTW - use Nico's (http://www.lekseecon.nl)site for SIOC coding examples ++++

Happy building.

07-06-2012, 11:18 AM
Hello Sammy-E

Take a look at Jack's Review here: http://mutleyshangar.com/reviews/jack/odc/odc.htm
and this one as well: http://personales.ya.com/micabina737/iocards/hard/test2i.htm

Still confused ;-) then just ask. Many builders in here have been there – done that etc.
If you go the OpenCockpits way, follow what David tells you.
USBexpansion - MasterCard - 3 x DisplayII card and you never look back - I hope :-)
Combined with SIOC this is a great setup, at least if you plan to go further
and expand.

BTW - use Nico's (http://www.lekseecon.nl)site for SIOC coding examples ++++

Happy building.

Very useful thankyou.

Im sure the penny will drop sooner or later!

07-06-2012, 11:21 PM
If i am correct you need 32 7segment outputs for the three radios. If 1 display card can handle 16, you will need 2 display cards and the mastercard. But, i don't know this, if the mastercard has outputs for the 7 segments digits, you might only need 1 displays card.

With all the costs involved with buying display and master cards, would it be more affordable to just buy a plug and play solution?

07-07-2012, 12:20 AM
Does anyone know if the prosimparts modules are DZUS compliant?

07-07-2012, 12:30 AM
3 display cards (dimming function): 27 euro x 3 = 81 euro
Mastercard: 55 Eur
USB Expansion card: 38

174 euro excluding the cost of the radio itself.

07-07-2012, 12:47 AM
With all the costs involved with buying display and master cards, would it be more affordable to just buy a plug and play solution?

I had the same thought myself today actually. Here's what I found.

Prosim Radio Panel: 150
Master Card: 55
Display Cards: 33x3 = 99
USB Expansion Card: 38
Parallel Cable (MC to USB Card): 7
Display Cable (MC to Display Card): 9


Com PnP Module: 139
Nav PnP Module: 133
ATC PnP Module: 153


So 86 EUR more to have everything just be Plug-n-Play.

07-07-2012, 01:11 AM
Which plug and play boards radios are you looking at? Sismo is a little below that but then you have to buy their motherboard. If you purchase the cp flight ones at least you can daisy chain them to the mcp.

07-07-2012, 01:19 AM
Which plug and play boards radios are you looking at? Sismo is a little below that but then you have to buy their motherboard. If you purchase the cp flight ones at least you can daisy chain them to the mcp.

Opencockpit's PnP modules as they require no additional hardware, just plugs into a USB port.

But for comparison

- NAV panel: 127.70
- Com panel: 136.68
- ATC panel: 177.62
- 1 Ethernet Motherboard: 195.58
- and probably 3 cables for connecting all the boards - ??
TOTAL: 637.69 EUR

CP Flight (Pretty sure you need at least their MCP right to operate any of their panels right?)
- Nav Panel: 199
- Com Panel: 199
- ATC Panel: 215
- B737 Mode control panel (EL series): 499


07-07-2012, 03:18 AM
Might just go for the opencockpit PnP then -- but a few questions if anyone has bought and used them before --

1. How is the quality? Will they last?
2. Good to hear they are backlighted -- what color?
3. What software does it integrate with -- ProSim737? PMDG 737 with SIOC scripts?

07-07-2012, 03:24 AM
Might just go for the opencockpit PnP then -- but a few questions if anyone has bought and used them before --

1. How is the quality? Will they last?
2. Good to hear they are backlighted -- what color?
3. What software does it integrate with -- ProSim737? PMDG 737 with SIOC scripts?

07-07-2012, 03:54 AM
I had the same thought myself today actually. Here's what I found.

Prosim Radio Panel: 150
Master Card: 55
Display Cards: 33x3 = 99
USB Expansion Card: 38
Parallel Cable (MC to USB Card): 7
Display Cable (MC to Display Card): 9


Com PnP Module: 139
Nav PnP Module: 133
ATC PnP Module: 153


So 86 EUR more to have everything just be Plug-n-Play.

