View Full Version : Video Card Fan

06-25-2012, 05:36 PM
Hello everyone,

My video card fan , an Asus T&T 8016H12S ND2 12vdc cooling fan died and the card overheated and stopped working. (It will still work for a minute or so but stops when it gets hot.) The card is an Asus GT9800 with 512 mb of ram. Was a good card and would make a great card for a 2nd pc if it will still work with a new fan.

My issue is that I sourced the fan out of China, and it's an 8 dollar fan but shipping is another 24 or more dollars added to the 8, and that's a bit to steep to find out if the card still works or not.

I'm wondering if anyone knows a good source for video card fans in North America, perhaps even Europe, which would make shipping somewhat cheaper.



06-25-2012, 09:24 PM
ebay, or newegg.com. Let me look through my stuff, I might have an xfx 9800gt fan lying around that I can give you (If you pay for shipping).

06-25-2012, 11:47 PM
I would definitely cover shipping if you have one kicking about. Let me know and I'll message you my address. I looked on ebay but no luck so far except for the fans out of China.
