View Full Version : IFly 737 Overhead witch Pokeys 56E FSSymphony and IOCP-variables

06-23-2012, 11:37 AM

As I am trying some steps in cockpit building I already have some questions. I have bought the Pokeys 56E card for an 737 overhead panel. I have the Ifly737 and the IOCP module with the variables list.

It is possible to program some variables in SIOC (IOCP linked) and then through FSSymphony(where you 'connect' the variable to the switch) to the flightsim (2004).

My problem is that I can't seem to figure out how to correctly program the Ifly737 variables to function.
For example the crossfeed(command variable) has 2 states, on or off, but the ifly has 3 values. Do I have to work with IF and ELSE?

Is there anybody that can help me on the way with some explanation or an SIOC example?

06-23-2012, 12:16 PM
if you send me a specific example with your questions I will provide you with an example.




06-23-2012, 12:41 PM
If you can help me just to get started that would be great!
The situation:

I have the IOCP server for IFly737 running, I have SIOC running, I have FSSymphony running and FlightSim 2004.

I want to control the crossfeed on the overhead panel. So I think i have to define a variable (or mayba a function?) in my SIOC file (ifly737.ssi i have called it). Put the same variable number in FSSymphony with the switch i have connected. (and all the programs running).

The manual from the IOCP server tells me i first have to define var 9000 to get commands to be sent.

"For send commands you should define the var 1000 :

Var 9000, name commands, Link IOCP, Offset 1000 // Send commands"

So this is also my first line in my ifly.ssi file.

After that i'm stuck because these are the offsets listed in the manual:


I have tried several times to change my programming (and reloading SIOC and restarting FSSymphony) but I can't get it to work.
For example: i've tried "Var 1500(just a number), name CROSSFEED_OFF, Link IOCP, Offset 1118"


06-24-2012, 05:10 AM
Well, I'm not so familiar with iFly, but according to the iFlyToFsuipc client v2.02 Manual 0x9400 is the Multi input offset. With this offset you can give commands to Ifly. Any special reason why you use 0x9000 instead?



06-24-2012, 03:27 PM
I am using the IOCP-linked client for ifly because the IflyToFsuipc requires the feature pack, which i don't have. :-) (but now will download)

Neitherway, I'm still interested. The manual from the IOCP client stated you first have to define the var 9000 for the input purposes. So I did. After that I tried to create variables from the offset list from that IOCP client but I think I'm not fully understanding how to properly do that. After I had created the functions in SIOC I entered the number of the variable in FSSymphony with a corresponding switch that is on my Pokeys56E card. So I guess if I can get a bit of help in that programming in SIOC for other cards than opencockpit cards, I will be on my way.
I'm also wondering how SIOC knows ,via fssymphony ??,when the value changes when i flip a switch and the function must be executed?!


06-25-2012, 07:43 AM
ok, let's start with some comminucation test:

- Make sure that FSSymphony is connected to the POKeys56E device, SIOC, and FSUIPC. Which means that all 3 status indicators have to be green.

- Prepare a SIOC script with:

Var 9000, name commands, Link IOCP, Offset 1000 // Send commands"

If you have the feature pack the following script should do the job:

Var 9000, name commands, Link FSUIPC_INOUT, Offset $9400, Length 2 // Send commands

- Start the SIOC IOCP client and either the IOCP ifly client or iFlytoFSUIPC client and ifly server

- Open the SIOC console and select Var 9000. Form the SIOC console you can apply any value you want to Var 9000 and with the 'Send Button' the value will be forwarded either to the IOCP ifly client or iFlytoFSUIPC client respectively.

- As value use e.g. 1119 for KEY_COMMAND_FUEL_CROSSFEED_ON. Monitor the iFly overhead. The crossfeed switch should change with receiving the command. If not start trouble-shooting.

Continue with the next step only if all steps mentioned before have been successfull.

- Extend your SIOC script:

var 1009, name Cross Feed Sw
IF v1009 = 1
&commands = 1119
&commands = 1118

- Assign the PoKeys56E input in FSSymphony to the SIOC variable 1009 and select 'To SIOC Variable' from the FSSymphony FSControl drop down box. Press the button 'Assign and Save".

That's all. It should work now. At least in theory. I have to admit that I do not have deep knowledge regarding iFly neither the iFly IOCP client. Which means that my assumptions regarding the communication with iFly might be wrong in one or the other point.

Good luck :-)


http://www.flying the winglets.de

07-05-2012, 03:40 PM
Thanks for the reply! I've tried the way through IOCP. When I open the console with the LOG on every variable is readable. But when I want to send a variable (cfr. Var 9000 value 1119) the value changes in the console but nothing happens in the flight sim. I think I am sure that every connection and setting is as it should be....

I think I will try with the fsuipc. Maybe then it's going to work.

Thaught it would be easier. :-)



07-06-2012, 03:40 AM
For the communication problems between SIOC and ifly you might find advices in the iFly forum.

If you get it running please let me know how you managed it. Perhaps I will include the iFly offsets/ / values into FSSymphony. Would be a 'out of the box' solution. But I will need beta testers for that.



07-06-2012, 03:49 AM
Please use iFlytoFSUIPC. FSUIPC variables are much more reliable and there is a script on the iFly Hardware forum for an overhead. Everything is already scripted fore you, all you would need to do is change your device number and input/output numbers in the script.

07-06-2012, 04:14 AM
I will figure it out! And I will help in every way I can with the Ifly 737. I'll keep you updated on the progress. Thanks for your help so far, i really appreciate it and you have a very good program developped for the pokeys card!