No, don't forget untill you get to the checkout procedure on O/C you have to add on tax and delivery options. so............

Total price for O/C Com, Nav, and ADF module plug N play = 527.57 EUR (cheapest delivery option)

07-07-2012, 03:55 AM
Does anyone know if the prosimparts modules are DZUS compliant?

Yes i believe they are

07-07-2012, 04:14 AM
Might just go for the opencockpit PnP then -- but a few questions if anyone has bought and used them before --

1. How is the quality? Will they last?
2. Good to hear they are backlighted -- what color?
3. What software does it integrate with -- ProSim737? PMDG 737 with SIOC scripts?

I have 4 pnp OC modules and am reasonably content with them :

1. Quality : below par, over two years I had to send 2 of them back, I had to replace the usb pcb connectors on three of them because they are just too flimsy. On one of them the front panel broke.
2. The backlighting color is bright white
3. Yes. They will work right out of the box but to be able to use the switches on for example the ATC module you will still have to use a sioc script. Be also aware that the backlighting is always on, it's not programmable.

07-07-2012, 05:22 AM
I have 4 pnp OC modules and am reasonably content with them :

3. Yes. They will work right out of the box but to be able to use the switches on for example the ATC module you will still have to use a sioc script. Be also aware that the backlighting is always on, it's not programmable.

That is unfortunate that the backlighting cannot be dimmed. I guess then it might be better to go with a panel that is fully functional --

Back to prosimparts -- has anyone tried the backlighting option and can they comment on them?

How about the CP Flight modules? I have found a r/v here -- http://www.flaps2approach.com/journal/2012/6/30/cp-flight-adf-radio-modules-review.html
They are pretty expensive!

07-07-2012, 06:26 AM
Another alternative would be to go with Poldragonet -- they sell the whole pannel set with knobs, switches, but no electronics. 399 Euro.


07-07-2012, 08:27 AM
No, don't forget untill you get to the checkout procedure on O/C you have to add on tax and delivery options. so............

Total price for O/C Com, Nav, and ADF module plug N play = 527.57 EUR (cheapest delivery option)

Well, yeah. But you would also need to pay O/C shipping on the modules you need to run the ProSim Radio panel if you go that route:

So the Prosim + O/C module would cost you 546.95EUR. Pus I'm sure ProSim would also charge shipping on the panel.

I was simply going on the base price of the product cause shipping will vary depending on where people live.

07-07-2012, 08:37 AM
I'm becoming intrigued with the Sismo Ethernet based boards. To run the ProSim panel it looks like you'd need just a single Motherboard as it can control 32 7-segment displays. I'm understanding that right?

07-07-2012, 09:28 AM
I'm becoming intrigued with the Sismo Ethernet based boards. To run the ProSim panel it looks like you'd need just a single Motherboard as it can control 32 7-segment displays. I'm understanding that right?

I'm sold on Sismo. I have MCP/2 EFIS and the MIP Panel. Requires two Ethernet connections. Works fantastically well with Prosim and they have excellent support. The response with the MCP rotaries is extremely fast.

A DIY project for segment displays requires one motherboard and one display board for each 32 displays.

Oh yeah, there are no USB connections to worry about.

07-07-2012, 02:48 PM
Back to prosimparts -- has anyone tried the backlighting option and can they comment on ?

I have connected the leds on 12V through a 10k potentio. That is the most simple route I could think of. The 7 digits are also connected on a 5V loop through a potentio. The 12V and 5V are supplied by an old powerunit from a spare computer.

I too am thinking about the sismo board. If you do the math, it looks like the cheapest solution, and I like the Ethernet connection. If your are not into programming I would go for plug and play, but I like the software side of things :)

07-08-2012, 09:06 AM
You can use the CP Flight modules without the MCP, but you'll need the USB dimmer panel I believe.

