View Full Version : how do you wire a slide pot into a bodnar card?

07-20-2012, 04:34 PM
Hi guys can i ask how do you wire a slide pot into a bodnor bu0836 card, on the pot it has the number 2, written each end of the pot and then a number 1 and the number 3 at opposite ends, please in simple terms explain it? many thanks, norman.

07-21-2012, 05:48 AM
Hi Stinger,
Their are two ways to approach this;
1. If you have the part number for the slider pot get the data sheet and it will tell you which pin is the wiper and the ends.
2. Failing this is to put your multimeter on ohms and check the two pins marked 2 and i think these will be connected
together and will show less than 1 ohm. If this is so then put the one probe on this pin 2 and the other on each of 1 and 3
and the one that reads say 10k(or what ever your pot says on the side.) will be one end of the pot. Leave the probes on these
two pins and move the lever. The resistance value should not change,if this so then these connections are the two ends of the
pot and you can connect one to Gnd and the other to 5volts on the Bodnar board.
If this resistance changes while moving the lever then you now have the meter connected between the slider and one end.
You will then have to move one of the probes to the other connection till you find which pair gives you 10k(or what value you have) and does not change when moving the lever.
Its important to understand that the 5volt connection is not connected to the slider of the pot or you will have smoke
comming out of the pot when it is moved to the Gnd end connection.
Hope this helps, post back if you sre not sure.

07-21-2012, 12:15 PM
Thanks for your input les i will give it ago