View Full Version : Project Boeing 737NG

07-10-2012, 03:04 PM
Hi guys,

Since I'm officaly starting my project I thought I would indroduce myself so here goes:

My name is Chris Verner and i'm from the Quebec Province in Canada. I live right next door to CYND in Gatineau. My ultimate goal in life was to be a line pilot but do to unforseen various situations, I was unable to acheive that goal.

The dream never went away so I decided to build my own Boeing 737-800NG in my basement. My project is still at a very early stage. I'm currently building my sim room in my basement and running my sim in another room (very cramped). I will be building a full size cockpit with a 225 degree visual system. I spent over a year researching the project before making a descision on actualy doing it. The project is based on Ivar Hestnes accomplishments. After my room is finished, I will be building the structure of the 225 degree screen then start the sim structure itself starting from the inside. MIP first then pedestal then the shell and finish it off with the overhead. It should be fun! :-)

I plan on building most of the stuff myself including the throttle quadrant and the overhead. Only the panels will be ordered allready made.

I started a thread in the project updates section and will be posting updates and pictures as the project moves along. I hope you will enjoy and who knows! Maybe someone will benefit from my experience.

So thats it! :) I'm realy happy this forum exists because I found most of the information I needed to get started here. Thank you to all you expert guys for being there.

Geremy Britton
07-10-2012, 03:44 PM
Pleasure to have you on board Chris, i have read some very moving stories as to why people have decided to build a flight simulator.

Welcome to the forum and it's great to have a Boeing 737Ng builder with us, not that we're running short of them :) :)

07-10-2012, 04:08 PM
Thanks Geremy,

To make along story short;

At 16 I wanted to be a fighter pilot but was refused due to my poor vision. I then decided to get lazer eye surgery and go back to try again. Turns out the procedure was not yet accepted as valid and safe for pilots so I was refused again. Being completely tickked off I decided I would fly anyway a did my private liscence but ran out of money and time to complete my commercial liscence. I was young and whilling but had very limited funds. I started simming in 1996 and never stopped. I'm now 37 years old. I have the money (sort of) but i'm now too old to start a career in aviation. Sucks to be me doesnt it ;-)

I hate this Murphy guy! LOL

Neil Hewitt
07-11-2012, 11:42 AM
That does suck, Chris. I think there are a few frustrated would-be pilots on the board. I had intended to join the RAF at 18 and go through the pilot training route but between 16 and 17 myopia set in, and then just to cap it all something damaged my inner ears and wrecked my balance beyond the point where I could pass a medical. I can still fly as a passenger, might even pass the basic medical for a PPL, but put me in a spin or a loop or even a barrel roll and I'd completely lose it (as in freak out and be unable to recover, not just throw up).

So I ended up programming computers instead, and that inevitably led to simming... and here I am at 41 :-)

Your project sounds like a lot of fun. I think the 225-degree surround visual route is the way forward for fixed-base sims, if you have the room. I like that you're planning on fabricating most of the stuff yourself. I'm doing a similar project (albeit it generic, not a fixed type) and making all the bits, and more importantly teaching myself how to make all the bits is the best part so far!

Sean Nixon
07-11-2012, 02:19 PM
So I ended up programming computers instead

And aren't we glad you did!

You see Chris, Neil is our resident PC Guru! ;)

07-12-2012, 12:25 PM
LOL good to know!