CP Flight modules are the best ones, but they are expensive! I'm heading down that road, starting with the MCP PRO and two EFIS PRO. Radios will come later.

One important reason why I chose the CP flight radios, is the fact that you can control the dimming with the unit in the set. another reason is the audio control panels. WOW!
I have gotten my MCP PRO, and it is a fantastic product! Expensive, but well worth the money.

Depends on the level of realism you're after, I guess.

07-08-2012, 09:19 AM
One important reason why I chose the CP flight radios, is the fact that you can control the dimming with the unit in the set. another reason is the audio control panels. WOW!

I think I might just cry -- each radio module cost between 200-400 euro. We need several of these units to complete the pedestal. Pedestal units by itself can cost up to 999 USD (FDS). Thats a lot of money just for communication!

I have also heard the Audio Selection Panel in FSX also doesn't work all the time? For example, there are many times I can't get the ident code to silent on the PMDG NGX even though I've clicked on the relevant button.

07-10-2012, 10:31 AM
Prosimparts have just released a transponder set.

07-10-2012, 12:25 PM
Prosimparts have just released a transponder set.

Yeah, Damn it!! just missed out on that!! The transponder on its own though is 70 EUROS + shipping, so i'll have some of that too!

07-11-2012, 10:03 AM
Just ordered me the COM, NAV, and Transponder panels. Decided I'm going to with the Sismo cards as well since with this setup I'll only need 1 Motherboard to run the 27 7-Segment displays and switches. Leaves me plenty of expansion room too.

07-13-2012, 11:14 PM
Anyone want to upload the 'How do you wire the radio stack for dummies' for dummies like me?

New to the whole wiring/soldering business...

07-14-2012, 12:50 PM
Anyone want to upload the 'How do you wire the radio stack for dummies' for dummies like me?

New to the whole wiring/soldering business...

I think if anything we're all on a learning curve with this (well i will be anyway!)

07-31-2012, 08:46 PM
Got my modules in today and they look fantastic.


Even the packing was great. Everything was nicely packed in custom made foam padding so everything sat nicely in the box and couldn't shift in transit overseas.

Here's the cabling you get as well.

Wires for switches on the left, wires for displays in the middle, and a daisy chained LED strand for backlighting.

The back of the panels have circular holes for the LED lights. Great stuff!

I sent payment on July 11, parts shipped from Belgium on July 24 and arrived at my door today, July 31.

Also, I got an email on the 24 that due to a mistake from a supplier some parts were out of stock which delayed my order. He bumped my up to faster shipping to make up for it and all on his own. Outstanding seller.

08-01-2012, 03:40 AM
Ill second what Mr Nolatron says, i had the same experience, excellent packaging, and a timely delivery!

I even had an email on my birthday last week, wishing me all the best and 10% off my next order.

Lovely stuff

08-09-2012, 10:19 AM
Yep, and the MAX7219's can be cascaded.
An alternative could be the AS1106 chip (http://www.newark.com/pdfs/datasheets/Austriamicrosystems/AS1106_07_Data_Sheet_v2-24.pdf). It's cheap ($2,-) and by reading the datasheet it's equal to the MAX7219 in capabilities.
btw... You can order up to 9 samples for free from the manufactor.

I'm testing these chips as an alternative to ordering another displays card for my pokey's.. if that works out, then 4 chips in serial could drive the 32 digits of the NAV set from ProSim..

10-14-2012, 05:26 PM
Well... Some time has passed and lots of experiments later I am about to give up.
i can't get the chips to do what I want. Its not the chips i blame but my brain and patience.. I have taken all prototypes apart and locked the room and swallowed the key (fed it to the dog)

Cockpit building? Great for those with patience, time, programming skills, electronics skills, carpenter skills, suporting family members or, for those with lots of money. I have none of the above. :)

So. I have decided to put all up for sale, buy myself a fast pc with 3 monitors, grab a goflight switch panel and radiopanel and enjoy flying again. I wish you all the best, and maybe, just maybe when my frustrations subside, give it another try. :)

10-29-2012, 07:36 AM

I am in the process in connecting my radio panels from Prosimparts. What I can’t figure out how to make the Dot to work that only the one comes on that I need. I am using the cards from OC. The use a 7 channel multiplexing, and not 8 to control the dot. How would I figure out how to solve my problem? Will appreciate any response, to my problem. In another forum here in Germany is the same question asked.

