View Full Version : Another complete newbie!

06-26-2012, 10:38 AM
I've got the vision of building a GA simulator like many ones I see here!
It's a bit overwhelming the amount of information and options available and many look to be rather expensive!
There are so many choices and decisions its hard to really get an idea of where to start.... Most people say do more research.. So..... I'm hoping I can get some help here on this forum! Seems like a great place to begin research.

What I have so far is FSX and lots of add ons....
I'm mainly interested in General Aviation (Cessna 172- Maybe Twin)....
I like the idea of flexibility in the type of aircraft I could fly...
I have a projector and a decent computer with dual video outputs. A wireless network...
I have not purchased any input devices.... I'm using an old Saitek X45 joystick right now...

I believe I like the idea of digital gauges projected behind a MDF cockpit cutout? I'd like to have real knobs on the gauges? Is that possible?
I wonder how you get a good looking final panel....(the hood etc...)??? Does anyone have a good set of plans available to explain the building process?
I have basic woodworking skills and some power tools (jig saw, table saw radial saw etc..)
I have extensive CAD knowledge and access to print large prints etc...

Well... As you can see I have tons of questions!?! I appreciate any help I can get!

06-26-2012, 03:02 PM
Everything is possible. Lots of stuff have been done before. MDF panel with monitor behind? Sure. But you'll need to mount the monitor a bit back in order to fit switches and rotaries.

Basic woodworking skills? Extensive CAD? Dude, you're halfway there! :D

Research. Yep, sorry my friend - that's what you have to do. Spend hundreds of hours on forums, google and so on. Gathering info.

I'll give you some cold ice in your blood - or perhaps I just add fuel to the flames here:

Good luck! It IS doable. Your dream can come true.

PS: search for information on unlikely places too! Movie effect making sites, model train sites, boat building sites... A LOT of useful information is available a few clicks away. I'm currently looking into casting parts in resin from a master mold. Who would've thought that a few years ago???

The very best advice I'll give you is this:

The impossible just takes longer!