Cheers Norbert

10-29-2012, 08:08 AM
Since the "DP" pin lights up all the dots, I just used a black permanent marker and black tape and 'blacked out' the dots I don't need.

10-29-2012, 08:14 AM
Sammy-E -- why don't you try opencockpits or cpflight panels? They are plug and play.

10-29-2012, 10:12 AM
Hi Shaun

Tried the marker it still shines through. Will have to try taping it up. Is there any other way to do it with the electronic from OC.?

Cheers Norbert

10-29-2012, 11:24 AM
Hello Norbert

All though this is very OC centric, Kennair (http://www.kennair.com.au/avionics.html) show in great details how to wire
the OC version of the panels to OC hardware. Shouldn’t be too different
for other brands of panels.

12-16-2012, 02:19 PM
Does anyone know if the prosimparts modules are DZUS compliant?

Yes they are. See their website


01-08-2013, 01:14 PM
So are this company good? And is this wiring stuff difficoult? i can see the segments lights are very hard to wire?

01-08-2013, 02:20 PM
The ordered RAdios must be here in some days. If you like, I can make some pictures of me wiring them. I have spoken to Imtryin (http://www.mycockpit.org/forums/member.php?u=4836)

He has it working and loves it.


01-08-2013, 03:13 PM
I've got their NAV, COM, ATC radios and their Overhead Panel kit. I'm happy with my purchases and the panels all look great.

Had a few minor items (back panel, some screws, a rotary switch, gauge cover) missing from the overhead kit but Danhiel will be sending those shortly when the overhead indicators are ready.

The 7-segment displays aren't hard to wire up. The main issue with the one's he ships with the panels is the "dot" for every segment is wired together. My fix was a to cover the ones not needed with a small piece of black electrical tape. Problem solved.

Is wiring difficult? Hard to say. Really depends on your experience and skill level. Wasn't too hard for me but I've done this kind of stuff before.

I've pictures of all my hardware in my gallery here: Blue Skies - A 737 Cockpit Project (http://blueskies737.com/gallery/main.php)

01-08-2013, 04:58 PM
The ordered RAdios must be here in some days. If you like, I can make some pictures of me wiring them. I have spoken to Imtryin (http://www.mycockpit.org/forums/member.php?u=4836)

He has it working and loves it.

Yes sure :) it will be very nice if you can make som pictures when you wiring :) Thanks! It will help not just only me but many others :)

01-08-2013, 05:14 PM
Hi Super2277,

As I said, I must receive them any moment and I am looking forward to it. I will make pictures from the package and the opening with the received parts. I have ordered the 737 /Radio set + Squawk. As I use it in IVAO, these parts are highly needed. It´s not longer nice to use the Saitek radiopanel anylonger for this.

To get them well functioned, I have also - already at home - bought

- 3 displaycards - Open Cockpits
- 1 Mastercard - Open Cockpits
- 1 USB expansion card - Open Cockpits
- 1 bodnar BBI32 card

Keep you informed.

Best regards,

01-09-2013, 03:38 AM
I like the quality of Danhiels products. I ordered the pedestal back in September and is very content with the quality (compared to the price).
The pedestal is from the basic series so I had to build the pedestal my self. This has taken me some months but of course is the fun part. Got a bit of track here; I just wanted to say the ProSimParts is of a nice quality.

01-09-2013, 09:42 AM
I like the quality of Danhiels products. I ordered the pedestal back in September and is very content with the quality (compared to the price).
The pedestal is from the basic series so I had to build the pedestal my self. This has taken me some months but of course is the fun part. Got a bit of track here; I just wanted to say the ProSimParts is of a nice quality.

Soo the basic line is also good? what electronics do i need? a list of potometers and knobs? :)

01-09-2013, 10:10 AM
I like to looks of the Basic Line. I am sure you can get better looking products at other vendors, but not at that price!

In the Basic Line you only get the panels, so all electronics have to be bought else where, and you must assemble everything you self. That can be quite a task as there are 15 panel parts in the pedestal. So the final result and finish depends on your own skills. ;)

A quick calculation:
€40 - 4 panel-parts (4 of the 15 on the pedestal from ProSimParts)
€40 - 7 segment displays
€50 - Dual Encoders (You can use single encoders then it is only around €20)
€30 - Knobs Boeing style
€10 - Various electronics

So as you can see the Basic Line also sums up to around the same as the Radio Stack.

Add to this the time it will take you to assemble the radio-panels the the lack of finish when you make them DIY-style. I bought most electronics from Mouser.
So there is nothing wrong with the Basic-Line. But if you only want the radios those few extra Kroners/Euros are well spend!

(Not that I regret that I bought the whole pedestal instead of only the radios. I like having the whole rack sitting next to me. But it took me 3 months to make the panels)-

01-10-2013, 02:15 PM

Strange. I do not need knobs and encoders. They are all integrated in the modules. Do not understand what Peter means by this. Here are my photo's from the received package this afternoon. Looks gooood and even if they are basic, I am happy with this first impression.


01-10-2013, 02:26 PM
The 4 individual Radio modules he offers includes everything in an "almost-plug-n-play" setup. Panels, encoders, switches, etc...

He also offers a complete pedestal panel kit but that is just the panels and what peter bought. I can't access the site to see if offers a pedestal + switches kit though.

It's the same for the overhead. 1 Overhead kit is nothing but panels while a 2nd overhead kit includes panels plus all knobs, switches, etc... I bought the overhead kit that includes everything.

01-10-2013, 02:37 PM
The others pictures are dead!

01-10-2013, 03:40 PM
The others pictures are dead!

Sorry, Think a reanimation helped.

Good luck

01-10-2013, 04:04 PM
These radios are to be connected and bring alive with these cards:


The green modules are the OC modules and the little one down under is the BODNAR PRICES:

- 3 displaycards - Open Cockpits = € 96.57 (total)
- 1 Mastercard - Open Cockpits = € 64.95
- 1 USB expansion card - Open Cockpits = € 43.95
- 1 bodnar BBI32 card = € 42.63

I use the PROSIM 737 software and this recognize all at once. Just wire and tuning.


01-10-2013, 05:01 PM

Some encoders cannot be read properly with OC Mastercards. Have Prosimparts confirmed that their encoders will interface ok?


01-10-2013, 05:17 PM
The Dual Rotaries ProSim provides will not interface directly with O/C Mastercards. They'll work but I think the issue was they sent two pulses per detent.

I needed to get two O/C Rotary Encoders cards and reprogram the Encoder cards chip with this code (http://overkillsystems.com/id12.html) to get the Dual Rotaries to work.

01-10-2013, 05:29 PM

You are right. Thats Why I use the bodnar. The modules you seeing are the display modules of OC. The Bodnar is responsible for the buttons and encoders.


01-10-2013, 05:32 PM

Great, pleased to see that you are ahead of the game :D Nolatron, thanks for the info


01-10-2013, 05:36 PM
How are the Bodnar cards with the rotaries? I tried using a Pokey56 I had and still couldn't get them to function correctly. They kept jumping pulses I think with each detent with these particular dual-encoders.

01-10-2013, 05:44 PM
Hi Shaun,

It can be done with Pokeys of Wendy too. I use Pokeys for the FLT ALTITUDE and the LAND ALT rotaries. Easy to setup with the Pkeys software. For this it is not needed to use other hardware.

Good luck,

01-10-2013, 06:27 PM
He also offers a complete pedestal panel kit but that is just the panels and what peter bought.
Exatcly! :-) That is the difference between the Basic Series and Standard Series.

I bought the overhead kit that includes everything.
What did you do with the annunciators? They do not seem to be included.
Home made?

Cheers Peter

01-10-2013, 06:52 PM
What did you do with the annunciators? They do not seem to be included.
Home made?

Cheers Peter

Danhiel told me he'd ship everyone who the OVHD kit a set of annuniciators once he completed them. Sounds like he's hoping to have them by the end of the month. So I'm waiting on those on a few small pieces missing from the kit.

02-26-2014, 05:14 PM
Hi Shaun,

It can be done with Pokeys of Wendy too. I use Pokeys for the FLT ALTITUDE and the LAND ALT rotaries. Easy to setup with the Pkeys software. For this it is not needed to use other hardware.

Good luck,

Hi Ed,

How did you get these working? I also use the ProsimParts Encoders with the Pokeys cards but the digits go crazy :(
Does it matter to what port of the card i connect the encoders?

Thanks in advance.

Groet Corné

02-26-2014, 05:55 PM
Ha Corne

i have to look at it tomorrow. I am not in the area of the cockpit right now.



02-26-2014, 06:17 PM

Do you use Prosim737? I do so. In Prosim I go to encoders and assign them to the corresponding Pokeys ports.


02-27-2014, 05:45 PM
Hi Corne.

Are you still interested, because you did not respond on my question what software you use?

However, I can tell you some more. I use Prosim737. And in the enclosed pictures you can see how these encoders are connected to the ports of Pokeys. They are connected in pairs.

If you have any questions left, please do not hesitate to ask me.

Best regards,

02-28-2014, 05:18 AM
Hi Ed,

Thanks for your reply. I also use Prosim. Im going to try it again. Do you have these enconders?

02-28-2014, 10:22 AM
Ha Corne

I have attached a blurry picture of the inside of my pedestal. However the encoder I use can be seen. The encoder you use seems to be different. Is this also from prosimparts?

Good luck,


02-28-2014, 05:20 PM
Hi Ed,

It works now!! I have changed the Encoders ports and configured them as a pair and its flawless now! Thanks for the help.
Do you also have the 7segments connected to the Pokeys? Im thinking of buying the 7segments from Wendy for Land Alt, FLT ALT and the ELEC Panel but then i need 3 7segment boards for that and another Pokeys card. A lot of €€€ again ;)

Kind regards,

02-28-2014, 07:43 PM
Hi Corne,
Yes I use them too in my OVH. I will have a look too and will reply!


03-01-2014, 06:29 AM
Ok Corne,

Below you can see what I use for these two segmentboards. But first my setup in Prosim737 to get these segments lighted up:


You can see that I use a second Pokeys board for these segments. This card is mounted in my OVH. The first card is mounted in my pedestal.

Display and encoders:

Pokeys 56U card:

As you said; you have to use two Pokeys segmentboards:

About the Elec panel; I use the Matrix Orbitol display. In Prosim737 its already configured. Just plug in with the use of a serial adapter, assign it to a comport and it will work right away. I do not know if this is more or less expensive as using other possibilities. This is what I use:


Display cover


Total 126.77



It will need a Serial - USB convertor to connect it right into a usbport:


Well. Hope you have ebough information on this too.

Nice weekend and good luck

03-01-2014, 05:28 PM
thanks for the pictures I have just purchased and fitted the electric ovhd panel from wendy and got it working but can't get flt/land alt segment to work do you simply use encoder config page In prosim like your picture? or do I do anything else encoder is connected to grd and 2 ports on pokeys card. thanks.Norman

03-01-2014, 06:19 PM
Hi Norman,
I have the Encoders working as Ed describes here above.
This is how i did it. Make sure your Encoders are connected to 2 following port numbers, for example port 11 and 12. Then go to your Pokeys card and set the Encoders port 11 and 12 to ''Inactive''. Then go to Prosim Encoders Tab and select the correct port numbers for ''FLT Alt in encoder'' and ''Land Alt in Encoder'' as shown in Ed's picture.
For me it worked perfect!


03-01-2014, 06:26 PM
Hi Corne and Norman,
Norman is right and it seems you find out yourself Corne. I have forgotten to mention the numerical setup in Prosim737 for the displays. From the segment boards, you have a connector with 4 wires Brown/Red/Orange/Yellow (See ROY on image, pins 9/10/11 and 23/24/25.) These wires are to be connected too to the Pokeys card as can be seen below.




03-01-2014, 06:51 PM
Hi you all

I see that these posts about prosim parts are more or less old. I like to show you the end result of my pedestal with these parts and The CPflight parts. Pictures are not that good. Sorry




03-02-2014, 07:21 AM
Hi eveyobe

I also have the radio panels fron prosim parts, and using the opencockpits electronics. How did someone solve the problem that only one decimal point glows. You have to be able to multiplex the dot LEDs so only one will glow. For that you need an electronic circuit. That is my problem, I don't know how.

Hope that someone could help me, thank you very much.

Cheers Norbert

03-02-2014, 07:35 AM
Hi Norbert,

I also use the OC for connection to Prosim737. However I do not get your point exactly. All I can tell about this, that it aint possible to get that dot on another place as it is. This gave me a problem at the ADF radios for which I need the decimal two places before the last one, like this 000.00.

I have asked Danhiel of that company. He told me that I was right about the decimal of the ADF and sent me 4 new displays on which the decimal was 000.00 instead of 0000.0.

Is this what you mean?

Good luck

03-02-2014, 08:19 AM
Hi ed

Thank you very much for your quick response. I was one of the first one who bought the radios from him. My displays have all the decimal points working so when I connect power to one all come one. Guess Danhiel has blown the decimal points which are not needed. This was also my plan. The is a person that got it working that only one decimal point comes on. Will ask Dabbuel to sell me few so I can try blown the decimals that are not needed.

cheers Norbert

03-02-2014, 08:34 AM
Ok Norbert

I understand you. This sucks, I can imagine. This means that these segments are not ok. As you say, only one of them has to work on THE CORRECT place. A slight problem of these displays: that the dots can not be reached in changing a wire. This is pre-made by the developer. There is just ONE pin that connects to ONE dot. All other dots can not be reached seperately. So you have to replace them all. I am sure that Danhiel will sent you new ones, without a problem.


03-02-2014, 04:38 PM
HI corne,
thanks for reply I have done this today but they don't work still! I'm not sure if it may be the encoders themselves? its a poldragonet ovhd not sure which make of encoder is supplied going to order a cts 288 encoder as I know prosim recognises them.

03-02-2014, 04:45 PM
Hi Norman,

didnt you read my post? I also use Poldragonet. Their encoders are working fine for me. So perhaps you could try my advise. The only thing I can think of is you might have wired it wrong.


03-02-2014, 05:05 PM
Hi Ed,
yes I read your post but realise now my mistake! I have not configured ports 9,10.11, 23,24,25 in the numerical cnfig file! silly me? thanks Ed.

03-02-2014, 05:16 PM
This makes sense now. As I use the same encoders, it should work for you too ;-)

Good luck,

03-03-2014, 03:33 PM
Thanks Ed it now works I hadn't done numerical config that was why! can I ask whats the difference with 1x 2x 4x on the encoder page and is 1x ok as you showed in your picture?
thnks again.

03-03-2014, 05:09 PM

Good to hear you succeeded!

These numbers are used to fit in a correct rotation of your encoder knob. Just try it for your own needs. You shall see that the difference between them results in a fast and slower change of the display notation. I have set it up that it will change notation after 2 clicks of the knob (read encoder).

Does this make sense for you? Don't hesitate to ask.

Best regards!

03-04-2014, 08:04 PM
Thanks that makes sense.